The enchantment was shattered, the six-story pagoda was completely exposed, and the incomparably reckless breath of years rushed to the face, and the Sea Dragon King who had lived for hundreds of millions of years was amazed in the heart.

At the top of the pagoda, a bright bead exuded a light, peaceful and bright, making the surrounding earth warm, making Xiao Tian and others feel that their strength has improved.

Among them, the lucky goddess with the weakest strength has changed the most, jumping from ordinary C-level Chengdu to S-level.

The six-story portal of the pagoda begins to shine with golden light!

The ancient small seal fonts are condensed on each layer of portals!

The first layer is for money!

The second layer is status!

The upper four layers are power, power, life, and time!

"Should we choose?" Vannessa looked to the top floor, time.

The next moment an ethereal sound sounded.

"I wish for the wishing tower, tell me, what is your choice?"

Vanasya stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, what does the time on the sixth floor represent? Can I return to my original world?"

Tornado, Fuxue, Crossbow S, Sea Dragon King, and Miao Miao were surprised that Vanaya actually came from another world.

"Yes." The ethereal voice responded with indistinct gender.

Xiao Tian saw a rich surprise on Wanasa's face.

"Ahem, that wishing tower, let me ask, can each of us make a wish?" Xiao Tian asked.

"Naturally, all of you present can make a wish, including the cat, I can do everything!"

Wanasa hurriedly said: "Then wishful wishing tower, let me return to the original world, I choose the sixth floor, time!"

"Are you sure of your choice? The first three levels do not need to pay the price, the sixth level you need to pay a sufficient price, time is irreversible, it is against the law of heaven and reversed, you need to sacrifice a god, you can get the use of moonlight An opportunity for the treasure box." Ruyi Wishing Tower responded.

Xiao Tian's heart jumped and he quickly appeared in front of the Sea Dragon King Ling'er, guarding him behind him, and staring at Wana Sha, and said, "How do you say, Ling'er is also intimate with me, so you are not allowed to sacrifice her."

Sea Dragon King was startled, looking at the tall young man in front of him, he was suddenly moved a little.

"Xiao Tian! Get out of here! I must go back!" Wanasa was filled with black aura, and the nine-tailed black fox appeared. The powerful aura made Tornado, Chuuxue, Crossbow S and others look solemn.

"Damn! I help you open the barrier, you still want to sacrifice me! I really thought I was afraid that you would not succeed!" The Sea Dragon King Linger was furious, his hair fluttered, and the dragon's chants echoed, causing the city of K and the surrounding ground to tremble.

Wanasa looked cold, "Xiao Tian, ​​don't force me!"

Xiao Tian curled his lips and said, "Little fox, what are you impatient? I have a way to help you."

Xiao Tian appeared as a clone.

"Here, my clone is considered a god, so I'll sacrifice my clone."

"Damn! The body, you made your own sister, you actually sacrificed me, I curse you to become a kid!" The clone is annoyed.

Wanasha shuddered, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and thanked him in a low voice.

"Ruyi wishing tower, sacrifice him."

"The sacrifice failed, the sacrifice cannot be sacrificed." Ruyi Wishing Tower responded.

Xiao Tian scratched his head and said, "Damn! It's such a pit, do you want to sacrifice me?"

"The sacrifice fails, the sacrifice cannot be sacrificed."

Wasn't the color of Wana yarn changed, could it be said that Xiao Tian's power was stronger than the wishful wishing tower? Can't be sacrificed.

"Xiao Tian, ​​get out of the way, and I will fight the Sea Dragon King!"

"Damn! The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are full of meat, which really embarrass the little master, hey! I have a way!" Xiao Tian's eyes lit up.

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