The Asura unicorn rushed in angrily, Xiao Tian kicked it casually, and the Asura unicorn exploded.

Coke's Asura one-horned fairy clearly felt Xiao Tian was extremely dangerous, but because of the girl's problem, he exploded, and he wanted to be a real man!

But the price is hiccups.

"Interesting little master," Xiao Tian muttered.

The girl was stimulated by Xiao Tian's powerful foot, and a blood-colored lotus pattern suddenly appeared on her smooth forehead. The original normal face and chest figure lingered with the **** breath of her body, which changed tremendously.

The girl grows from a height of 1.5 meters to a height of 1.69 meters. The original loose linen clothes have become compact, which perfectly outlines the hot body curve.

"Wow, Miss Sister will turn into a choke! She looks really good! She has a good body!" Xiao Tian was shocked, astonished by the girl today.

Today's girl is the real Blood Shura Deity.

The Heavenly Lady of Blood Asura stared at Xiao Tian, ​​her beautiful eyes were as deep as blood, she could not see any emotions and expressions, only endless coldness.

"Give you ten seconds, get out!"

Xiao Tian blinked innocently, this young lady speaks really domineering.

Xiao Tian couldn't help but grumbled and said: "Miss Sister, can you not get out, I want to hold you away."

The Heavenly Maiden of Blood Shura was indifferent, counting time silently.


The door opened, and Dr. Kenos appeared with his countless clones and two powerful evolutionary weirdos.

A huge tiger is the most ferocious beast king in the house of evolution, of course it is not an Asura unicorn.

The other is a gorilla made up by steel armor.

Kenos looked at the strange girl in shock, and was amazed. Is that really his plan to create a god, the cell research host.

"Daughter, come here to Dad." Kenos tentatively said.

"You're not my father." The goddess Blood Shura looked cold and glanced at Kenos.

Kenos felt that his soul was about to be absorbed, and he dared not look at each other, dripping with cold sweat.

The Beastmaster and the Steel Gorilla didn't dare to look at the girl's eyes, but felt terrified inside.

"Damn! Beastmaster, Steel Gorilla! Go!" The angry Kenos lost his IQ and didn't even notice the large pool of blood in the distance, which belonged to the strongest ace Asura unicorn.

"Roar!" Beastmaster rushed out directly.

"Ten seconds are up, you all have to die!" The indifferent voice of the goddess of Blood Shura echoed, as if the gods were dead.


The entire venue was flooded with a sudden burst of **** light, and the clones of Kenos were instantly killed. If Kenos, the Beastmaster and even the steel gorilla had not been protected by Xiao Tian, ​​they would have long been reduced to sacrifices under the **** light!

The entire underground world cracked and collapsed, and a **** light broke out on the ground hills, swallowing countless liters of natural vitality in the forest.

"Let's stop here!" Xiao Tian's own Heavenly Dao Emperor Flame Protector, immune to the blood-colored strange power, slapped the Blood Asura Heavenly Girl unconscious.

Kenos, the king of beasts, and the steel gorilla were all paralyzed on the ground for the rest of their lives, breathing heavily, and their muscles were twitching.

"Many, thank you Lord Diyan for your life-saving grace." Kenos said in a trembled voice. Now he has recovered, his brain is bright, and he recognizes Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian hugged the Blood Asura Goddess, fixed his eyes on Kenos, and said with a smile: "You know what to do, save your life, and let your scientific talents be used to build a better society and benefit mankind. Come on. , Old boy."

"Yes, Lord Diyan!" Dr. Kenos knelt down.

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