Nine-tailed black fox Vana Sha frowned, feeling extremely afraid of Xiao Tian's black hole seal.

Before, it would take at least half a month for her to get away if it was not for external damage.

"8 pieces!"

Vana yarn began to bargain.

Xiao Tian curled his lips and said, "12 pieces!"

"7 pieces!"

"18 pieces." Xiao Tian hit Hatch.

Vanasha was furious, she had agreed early and shouldn't have bargained with this guy.

Seeing that Xiao Tian seemed to say more than 20 things, Wanasa felt anxious when thinking about the situation in her world.

"Well, 18 things that make you happy!"

"But can you give me a hint?"

"Hint?" Xiao Tian blinked and said with a smile: "I personally have no resistance to novel food and entertainment."

"Smelly man!" Vanasya cursed inwardly.

"Well, I control 90% of the world's food, I don't believe that without food can conquer your stomach!"

"Ohhhhhhh, then I am looking forward to it, you know where I live, I will deliver it when I find suitable food, and it must be for four people, and if the house is destroyed, I can only tell you You are done!" Xiao Tian laughed.

"In addition, I suggest that you directly capture Lao Wang, his daughter, and Saitama and Jenos. Maybe you can threaten me and let me cooperate with you."

Wanasa said coldly: "I'm not stupid enough yet."

"Yeah, you are really not that kind of fierce and brainless, how to say, take me back by special car, I have helped you manage the company for several days, and I am very tired."

Vana Shah heard the words, her throat was sweet and greasy, and almost blood came out.

"Okay! I'll send you back!" Vanasha pressed the blood in her throat, passing by Xiao Tian, ​​and took out a series of car keys from a drawer of her desk.

Many luxury cars and sports cars in Vanaza's exclusive underground garage, Xiao Tian's eyes are bright.

"Which one do you want to ride?"

"I am Kangkang." Xiao Tian swept his eyes and pointed to the tightly bound Alto.

"That's the Alto."

"How do you know that it is Alto?" Wana Sha frowned. The Alto was bought by her when she first came to this world. At that time, she was still worrying about money and adapting to human society.

"Ahem, knowing is knowing." Xiao Tian glanced at it.

Wanasa thought of Xiao Tian's strange eyes, her cheeks flushed.

"Then get in the car!"

Wana Sha found the Alto car key, turned the wrapper around the car, and opened the door.

Xiao Tian did not sit in the co-pilot, but drove in the back.

This modified Alto has a lot of horsepower, and when it reaches an unlimited speed rural passage, the female car **** Vanasha is in place.

There are no residents in the ghost town, and Wanasa seems to be venting the suppressed anger in his heart by racing, regardless of Alto's own feelings.

When I arrived at Saitama’s house, I slammed the brakes. This model has not been driven once for many years. It can be said that the engine of the high-intensity fitness car directly caught fire.

"Oooh, I'm so happy, I count you completed one, and there are 17 more."

Wan Nasha bitterly watched Xiao Tian enter the building, and then called the company to find a special car to pick him up, not intending to expose her abilities.

It was just in the evening at the moment, when Saitama got off work from a part-time job and looked at Alto, who was smoking under his building, blinked.

"I know you, did the master go on your honeymoon?"

Wana Shah heard the words, the blue veins on the jade forehead burst, and a depression in her chest could not disappear.

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