very dangerous?

Crossbow S, Wang Jian, Jenos couldn't help looking at Saitama.

Crossbow S has a lot of information about Saitama, and the net is just a hero who has reached the B-level by fishing in troubled waters, but as a dragon-level, she knows that this Saitama is definitely not that simple.

Is it simple to be called a teacher by the S-level?

"This handsome bald guy, don't know any opinions?" It's about buying an energy meteorite as a big killer for the energy armed forces. Regarding a large sum of money, Wang Jian naturally needs to be cautious.

Saitama blinked and said, "It's dangerous, it's best not to dissect it."

Don't dissect?

Wang Jian changes color, does not decompose, how to make energy armed

Wang Jian couldn't help looking at Xiao Tian and asked, "Your Excellency Di Yan, what do you think?"

Xiao Tian drank Coke and said casually: "Little Yuyu said it is dangerous, Pharaoh, don't auction it, so you don't have money to waste. Just wait for the show."

When Wang Jian heard the words, he was a little unwilling, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help nodding.

"Master, can I change my name." The black line of Saitama, who has become the first form of male god's face, is obviously hairy by the name Xiaoyuyu.

"Okay, Yuer."

Saitama: "..."

At this moment, Xiao Tian stared at the big meteorite on the big screen and laughed in his heart.

"I didn't expect it to be the ninth-ranked three thousand Yan Yanhuo in the world's different fire list!"

Now his Emperor Yan has three thousand flames, and he doesn't want to absorb it.

However, the three thousand flames inside the meteorite are alive, and the outer solid layer is a seal, which is very interesting.

"The internal King Kong is not bad, but the outside is as fragile as tofu. There is a good show to watch." Xiao Tian laughed.

In his powerful invisible perception, in this S city, weird people are infested, and even two weird people have already mixed into the auction house.

But the two weirdos are not in the same camp.

The bidding has begun!

The auction of pyroxene quickly soared to 9.7 billion!

And when the price soared to 15 billion, the wall of this militarized high-strength special auction site was broken open, and a weird man with a black antenna tentacles, a short black body and a pale face with an evil mask appeared.

Nu S's pretty face changed color and said: "It's actually the black Mi Qingzi from the Weird Guys Association. This guy is very strong, stronger than the Gum Monster, with a body of more than ten trillions, almost immortal."

"Your Excellency Di Yan." Wang Jian looked at Xiao Tian.

"Ann, keep watching, just a naughty little guy."

"Master, I will help." Jenos said.

"No need." Under the superb control of Xiao Tian's Longwei Domain, Jenos was imprisoned, and he said with a smile: "Stay and watch the show, and wait for something in the meteorite to erupt."

"Pharaoh, let the notification go down and let those rich people evacuate the gangster."

"Yes, Lord Di Yan!"

Lao Wang hurriedly used his relationship to get a wave of rich people to take his men to evacuate, but some rich people were still obsessed with the pyroxene.

Among them is the wana yarn.

In another VIP room, Wanasa was very calm about the weird people who appeared on the scene.

"Master Wanasa, we should evacuate. The 15th S-rank metal bat, the 14th S-rank Vest Vest, and the 8th S-rank zombie man dragged the weird man, fearing that the situation might change. It’s better to leave early."

The B-class bodyguards saw that the three S-classes dealt with the weird man, and they did not achieve good suppression.

On the contrary, the weird man was agile, jumping up and down while laughing.

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