Close protection?

Xiao Tian bit the lollipop into pieces, took out the small white plastic stick, and threw it into the garbage sorting bin. He punched it and said, "Little master is not interested in money."

"The monthly salary is 100 million."

The rich and beautiful women put up their green fingers and made a direct price.

Xiao Tian shook his head.

"One billion."

Xiao Tian shook his head and said: "Wanasha, in front of the little master, don't talk about these vulgar money. It is reasonable to say that at this price, there are quite a few of the S-rank heroes that you can invite. Why should I invite me? , Besides, how much do you know about me?"

Xiao Tian laughed, his eyes full of aggressiveness, he glanced at Wanasa very presumptuously, and continued with his lips: "You are not afraid of a bodyguard hired for a large sum of money, and you will lose money and wealth."

Vanasya slid the boss chair and came to Xiao Tian, ​​and as he got up, a fragrance hit, and the curve of the figure that was not inferior to Crossbow S was revealed in Xiao Tian's vision.

"Your Excellency Di Yan, who made you the most handsome among the S-rank heroes? Men are so astringent, so are women. As a woman, I have always been very accurate in my feelings. Your Excellency Di Yan is definitely not one of those who deceive the world. , The wretched and hypocritical generation, as long as you want, you can mobilize the property under my group's name." The strong woman Vanasha smiled with a smile.

At this moment, Wanasa's beautiful black eyes gleamed with fascinating light. Invisible, a charm that many men and women could not resist hit Xiao Tian.


However, compared to the higher level of charm, it is not the active skill, but the passive!

Xiao Tian chuckled and shook his head and said: "Beauty Vanasa, then you really misread the person. In fact, the young master is very boring. Maybe you can give me some more hints and you will be finished. Don't let the young master break the law. "

"Listen, Your Excellency Diyan is so cute. Normal men don't say that. I hope a frank man." Wana said on her mouth, but her heart was very solemn. Her black fox's power of temptation was unexpected No effect on Xiao Tian.

As Wanasa continued to approach, there was only one fist between the two.

How could Xiao Tian tolerate such a provocative action by Vanaza, as a young and powerful young man!

"Beauty Vanasha, your reminder is too obvious, I have to say, Xiaoye's heart is moved." Xiao Tian laughed, revealing his nature, and his big hand swept over Vanasha's waist with thunder.

Vanaza was shocked, and as her body got close, the magical light of the black fox with beautiful eyes broke out.

"Give me a hit!"

Illusion? Xiao Tian sneered.

Xiao Tian's left eye's reincarnation eye system's ability to hide other people's visibility was cancelled, and as the reincarnation eye unfolded, it directly bounced back the light of the black tiger illusion of Vanaya.

For a time, Vanasa's beautiful eyes blurred, but it was only a second to escape.


Wanasha turned around enchantingly, freed from Xiao Tian's arms swiftly, and violently retreated to the office, her smile suddenly cooled.

"Your Excellency Di Yan, it's really not easy."

"Tsk tsk, beauty Wan Na Sha, you are not easy." At this moment, Wan Na Sha was in Xiao Tian's eyes, and a lot of information appeared in his mind.

‘Vana Sha, Race: Black Fox...from the world of Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker! ’

"It's interesting, it's also a visitor from another world."

Wanasa embraced her chest with her hands in her arms, her beautiful eyes were cold, and a black air lingered all over her body, and the light in the entire office suddenly went dark.

"Your Excellency Di Yan, what do you think I should do with you?"

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