"Ding! Successfully left Aolai country! Crossed the Longwan sea area and reached the other side of the sea! Successfully punched in the human area! Get achievement points *1"

Xiao Tian was startled and couldn't help being overjoyed.

In my mind, the achievement list appeared!

Southland clock in! Tushan clock in! Clock in Beishan! Western Western Regions clock in! Achieve missions such as punching cards outside the circle!

"Damn! I sent it! A little achievement point is exchanged for 100,000 system points! I sent it!"

Xiao Tian immediately added more than 100,000 system points, greatly increasing his mana! Although there is no breakthrough in the realm, but regarding the Naruto Forbidden Art Flying Thunder God Art, the Reincarnation of Dirty Land, the Triple Rashomon has progressed to a small degree.

At the same time, the base of all-attribute talents such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light and dark thunder has been improved! The power of various spells that can be cast is increased!

The biggest change was Xiao Tian's physique, even more terrifying!

We must know that the human qi refiners in this world are powerful enough to slay demons and demons by driving powerful magic weapons. Basically, most mages are crispy, and a very small number of body refiners.

Xiao Tian, ​​as the most treasured form left by the ancestor of the proud country, is not a demon, but a spiritual creature of heaven and earth.

"It seems that it is not far from Tushan Mountain. Go and check in." Xiao Tian opened the world map in his mind. Although many areas were in dark shadows, the maps of various forces in a large circle had regional name signs.

Driving the somersault cloud, Xiao Tian flew toward the northwest.

For a long time, from the plain into the forest, Xiao Tian only saw a boundary monument with the word ‘Tushan’ on it. The will is ancient, and the demonic field is spreading.


Somersault clouds swooped down, and Xiao Tian leaped lightly and stepped into the Tushan boundary.

"Ding! The Descendant of Heaven came to Tushan and successfully punched in! Get achievement points*!"

"Those who do not paint the mountain shall not cross the border without authorization!"

At this time, the icy voice of Xiao slaughter sounded from the bushes behind the boundary monument, and with the rustling sound, there appeared more than 30 human-shaped fox monsters holding a full moon scimitar.

Xiao Tian didn't even see the cold eyes of these guys, and said deadly: "But I have stepped on the grass in your Tushan boundary. The young master has always been brave and doesn't know the way to escape."

Xiao Tian was greedy at the moment. Through the system's combat power detection, these guys are all the Little Demon King combat power for one or two hundred years.

"Human child, look at your extraordinary dress, retreat quickly! Otherwise, I will kill you!" The head of the Silvermoon Guard squad leader had cold eyes.

Xiao Tian suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help taking out a handful of gold soul coins from Douluo World.

"I heard that you can stay in Tushan if you have money?"

"Yes! As long as you have enough money, all kinds of entertainment... Oh no, all kinds of food are enough, and there is even someone to protect you."

Seeing this group of Silver Moon Guards had a much kinder look, Xiao Tian couldn't help sighing inwardly: "Sure enough, it is rich and easy to do things, and it is easy to do everywhere."

"Then, big fox, can I eat, drink and live for a few days with this gold coin?" Anyway, through the eternal kaleidoscope, the supernatural space linked by the wheel eye can transfer a lot of Douluo World Gold Soul Coins, it is willful!

Anyway, Bibi Dong has money!

"Hey, such a generous young master, how can you draw your swords at each other."

Accompanied by a slightly mature and cunning voice sounded, Xiao Tian only saw a man who was about the same height as him, wearing a blue skirt, green sleeves and yellow clothes, with light green hair, and a pair of fox ears slightly mischievous. The little fox demon appeared.

Xiao Tiantian was surprised, this seemed to be Tu Shanrongrong.

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