Goodbye Saitama.

Saitama eventually grew into the powerful bald head in Xiao Tian's memory!

"Master, it's been three years! Where have you been?" Saitama was lying in a silly salted fish posture, with a straw in his mouth, drinking iced Coke full of a fish tank.

Xiao Tian was dumbfounded. Saitama, who was in the midst of thinking about this matter, suddenly changed his face. He changed from being a little cute to a bald male god. The inexplicable transformation of that sharp facial features, what the **** is this!

"I don't want to, Master, how long are you staying this time, where's Master?"

Xiao Tian lay down, put down the straw, and said, "Your wife is waiting for labor. I will come out to breathe, and it is estimated that I will live for a while."

Wow! Some gold soul coins drop.

Saitama glanced a few times and muttered, "Master, this gold coin is not from this world at all. You are an alien visitor."

"Oh, good boy, you finally want to understand." Xiao Tian didn't hide it.

"No, since two years ago, I've been visiting the streets, and I just asked when I saw people. I went to many off-travel places and I couldn't find you, the master."

"Uh, how did you find it?"

Saitama got up and took out a picture scroll from his room.

The scroll was unfolded, it was a picture of Xiao Tian's appearance, and there was a paragraph on the scroll.

‘My teacher is lost. Those who know the details must be thankful. ’

Xiao Tian had a black line and said silently, "Why don't you print the photo on it?"

Saitama scratched his head and said, "Because I haven't taken a picture with the master, I just found the painter to paint according to my memory."


Xiao Tian's forehead blue veins violently jumped, and he stood up and said, "Where is that painter! You can find such ugly paintings for the little master!"

Saitama scratched his eyebrows and muttered, "That's true, the master on the scroll is indeed too far apart from the current master."

Xiao Tian is about to vomit blood, this kid has become bald, has he become a single-celled organism!

"Master, wait, I'll go to the supermarket to buy something and celebrate tonight."

Xiao Tian hit Hatch and waved: "Go."

Xiao Tian continued to watch TV.

"Now we will broadcast a satellite news! A weird man with a pig head in the ghost town of Z city defeated two heroes! They are the penultimate Snake of the A grade, and the 33 spring beard of the A grade! Please the nearest A and above heroes Go and help."

"Oh?" Xiao Tian scratched his head, this place is very close to here, no wonder he heard some noise.

With the removal of subconsciously shielding super long-distance sounds!

"My Peppa! Dad must find you!"

"Damn human beings, don't want to stop me from finding Peppa!"


The straw in Xiao Tian's mouth fell out, his eyes widened.


Following the sound source, Xiao Tian teleported, and one or two breaths appeared in an alley street.

Around him, the walls of the house were ragged, a black-haired young man convulsed in pain, his eyes rolled white, his mouth was frothy, and an uncle with a mustache who looked like a gentleman had only a pair of underwear under his body, and a lot of bruises. Western fencing is broken.

"Another human came out!" Peppa's father with a pink pig head, dressed in black, 1.5 meters away, pushed his glasses down with his middle finger, his eyes flashing cold.

"Die! Pig ray!"

Two pink lasers erupted from the glasses.

Xiao Tian turned his head, blinked, and exhaled in his mouth. With the crashing and disintegrating sound, the two energy rays collapsed and dissipated, and the surrounding abandoned houses were weathered.

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