The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 875: Xiao Wu's Mother Resurrected

Somewhere, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Tang Hao, the resurrected Blue Silver Emperor stared at Bibi Dong coldly.

Xiao Tian waved his hand and said, "Bibi Dong intends to accept the divine fruit of the Void Clan. He wants to be a spy and betray the Douluo World. Now sanction it. Anyway, without her, it will not have much impact on our fight against foreign invasion."

"Xiao Wu, come on." Tang San looked at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu's body trembled, she couldn't forget the scene of her mother's death.

Bibi Dong sneered and said, "What are you still hesitating about, kill me!"

"Don't talk!" Xiao Tian curled his lips, and the diamond bracelets turned into golden hoop rods became more restrictive, preventing Bibi Dong from exerting the power of the evil god, and even splitting his body to escape.

"Mother, I want to avenge you!"

Xiao Wu picked up the Shura Divine Sword and pierced Bibi Dong's heart.

Bibi Dong's own evil god's power was suppressed, and his heart, organs, and even his body were shattered by Shura's divine power.

Bibi Dong has fallen!

Xiao Wu's European spirit was bursting, and a bunch of soul bones burst out.

God-level spirit ring!

There is also a miniature bunny.

"Huh!" Xiao Tian was surprised.

"Xiao Wu, quickly pick up the little rabbit and pour it out with your blood."

Xiao Wu felt the breath of her relatives from the pocket-sized Bunny, and when he heard Xiao Tian's words, he quickly made a wound and poured blood on the Bunny without money.

For a time, in the eyes of everyone, the pocket-sized bunny rabbit absorbed Xiao Wu's blood, and the originally hollow eyes slowly filled with aura.

"Mother!" Xiao Wu was pleasantly surprised, and made another wound, both pronged and baptized with blood.

Tang San looked very worried.

Half a minute later, Xiao Wu's body, who had lost too much blood, was shaking violently, her face pale and painful.

"Stop! Tang San, hurry up and make up for your baby."

"Waidao·Reincarnation Innate Art!"

As the light of good fortune melts into the ruddy pocket rabbit, the rabbit gradually grows up, so that it shines brightly and the human figure appears.

Seeing this, Xiao Tian endured the bleeding from the seven orifices, took out his coat and directly wrapped the resurrected Xiao Wu mother.

"Mother..." The weak Xiao Wu endured the thought of fainting, and looked at the woman who came out in the white light in her coat with great surprise.

"No way, why does the operation cost so much this time, Xiaoye slipped away first."

Xiao Tian escaped into the divine space, committed suicide and resurrected quickly, full of blood and blue in his best condition.

Outside, Xiao Wu and her mother hug each other, crying and fainting because of excessive blood loss.

Perceiving the situation for a while, Xiao Tian smiled relieved and satisfied.

He began to make mud and make a few clay figures, and took out the blood cells of Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo, and Bibi Dong that were preserved.

"The Way of Heaven: The Art of Reincarnating from the Dirty Earth!"

In Xiao Tian's gaze, the clay figure changed drastically.

"Sure enough, my idea was successful! Hey!"

"This is..." Ju Douluo scratched his head.

"Xiao Tian!"

The three of them had different voices, Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo were shocked and terrified, while Bibi Dong was extremely angry.

"Xiao Tian, ​​what tricks are you playing! I'm not dead!"

Xiao Tian curled his lips and said: "Cheap mother-in-law, you should be grateful to Qian Renxue for such a daughter, but now, you and Qian Renxue have no blood relationship. Your bodies are all clay with aura. Congratulations, Regain this life."

"Are we resurrected?" Ghost Douluo was shocked.

Bibi Dong smiled bitterly and said: "Why revive me, how good I am freed, how can I face them when I am resurrected."

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