"Zhang Chulan, are you sure you want to leave my world meeting?"

Feng Zhenghao, President of the World Club, and Xiao Tian came together, blocking the path of Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.


Zhang Chulan looked at the woman who followed Feng Zhenghao's arrival.

"Sister Bo'er, is this Xiaotian?"

Baby Feng, who was covering his mouth, couldn't help shaking his head, and blinked at Xiao Tian to pass his eyes, telling Xiao Tian to be exposed.

Xiao Tian had already prepared for exposure, but he was not in a hurry.

"President Feng, you will not stop Chu Lan from leaving, do you?"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Feng Zhenghao laughed and said, "I don't want to get too much trouble with your company. It's just that Zhang Chulan, a kid like this, can come and leave if he wants to. How will my world be? Stand on your feet, please don't interfere with the little girl."

"President Feng, you have misunderstood, Zhang Chulan, this kid rashly came to the World Club, and it will cause trouble for your world and our company. There is really no lesson. Just fight it, don't die."

"Damn!" Zhang Chulan was stunned. Does that girl have hatred with him? But even though the girl's hands and feet are put on makeup, how come they still look like men's hands and feet?

Zhang Chulan thought about Xiao Tian in his memory, if it was a woman's dress.



"Sister Bao'er, are you planning to watch me get violently beaten by President Feng?"

"It's like that, isn't it like Bao Zenglai? Isn't it like a ton of love." Feng Baobao said, pushing Zhang Chulan to Feng Zhenghao.

Zhang Chulan's scalp was numb, and she secretly scolded the company guys for being too cruel.

"President Feng, this, I, Zhang Chulan, must leave the World Conference today. I'm really sorry."

Feng Zhenghao's glasses reflect light, and the corners of his mouth are curved.

"Zhang Chulan, you are really playing like a monkey in our world!"

Black Qi surges, Gu Ling dispatches generals!

A terrible pressure swept across Zhang Chulan. Zhang Chulan only felt that a mountain was collapsing in front of him. The pressure was very terrifying, and his breathing was a bit depressed and uncomfortable.

Just when Zhang Chulan was about to explode the Golden Light Curse to deal with, the oppression came quickly and disappeared quickly.

"Hahaha... Good boy, Zhang Chulan, although it is a pity that you did not join the World Club, but it is not bad to know you as a person! Zhang Chulan, the World Club will always welcome you."

Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled and said, "Chairman Feng is really high-minded and broad-minded. It's no wonder that with such a young qualification, Zhang Chulan can do what Zhang Chulan could never imagine in my life..."

"Okay, Zhang Chulan, you kid, go on, the old man is going to float, hahaha!"

At this time, several security guards ran over in a panic.

"President, someone who knows everything has broken through."

Soon, Xu Si, Xu San and two arrived.

"President Feng, I'm causing you trouble."

"Xu Si, your company is really full of talents. I really envy you. It's a state-owned enterprise." Feng Zheng laughed.

"President Feng misunderstood, we are not a state-owned enterprise, but a semi-state-owned enterprise."

Xu Si waved towards Xiao Tian, ​​Bao Bao Feng, and Zhang Chulan.


"Chairman Feng, goodbye." Xiao Tian glanced at Feng Zhenghao.

"Little heaven girl, goodbye."

"Zhang Chulan, what are you still trying to do? You left quickly."

"Here, Sister Xiaotian, why haven't I met you in the company before? Get to know you, my name is Zhang Chulan, Zhang is..."

As Zhang Chulan approached her face, Xiao Tian directly pulled Feng Baobao over to block her.

Feng Baobao understood Xiao Tian's actions and said to Zhang Chulan: "Dirty and rough, Xiao Tian will have something to do with the disease... I want to be angry, and I'm afraid he will increase."

"Malephobia? Sister Xiaotian, I'm good at this. I have read many psychology books in college, so I'm just short of research. I can help you try the treatment." Zhang Chulan smirked.

Obviously, Zhang Chulan understood the identity of the little girl.

Through the elevator, five people went downstairs.

The elevator on the first floor opened, and Jia Zhengyu stood outside.

Jia Zhengyu's face was very ugly, staring at Xiao Tian.

"Get out of the way if nothing is wrong." Xiao Tian said in a fluent female pseudo-voice.

Jia Zhengyu's face was extremely gloomy for a moment, and his eyes were bloodshot.

But he still didn't make a move and gave way.

Jia Zhengyu watched Xiao Tian, ​​Xu San, Xu Si, Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan and the others passing by, trembling.

The dragon pecking cone is not an ordinary weapon. It is a feeling that has been nurtured since childhood and called it his own arm. For many years!

The eight-handed dragon pecking cone was destroyed by Xiao Tian! Jia Zhengyu was not angry, violent, or hated Xiao Tian, ​​that was false, but he asked himself that even if he cultivated for another ten years, he was afraid he would not be able to beat Xiao Tian.

call out!

Pecking dragon cone!

Although Jia Zhengyu could only control the eight-handed dragon pecking cone, the previous eight had been destroyed by Xiao Tian, ​​but he had more than eight.

"Destroyed my eight pieces of hard work! You die for me!"

The target is Zhang Chulan!

Zhang Chulan only felt that his back was chilly, and his heart was stunned. He had nothing to do with Jia Zhengyu. What about that guy with cerebral palsy? Why attack him.

"Dirty and rough, Xiaoxin."

Baby Feng on the side pulled Zhang Chulan away and blocked it in front.


The dragon pecking cone pierced Bao Bao Feng's shirt, and the small half was stuck in the ribs.

"Sister Boer!"

Zhang Chulan's eyes were cracked, and Yang Wulei broke out instantly.

"I'm going to kill you!"

In fact, Xiao Tian could have prevented it, but it was unnecessary, because this was an opportunity for the relationship between Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao to be greatly improved.

But Jia Zhengyu can't take it lightly.

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