On the aisle of the 13th floor of the Tianxiahui Building, the three cadres of the Tianxiahui leaped and wailed, and the only healthy Fengxingtong was sweating on his forehead and his calves trembling.

Feng Xingtong stared at Bao Bao Feng, who was wearing a white shirt, a black skirt and an OL costume, with a hairy heart.

This charming girl is too fierce!

Although the three cadres of his World Association are not as strong as dragons and tigers in the outside world, they are also masters.

As a result, they are as easy to fall down as a three-year-old child by an adult, with no resistance.

"This arm and foot are dislocated. Carry it carefully."

"This guy has a very fateful life. He almost dislocated his head. Be careful anyway."

"Well, let's buy him a pair of crutches." Xiao Tian pointed to the three foreign cadres who fell on the ground, and reminded Feng Xingtong and the creepy security guards holding electric shock sticks in the distance.

"Yes, yes." Feng Xingtong was shocked, the cadres couldn't stop it, and it seemed that his father could only play in person.

But the point is that there is another woman wearing a white shirt with a black women's suit and a black hip skirt.

"Baby, you go, I'll take care of the next trouble."

Baby Feng nodded, not being polite with Xiao Tian, ​​but speeding up and passing Fengxingtong.

The next moment, the door in front of Bao Bao Feng was opened, and a young man dressed in Tang costume appeared with an indifferent and cold expression.

"It's already pretty good for you to come here. Next, I will take care of you personally by Jia Zhengyu!"

"The demon hit the sang." Bao Baofeng blinked and clenched her small fists, just to smash at Jia Zhengyu's face.

At this time, a flash of afterimages flickered.

"So fast!" Feng Xingtong's hair was horrified, and his heart was shocked.

"Huh?" Jia Zhengyu wanted to stop Baby Feng, but suddenly he felt that he was being stared at by the wild beast, and the blood in his body began to chill, and he couldn't help but retreat violently.

When Jia Zhengyu retreated, Bao Bao Feng passed by like lightning.

It's just that Bao Baobao stopped very quickly, and a middle-aged man with a successful career and great aura appeared in front of him.

Feng Zhenghao, one of the ten guys!

"Rushing palm!"

At this moment, Jia Zhengyu was surprised inside, feeling that afterimage was approaching quickly, a subconscious attack.


The floor tiles cracked and a wave of air washed away, and Jia Zhengyu hit Xiao Tian's shoulder directly with this palm.

Jia Zhengyu saw the target's face clearly, and found that the target's complexion was not strange at all, and his heart was even more shocked.

"how is this possible?"

Feng Xing Tong couldn't help exclaiming.

"Master Jia's rushing palm has no effect? ​​That flowing water-like Qi can resonate with 60% of the body's water, causing a shock damage. This is completely difficult to defend. How did this woman do it?"

"That's it?" Xiao Tian said in a fluent female pseudonym. After Liu Yanyan put on makeup, her eyes with cosmetic lenses showed contempt.

Jia Zhengyu was furious inwardly.

He was actually looked down upon by a woman!

"Woman, you don't look down on people!"

Jia Zhengyu shouted angrily, and his free right hand swiped in the front of his clothes in an instant, and two hidden weapons shot out.

Xiao Tian used a kaleidoscope to hide other people's visibility, slowing down the speed of the object a hundred times, and moving his body to the left like a teleport, easily avoiding it.

"Fast speed! But it's useless!" Jia Zhengyu snorted coldly.

"Dragon pecking cone! That is a well-known weapon in Jiajia Village in Northwestern China. They have fed this dragon pecking cone with qi since childhood. After time has settled, the weapon becomes a part of the body and can be controlled at will! In ancient times, those who possessed this kind of imperial means The stranger is even more called: the sword fairy!"

Feng Xingtong looked moved when he saw Master Jia reveal his true ability.

"Woman, you can escape the attack and blockade of the four-handed dragon-pecking cone, so how about the eight-handed!"

The speed of each dragon pecking cone is very fast, with the sound of tearing the sound barrier, the unparalleled speed, as if it is still blessing the power of wind and thunder, if it does not cast the golden light curse to stare, even if Xiao Tian's own physical strength, If you touch it, your skin can't hold it at least, you can see blood.

"You don't know anything about power." The female pseudo-voice spit out from Xiao Tian's mouth.

During these times, as the unblocking progress increases, Xiao Tian can use a lot of methods.

For example, Qi Tian supernatural powers!

"magic weapon?"

Jia Zhengyu, Feng Xing Tong was shocked.

Suddenly appeared in Xiao Tian's hand a weapon that changed from the size of an embroidery needle to the thickness of a stick, with a strange dragon pattern lingering, and there was an ancient font on it, called: Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick.

Feng Xingtong almost wanted to ask: "What is your relationship with the Monkey King in the legend and myth? ’

Unfortunately, the occasion is wrong.


The Ruyi Golden Cudgel was extremely hard and waved in Xiao Tian's hand, shaking Jia Zhengyu's dragon-pecking cone like a hot wheel.

Jia Zhengyu was extremely serious, manipulating the eight-handled dragon pecking cone, madly aiming at Xiao Tian's vital attack, bloodshot in his eyes and killing intent.

He just joined the World Association, it is the time to stand up! And now, there happens to be a choice!

Pecking Dragon Cone constantly attacked Xiao Tian, ​​and was constantly hit by the Ruyi golden hoop. Gradually, Jia Zhengyu's face turned green.

Because he found that his dragon pecking cone was blunt! It's cracking!

"Finally found it, hehehe."

"Qi Tian Supernatural Power-Set aside the chaos!"

In an instant, the golden bachelor's shadow charged, coupled with Xiao Tian's high-speed rotation, resulting in a 360-degree damage range of three or four meters without a dead angle, which defeated Jia Zhengyu's last wave of dragon-pecking cone attacks.

"Do not!"

Jia Zhengyu's eyes were about to split, and the dragon-pecking cone was crushed by the shadow of a golden rod in his eyes, turned into powder and was blown by the wind, and his eyes were blood red.

"I fought with you!"


Xiao Tianna took off his crystal high heels and kicked Jia Zhengyu away with his feet in flesh-colored stockings.

"Made, dressing like this really restricts fighting." Xiao Tian muttered.

"Ding! Congratulations to the Heir of Heaven for completing the hidden achievement mission! Defeat Jia Zhengyu in a female costume! Achievement point *1! Unblocking progress is 6.2%!"

Xiao Tian didn't bother to take a look at the upside down and hit the wall. The pale-faced Jia Zhengyu walked through the gate and walked through the door to Feng Zhenghao, who was playing the game of chasing me with Feng Baobao.

"Xiaotian, grief and hate."

"Baby, you go to Zhang Chulan, the president of this world society, I will come for a while." Xiao Tian uttered in a false voice.

"I didn't expect you to be the number one person in the company everywhere. It's amazing."

Feng Zhenghao frowned. Xiao Tian felt strange to him. He obviously dressed and looked like a woman, even beautiful, but his hands and feet looked like a man.

The main thing is that Liu Yanyan's makeup is also very real, and the wig sideways are also extremely sticky and difficult to fall off.

"Zhang Chulan is a guest of my World Club! Since he comes to my World Club, if you don't want to see you, even if you are from the company, Feng Zhenghao will not let you go."

Feng Zhenghao's glasses reflected light, and his fingers pushed the glasses, with a confident and calm smile on his face.

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