The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 881: Vaccine man smelly brother

The armless funding warrior Jenos did not escape, approaching Xiao Tian, ​​and said coldly: "You two weirdos will also fight inwardly."

"Roll! What's the matter with you!" Xiao Tian, ​​the vaccine man said at the same time.

Jenos was startled, the two brothers were truly connected and incomparable tacit understanding.

Thinking about it for a second, Jenos slipped away. The green-skinned monster is too strong. I'm afraid that only the teacher can deal with it, so I should go back and update it quickly.

Seeing that Jenos, the funding warrior, slipped away, Xiao Tian couldn't help but feel relieved, this machine boy was not at all brainless.

Xiao Tian took away the left foot of the vaccine head, squatting halfway, and said with a smile: "Brother, is it fun to destroy innocent and small humans?"

The vaccine man was startled, "Brother, what do you mean by this?"

"Stupid!" Xiao Tian snorted coldly.

The vaccine was stunned.

"Brother! We are the will of the planet's immune system. Humans have destroyed nature over the years. The pollution has been too serious and has ruined mankind. Isn't it what we should do?"

Xiao Tian knew that the vaccine man was right from its standpoint, but Xiao Tian stood on the human stand, then!

"Stupid! Humans are multiplying too fast. Now they are adhering to the fortune of heaven, their aura is prosperous, and they cannot be destroyed if they want to be destroyed. Besides, many humans are innocent. Doesn’t it also pollute the planet’s immune system!"

The vaccine is stunned. My brother said something reasonable.

"So, brother, what do you think we should do?" The vaccine man stared at Xiao Tian eagerly.

"Naturally, we must first investigate and solve the culprit that caused the major pollution. Of course, this step is very difficult. After all, there are too many human heroes. There are ten stronger than me. If it weren’t for four of them, I’m old. Friends, you won’t see me anymore."

"What! The strong among humans is so terrible!" The Vaccine Man knows how strong and terrifying this brother with a different skin is, and there is actually even more fierce among humans than this brother.

"Hey, that's it, so your brother, I was born earlier than you, but I have to develop slowly. To tell you the truth, your brother and I have already penetrated the human hero association." Xiao Tiandao.

"Brother! You are amazing!" Vaccine's eyes shone, full of little stars.

Xiao Tian endured his inner desire to vomit, and continued to flicker: "Don't worry, human environmental awareness is gradually strengthening. Do you know that every time you destroy city buildings on a large scale, kill innocent people indiscriminately, and decay and decay, it is easy to cause plague. It is more polluting to nature, so we must change our way."

"Everything listens to brother!" The vaccine person pitifully said inwardly: "If you were better than me, I would not listen to you."

"Brother Smelly, are you talking ill of me?"

Vaccine people couldn't help but numb their scalp, and they quickly admitted their mistakes; "Brother, my beloved brother, I don't have one. I'm just thinking about how to make human beings more environmentally aware and make the planet less polluted."

"You think deeply. As far as I know, some weird people destroy towns and indiscriminately like you every time they come and go. In some places, small plagues take a lot of manpower to solve them, and some weird people are the pollution source of walking. So..." Xiao Tian paused and nodded to the vaccine man, motioning him to continue.

"Brother, I understand!"

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