Zhang Chulan was continuously hit by Zhang Lingyu with a series of fists and feet blessed by the golden curse.

"Sister Yu, haven't you calmed down yet?"

Xiao Tian saw that Zhang Chulan still didn't resist, so she wouldn't really be injured by Zhang Lingyu's stupid Baitian.

"Hurry up, let's fight Lei Fa, hurry and hurry."

"Lei Fa?" Zhang Chulan adjusted her body, retreated violently and pulled away a bit faster than Zhang Lingyu, her own golden light was restrained, and a silver-white thunder arc wandered through her body instead.

"Five thunders in the sun." Zhang Lingyu's eyes fluctuated, but quickly calmed down. The black thunder arcs between his palms wandered around, quickly like several pocket black dragons dancing wildly.

"Little White Worm! Go!"

The five thunderbolts of the Yang burst out, like an irregular silver-white dragon, and it instantly collided with many black dragons filled with thunder rings made by the thunder of the Yin Five thunder.

"Oh Huh, I didn't expect that for some days when the little master went down the mountain, Xiao Yuyu would develop some methods for the Yin Wulei. This level of rigidity is a bit terrifying. This is still not the case of using that trick to destroy the dragon bite." Xiao Tian muttered. .

"Little Master, Master Lingyu, after facing the five thunders of Yin, the realm of Lei Fa is advancing by leaps and bounds. The history of our Heavenly Master’s Mansion has all added a lot of ink. Among them, Little Master, your contribution is huge. "A disciple with a paralyzed face in the Longhushan Tianshi's Mansion said bluntly.

"Oh, this is not enough. It will be interesting when the young master turns yin into yang, yin and yang work together, and the five thunders of yin and yang are all in one person."

"Little Master, I'm afraid this is difficult. Many ancestors in the past have failed."

"Hehe? Maybe Xiaoye can do it."

There is a big gap between Zhang Chulan and Lei Fa and Zhang Lingyu's Lei Fa. Not to mention that Zhang Lingyu's cultivation is stronger than the original time and space. Even if there is no change, the current Zhang Chulan can't compete with Zhang Lingyu.

"Barely qualified."

The black dragon that the five thunders of Yin turned into defeated the five thunders of Yang, and blasted Zhang Chulan into the air, breaking several trees.

Zhang Chulan's heart hurts, I don't know what tricks Yu Jie and Tian Ge are playing.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!"

Xiao Tian joined the game and prevented Zhang Lingyu from continuing to attack Zhang Chulan.

"Xiao Yuyu, your subordinate is a bit heavy, Lao Zhang is not completely serious."

"I didn't take it seriously," Zhang Lingyu said, staring at Xiao Tian.

"What's going down the mountain? Isn't it just going to beat Lao Zhang to vent his anger?" Xiao Tian couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Yu, why on earth have I offended, do you want to stop giving me a meal to clean up and get out of my anger?" Zhang Chulan clutched his **** and staggered over.

Zhang Lingyu turned his eyes, stared at Zhang Chulan, and said in a slightly solemn tone: "Zhang Chulan, formally announce to you that in two months, Luo Tian Dajiao of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshifu, I hope you can participate! If you win the championship, you will be appointed. Heir to the heavenly master!"

Zhang Chulan was confused and asked, "Can I not take part? I still have to take a test."

"Yes, my master, the contemporary celestial master asked me to tell you that if you don't want to know how your grandfather died, some secret things, you can choose not to participate, but since you choose to participate, you must win the first prize! Become the heir of the celestial master! "

"My grandfather's death..." Zhang Chulan looked very ugly at the thought of her grandfather's body being stolen by a man of full sex.

"Okay, I will definitely go!"

"Little Yuyu, do I have to go now?"

"Well, although I really want to stay with you, Junior Brother, but I have to go back and return."

"What's the hurry, isn't it just a phone call to return to life?" Xiao Tian pulled Zhang Lingyu over, and then took Zhang Chulan who was thinking about it.

"Let's go, while it's not dawn, let's go to have a luxurious barbecue."

For a while, the three disciples who accompanied Zhang Lingyu down the mountain looked confused and didn't know what to do.

The barbecue meeting lasted until six o'clock in the morning, when Zhang Lingyu flashed.

Zhang Chulan was worried and went around alone, while Xiao Tian followed in secret.

In an unmanned alley, Zhang Chulan turned her head abruptly, saw a shadow of a person, leaning on a little light, and seeing a face, her complexion suddenly became gloomy.

Zhang Chulan entered the alley, and the golden light curse erupted, and all of a sudden, Lu Liang pinched his neck against the wall.

"You dare to appear in front of me!"

Lu Liang coughed and smiled and said, "Zhang Chulan, don't get excited, we are the same kind of people."

"Who is the same as you? Don't bullshit!"

"Ahem..." Perceiving the increase in the strength of the hands on his neck, Lu Liang smiled undiminished, and continued: "You don't want to know, why are we stealing your grandfather's body?"

Zhang Chulan let go of Lu Liang with a loose hand.

"Zhang Chulan, my ability is to extract memories. This is the memory I extracted from the soul fragments remaining on your grandfather's body. If you want to know, see for yourself."

Zhang Chulan grabbed a floating golden light bead from Lu Liang's hand, and with the touch of her hand, for a moment, a memory burst into her heart.

Lu Liang rubbed his neck, took out a note, handed it to Zhang Chulan, and said with a smile: "This is my contact information, we have time to contact."

At this moment, Zhang Chulan set off a stormy sea in her heart. After taking the note, she separated with Lu Liangbing and left.

Xiao Tian, ​​who had witnessed everything secretly, knew that the time had come for the second change in the relationship between Zhang Chulan and Bao Bao Feng.

In a hospital, a tightly guarded critically ill room.

"Zhang Chulan, this kid is looking for us so eagerly, what is he going to do? Xiaotian, do you know what?"

Xu Si stared at Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian drank Bing Kuo Le, and pointed to Old Xu in his late years on the hospital bed, Xu Sanxu's father.

"Baby, why don't you give Lao Xu a little too?"

"Well, it's good."

Xu San and Xu Si had a black line and quickly stopped Feng Baobao's behavior.

"My father is in this state. Drinking ice coke doesn't mean he will die sooner."

"If there is no return to the camp reform, then Kuole will be filled with a special kind of dripping, which is caused by the rough drip." Feng Baobao muttered.

"Wu, let's drink some. If you don't drink it for a long time, you should drink it." The weak old Xu on the hospital bed murmured.

"Dad." Xu San, Xu Si had a huge headache in his head.

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