The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 963: Good luck celestial maiden ingredient

"Male god, why don't you stare at people so fiercely with your eyes, the little heart of the person watching is pounding so fast." The girl in the pink skirt appeared with small dimples, her hands twisted her skirt, cute and shy at the moment.

Xiao Tian couldn't help but fall.

"what's your name?"

"Male god, my name is Nishikawa Minako, I am eighteen years old, and in my boudoir, I have never dated a boyfriend. I live in Kamigawa County, K City..." Minako gave out her details completely.

Xiao Tian heard a black line.

"It's okay, Minako, I have a very bad news and a good news, which one do you want to hear?"

Minako glared at Xiao Tian shyly, and muttered: "Oh, I'm so ashamed, I'm not ready to get married yet."

"I..." Xiao Tian almost spat out blood.

opponent! Encountered an opponent!

Just now, the mysterious and weird power was at work again, making him think of marrying Minako, but fortunately, his tenacious willpower turned into a huge stick and was shattered.

"Then tell you the bad news first, because the Snow Monster King cheated, so your S-level level assessment result is not counted."

"What? How can it be so sweet!" When Nishikawa Minako heard the words, with a kawaii face, she was suddenly pitiful, and Xiao Tian meant to cry directly to him without changing his words.

Xiao Tian was speechless.

"Of course, the good news is that I personally would like to ask you to be a bodyguard." In order to study Minako's luck attributes, Xiao Tian decided to sacrifice his own skin.

Everything is to find the remaining two goddesses and find the Moonlight Treasure Box.

"Really?" Minako was madly surprised.

"Tianjiang! Can I call you Tianjiang?"

Seeing the girl's hope in the eyes, Xiao Tian only felt a little regretful.

"Awesome! From now on I will be Tianjiang's personal assistant! Women around the world, be jealous of me!"

The corners of Xiao Tian's mouth twitched.

"Ding! An unusual luck index was sensed! Analyzing!"

"Ding! The analysis was successful! The lucky goddess ingredient was detected!"

Xiao Tian was surprised that this Minako was actually of the same nature as the Mosquito Queen.

"Minako, I'll take you to a place."

"Okay, okay!" The small dimples on Minako's cheeks were sunken, her eyes were shining with stars, as if she saw the unfolding of her dream world.

In the divine space, Xiao Tian baptized Minako's reincarnation eye illusion, and was arguing, collecting all the information about the lucky goddess.

for a long time.

Xiao Tian got it!

The young Minako was suffering from bad luck, and she had been ill for a long time. She was always taken care of by her parents. Until she was five years old, Minako's grandma prayed for blessing in the temple and obtained a beaded chain. Minako wore it until now. .

And on the day Minako brought the chain she obtained from her grandmother, her condition quickly improved, after which the family also prospered and became a famous merchant family in K City.

With this discovery, Xiao Tian rushed to K City immediately.

K City, Shenhe County, Borneo Temple.

Looking at the defeated temple, there was no life left, Xiao Tian was a little disappointed, and the clue was broken.

Suddenly, an old hunchback took a broom slowly, and a bag of incense came to the ruined temple.

Seeing the old woman cleaning the temple and statues, and after lighting incense and praying, Xiao Tian stepped forward and asked, "Grandma, do you know where the former stewards and people in this temple have gone?"

"Eh, young man, you ask this, the temple owner is now rich and has abandoned her faith." The old woman shook her head and sighed.

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