Xiao Tian harvested three waves of tornadoes and blowing snow that night, as well as the reluctant and shy confession of Sea Dragon King Ling'er.

Time passed day by day, and after March, Saitama's name came to the top of the first seat of the S-class, and the Bald Capeman became a trend that countless people rushed to imitate.

After June, the King’s instigator of the imperial engine, named Guangyao, a mecha that allows ordinary people to gain power, established a city of light that is always neutral and maintains peace. It attracted investment from countless wealthy businessmen and the population surged.

The weirdos began to shiver and gradually became objects of protection!

As long as the people who have the glorious mech do not do evil, the power will always exist, and more and more ordinary people have the glorious mech.

Poros had a fear of this world. After the space battleship was repaired with its engine, he bid farewell to Xiao Tian and returned to outer space to continue his starry sky tour.

Two months later, Crossbow S, who was hit by Xiao Tian's shot, gave birth to a girl, and Xiao Tianle was broken.

Chuuxue and Tornado were also very jealous because of this. The next night, after cheating on a real adventure with Xiao Tian, ​​he took the initiative to throw in his arms.

After that, Xiao Tian's Moonlight Treasure Box was restored. With the activation, the time did not change at all.

"Ding! Congratulations to the Descendants of Heaven for successfully attacking this world!"

At this moment, Xiao Tian's body and soul are transforming!

"He is at ease, he is a thousand!"

Xiao Tian separated a trace of soul, and that trace of soul escaped into the void.

"Ding! Start to explore the next world! Fox demon Little Matchmaker world!"

Ao Lai Country, Huaguo Mountain, Shuilian Cave.

"It's not good! The Great Sage's magical weapon has appeared!"

Six-eared macaque, the second head of Aolai country, and the little golden man of third head appeared.

"How many years have passed, the things left by the ancestors have finally moved under the tempering of Emperor Tiandao Yan!"

In front of them, there is a dragon pool, and the pool is full of strange golden flames!

This is even more terrifying than the pure flames of the extinguishing demons and gods discovered by the human gas refiners. It is the originator-level Tiandao Emperor Yan. In the lake of fire, half of the ancient copper stick body is floating, and the golden hoop is on it. The five ancient characters of dragons and phoenixes burst out of amazing light!

The sky of proud country, golden light is all over the sky!


The three young masters of Aolai Kingdom and the six-eared macaques only saw the leftovers of the ancestor cracking, and as a petite figure twisted and solidified, they were stunned!

The little boy walked out of Longtan where Emperor Tiandao was full of flames.

"I feel like I slept for a long time."

"Ding! The world's unlimited resurrection ability is triggered!"

"Ding! The only ultimate mission in this world! Standing on the top, I am the only one! Children are in harmony!"

"What the **** is the harmony of children? Your pit system is cursing the little grandfather and children will be at odds! Rub!" Xiao Tian slandered, and then felt himself.

Seven or eight years old, come! Got to grow up again! Youth!

There is also a heavy pupil of the heavens, and the start is only the left eye of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and the white eyes containing the void fairy tears.

Most of Qi Tian's supernatural powers are unlocked, as are the talent abilities, and many ninjutsu in Naruto are unlocked.

Xiao Tian returned to his senses, looking at the three young masters of Aolai Kingdom and the six-eared macaques who were staring at him, relying on the system's current self-identification ability to see the identity of the two.

"What are you doing so staring at Xiaoye? Are you envious of Xiaoye's capital?"

The six-eared macaque blushed, and quickly took out a large cloak from the storage magic treasure and threw it to Xiao Tian.

"Wear it for a while, and then buy you clothes. Besides, can't you use mana to transform clothes?"

"Is there anything to eat? Bring the good wine and meat to the young master!" Xiao Tian wrapped his cloak at will.

"Well, Gunzu, why is your transformation so weak?" Aolai Sanshao asked in a daze.

"What stick ancestor! The little master is called Xiao Tian! It's not to lay a solid foundation because of weak transformation." Xiao Tian curled his lips.

Ao Lai San Shao, the six-eared macaques felt reasonable when they thought about it, anyway, in their eyes, the child in front of them was the physical form left by the ancestor.

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