"What's so good about being a hero? A hero is too easy to die." Saitama muttered to himself, then looked at Xiao Tian and said, "Little devil, take your girlfriend home. Actual fantasy."

At this time, the street ground was torn and people screamed. Many people who drove stopped and ran away.

"Wow! People on the ground, our underground people are going to conquer you!"

"Quack! My underground king wants to let you know that our underground people are amazing!"

Several dark-skinned weird figures appeared on the cracked ground, one of whom was wearing a crown.

"Run! It's a weirdo!" Saitama screamed.

"Don't be afraid." Xiao Tian chuckled and drew air with his backhand. The air was suddenly compressed, forming an air cannon, which exploded the bodies of the underground king and three underground people not far away.

"Ah! So powerful! The king is dead, run!"

Suddenly, several remaining underground strangers slipped back to the underground.

Saitama was dumbfounded.

"Is this the legendary fight against cattle?"

"Shoun Lang, do you want to learn?" Xiao Tian stared at Saitama with straight eyes.

Saitama blinked, and the dream of a hero from a young age revived.

This world is full of dangers. Many weirdos have the ability to threaten the survival of mankind. Among human beings, there are also heroes who possess special abilities.

"Can I learn it?" Saitama asked Xiao Tian instead.

"As long as you want to learn, I will teach you." Xiao Tian smiled a little thicker, making Saitama feel that something was wrong.

"I learn!"

In this way, Saitama returned to his home with two visitors from other worlds with a black account.

"Master, madam, sit down here."

"Ahem, the appellation of Shi Niang changed, isn't it?" Xiao Tian said.

"Why not! It sounds nice, just call it like this."

Xiao Tian is two big people.

Dinner was udon noodles. For Xiao Tian and Xue Er, who had terrifying appetites, Saitama could only stare at her eyes wide, watching the master and the mother drink a drink.

"However, why is this coke better than the coke in the supermarket, the fast food restaurant? And I always feel a powerful force in my body to awaken." Saitama muttered inside.

After dinner, Xiao Tian took a pen on the paper to make Saitama stronger.

When Saitama got the martial arts cheats, he was stunned!

No, shocked! It is full of question marks!

"Master! Are you kidding me? 100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and 10KM running. You must stick to it every day. You must eat three meals a day. You can handle it in the morning. Eat some bananas. You can't turn on the air conditioner in winter and summer... "

"It's that simple?"

"Simple?" Xiao Tian hummed: "It seems simple, but in fact you insist on trying for two or three years? You can become as powerful as me!"

He swipes casually, the space is torn, and then swipes casually, the storm in the torn space is healed before the storm emerges, such a hand, Saitama's confidence is greatly increased.

Even space can be torn apart! This is God!

"Master! I will try my best to persevere!"

Xiao Tian showed a relieved smile, patted Saitama on the shoulder and said, "Take more pictures of you now and save more pictures."

"Master, why?"

"In the future, you will understand."

Thinking of the future, when Saitama saw his lush black hair, Xiao Tian seemed to hear Saitama muttering: "I'm bald, but I'm stronger!"

The next day, Xiao Tian monitored the training of Saitama.

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