The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 937: Well-behaved blowing snow

Chuuxue was very surprised in her heart, and she really confirmed her inner thoughts, as long as Xiao Tian was conquered, the Nu S vote could be won directly.

Bixue looked at Xiao Tianmeizi eagerly, eating instant noodles and drinking iced Coke, Xiaodudu made a weak voice of rebellion.

"It's a busy night, let's eat some." Nu S handed half of the instant noodles to Chuuxue.


Chuuxue seemed to see the provocation in Crossbow S's eyes, and she couldn't help but smile and gracefully refused.

"Although you are a hero and your physique is stronger than ordinary people, you still have to eat it. If you eat the portion of Xiaoyuyu, Xiaoyuyu is still in the developmental stage and cannot eat these." Xiao Tian said.

If Saitama is still awake, he will surely turn into a masculine face, full of black lines!

Chuuxue was very speechless at the moment, even at the age of the bald man in cloak, he still needs to grow?

"Thank you, Di Yan."

"You're welcome, you're starving here, and I was found out by Vanatha, maybe you want to spend money to fill this place so that I can prepare food that I can't finish in my life."

Chuuxue was speechless again, picking up the spare instant noodles, really hungry, and quickly ate a few bites.

"Wait! I obviously ate the instant noodles I made myself, so why should I be so grateful to Di Yan?" Chuuxue thought, and couldn't help feeling hungry.

"A bucket of instant noodles with a little bit of ordinary snacks can be recognized by Emperor Yan? Why do I feel fooled."

For a time, the more I thought about Chuuxue, the instant noodles I made were dull.

After a while, Chuuxue acted very well-behaved and asked humbly.

"Can't wait." Xiao Tian laughed.

"Nonsense!" Of course, Chuuxue roared inside.

In fact, this is the case!

"No, it's my honour to be able to get the guidance of His Excellency Di Yan, and I will be fine after another day." Chuuxue smiled, and the exhaustion between his eyebrows could not conceal the exquisite beauty of his facial features and the amazing smile.

Seeing Chuixue's upper body stretched straight back and back, she was kneeling on her knees, her hands neatly placed on her legs, sincere and modest posture, her body curve was soft, and she looked very good.

"Oh!" Xiao Tian said suddenly: "Little master remembered, I still have one thing to do, Xiao Xueer, or wait for me for two more hours."

Chuuxue's smile instantly stiffened, and his heart was extremely irritable and about to explode.

on purpose!

It must be intentional!

"No, I'm done with that thing, Xiao Xueer, I'll continue to point you." At the critical point of Chuuxue's outbreak, Xiao Tian's words successfully put Chuuxue in a state of incomprehensibility and aggrieved.

"Your Excellency Di Yan, I'm listening." Chuuxue's smile recovered.

"Okay, after several hours of screening your plans, I finally selected one!"

"Drink it!"

As Xiao Tian changed his tricks, a bottle of liquor appeared.

"Moutai?" Chuuxue was confused, almost writing "Are you kidding me?"

"It's Moutai, but it's not ordinary Moutai." Xiao Tian showed a painful expression and continued: "This is the advanced version of the divine brewed Moutai that consumes a lot of my strength to summon. It can be described as my ninth soul ability! "

Chuuxue is even more confused, the ninth spirit ability?

Crossbow S was also puzzled, but she knew that it was a good thing, and she couldn't help feeling a little sour.

At this moment, Jenos was analyzing the divine brewing Moutai through system scanning calculations, and couldn't help but retreat, almost crashing.

"So complicated data! My system needs to be upgraded!"

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