With Chrissy who can tell lies, Xiaoxue's two celestial ladies uttered a voice, and Xiao Tian couldn't help being triumphant.

"How about, little fox, my dear, now I know that you man is amazing."

Wana Shayu showed shame on her cheeks, and said angrily: "You are not my man, don't talk nonsense, I will give you Baotu for one year, and I will come if there is no result."

"OK, okay, baby."

Xiao Tian quickly took the map of the Moonlight Treasure Box through the Shenwei Space as a springboard and left the building.

Going back to my rooftop villa and swimming pool, the tornadoes are idle, blowing snow, and the three girls are in swimsuits, basking in the sun and drinking juice, very comfortable.

Xiao Tian quickly took out the map of the Moonlight Treasure Box, only to see a few more coordinates appeared on the map.

"Sure enough, this map changes according to the goddess, but the town is weird. If the blood asura goddess and the lucky goddesses are also gathered, what changes will there be?"

Xiao Tian regretted talking about the three celestial beings. After the experiment, after the five celestial beings were gathered together, Chrissy would definitely tell the facts to the little fox of Wanasa.

"Come on, go to these maps first."

"Interrupt a piece of news! A catastrophic disaster occurred in City G. A suspected wreck of a spaceship was discovered. The leaked strange atmosphere has caused many casualties!"

Xiao Tian looked at the LCD TV on the wall, and the shattered warship wreckage flashed by in the screen surprised him.

"How did it appear?"


Message from Saitama.

"Master, I was in City G. I was blown up in the broken battleship wreckage. A weird man who claimed to be Gloribas whose hands and heads were teeth-toothed. A negative mist spread.

Xiao Tian was startled, only that the name Gloribas was a bit familiar.

With reflection!

"I rely on it! Isn't it the man of Poros in the spaceship that may invade this world in the future, dragon-level combat power."

"It's strange, is it possible that what happened to the battleship Poros in outer space? But how did the wreckage of the battleship appear in G city?"

Xiao Tian was puzzled. Although he had been with the little fox Wanasa before, he could sense objects falling from the outer sky.

"Oh huh, is it possible that you have forgotten too much with Wanasa Baby?"

Xiao Tian rushed to G City immediately.

When he guided to the wreckage of the battleship where Saitama was located through his talent ability: teleportation, his own energy automatically isolated the surrounding fog.

"Master." Saitama has long been accustomed to Xiao Tian, ​​who is so supernatural and incapable of casualties.

Xiao Tian relied on the reincarnated eyes to analyze the surrounding environment and saw many negative particles that could cause the cells of humans and animals.


Xiao Tian exquisitely opened the emperor flame field, so as not to hurt Saitama, to burn and disperse the mist inside.

"The source must be found."

Relying on the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation eye perspective, of course, the reincarnation eye's transmission and movement trajectory of the negative force came to the source.

The source is a flower from the other side.

After relying on Emperor Yan to destroy the other shore flower, those fog no longer increased.

"Ding! Congratulations to the descendants of the Heavenly Dao for ruining the death-beyond flower. The Heavenly Dao Emperor Yan merged with the nature of death, awakening the emperor flame magical power: death withered!"

Xiao Tian was happy. He was really refreshed in happy occasions. He found the lucky goddess not long ago, and now he has received a wave of gifts directly.

Without the death mist, the surrounding area of ​​the broken battleship was quickly swept away by Xiao Tian.

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