The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 940: Deep Sea King's Trump Card

The eleventh stinger of the A grade looked at the blood and water of the bad guys around, and couldn't help feeling lonely and sad.

"I wanted to have friendly exchanges with you in the form of diplomatic ambassadors of the two races, but in exchange for insults, ridicule, and personal attacks, I will stop playing with the sting, it's a showdown!"

"Eh, why bother, you could die decently."

Suddenly, the stinger only saw the horror in the eyes of the distant colleagues.

"Stinger, be careful behind you."

The poisonous thorn turned around, and the darkness struck suddenly, accompanied by a huge punch of the smell of the sea, and a heavy blow to the upper body.

The stinger flew upside down like a broken kite. The sky continued to scream. After landing, the face was broken, the nasal bridge was comminuted fracture, the face bone was sunken, the upper body was sunken, and the back was twisted and convex.

"Despicable, despicable, unexpectedly, sneak attack."

The huge Deep Sea King walks on the street, with a funny face like a clown covered with frost, ears like bat wings, a crown on his head, wearing a different clothes, a human body, amazing physique, and muscle lines like a horned dragon.

"Sneak attack?" Deep Sea King smiled coldly, his face twisted, suddenly a little funny.


The stinger's foot was crushed and fractured.

"Weak chicken with no brains, this king still needs to attack you? The conscious reaction is not enough, die."

Stinger was desperate for a while.


The abrupt voice made the Deep Sea King turn his head, only to see the blue-haired human with white skin and tender flesh, which looked delicious.

"Interesting, you also want to taste this king's heavy punch?"

Stinger narrowed his eyes and saw the incoming person, who was the first sweetheart mask of the A grade.

Sweetheart Masquerade stared at Deep Sea King and smiled: "I will punish you."

"Ahaha, let's see what you are capable of!" The Deep Sea King clearly sensed that this blue-haired human is much stronger than the bamboo shoot-headed kid.

However, it might be more serious if it used to be, but since witnessing the end of the battle between the two great gods, the adventure in the North Sea was surrounded by a special flame baptism, and now it has become different.

Seeing the deep sea king speed up, the giant fist squeezed, and the sweetheart mask used his hand as a knife, and rushed forward.

"Execution Blade!"

The cold light flickered, and Mars exploded on the fist of the Deep Sea King, causing the Deep Sea King's fist to ache and green blood flowed out.

"I underestimated you, kid." Deep Sea King was surprised.

Stinger, and the people who eat melons far away are dumbfounded.

"Ahhhhh! Sweetheart, the masked man, come on!"

The director of the satellite surveillance department of the Heroes Association smiled when he saw this scene.

He knows very well that the sweetheart mask, who is the number one in the A grade, has the strength of the S grade, but it does not allow the idlers to be mixed into the S grade seats.

The Sweetheart Mask itself has a bonus damage to the attacks of the weirdo, and the Deep Sea King has to take it seriously.

After a few minutes of fierce battle between the two, Sweetheart Mask found an opportunity to send her stunt.

"Fist of Evil!"

The punch of Sweetheart Mask is as fast as lightning, and it has several times the bonus damage to the weird.

The Deep Sea King laughed excitedly, and the Deep Sea burst out with fists.

The street cracked, the gravel exploded, and the air wave washed away. When the clouds dissipated, and the stinger waited, only one arm of the Deep Sea King was gone, and the other arm was half lost, dripping with blood.

What a strong sweetheart mask!

but! They only heard an overwhelming cry of pain!

The right arm and even chest of Sweetheart Mask are filled with sea blue flames!

Under the flames, Sweetheart Mask chose to escape.

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