Chapter 14: The King of Hell’s soften expression

Currently, Ba Hu was freaking out.

Leng Jun Yu appeared to have sense Ba Hu’s fear. His thin red lips curled into a sinister grin.

Leng Jun Yu’s smile was filled with disdain, but was still shockingly mesmerizing; just like a red lotus in boom.

“How would you like to die?”

Leng Jun Yu’s low icy voice slurred. His voice sounded seventy percent hoarse and thirty percent laziness. He sounded like he came from Hell. Any normal human being would shiver.

Also, his fearless demeanor was just too much. Ba Hu was almost peeing his pants. His hands couldn’t shop shaking as the handle he held against Le Yao Yao’s neck sharply cut through her skin. A streak of blood rolled down.

Le Yao Yao caught her breath and whimpered, “Ah…it hurts….”

The stinging pain on her neck caused Le Yao Yao’s face to scrunch up like a crumpled piece of paper.

Her voice, however, allowed Ba Hu to remember that he still had a trump card!

Thinking of this, Ba Hu felt braver. He didn’t think the King of Hell would risk the life of his “partner”. He was safe.

“Humph! Don’t you dare come closer! If you do, I’ll kill him!” He loudly threatened.

Hearing this, Le Yao Yao no longer dwelled on the pain on her neck. After all, she didn’t want her head to be chopped off. She immediately altered her focus onto Leng Jun Yu.

Because that man was the only one who had the ability to save her.

Knowing this, Le Yao Yao made an intense eye contact with Leng Jun Yu. Her eyes were watery and she didn’t even blink. Her pupils were swirling in circles and she looked like a sad puppy waiting to be rescued.

Even a person with a heart of a stone would waver if he saw her expression.

Leng Jun Yu was no different. He felt his heart tugged and his eyes began to soften.

Leng Jun Yu most likely didn’t notice this change, but Ba Hu did.

Ba Hu’s focus was on Leng Jun Yu the entire time. He was gambling on the importance of the little eunuch in Leng Jun Yu’s heart.

Therefore, the moment Ba Hu saw his softened expression, he felt a breath of relief. Then, he immediately began to act cheeky

“Hahaha… who would have thought, the almighty Prince Rui would be in love with an eunuch?! What a joke! AHAHAHAHAHAHA… but I guess it isn’t that shocking. This little eunuch has soft skin and tender flesh. If he was a woman, I would want him too!”

Ba Hu sneered as his face turned cold.

“Leng Jun Yu, if you don’t want this eunuch to die, then you better give me a hundred thousand golden taels and a fine horse. Hurry up! Or else, I can’t guarantee my hands will remain steady. Your partner’s life is at risk!” Ba Hu screeched.

By now, Le Yao Yao was shaking uncontrollably.

As for Leng Jun Yu, he was expressionless.

At the same time, a bunch of Imperial bodyguards stormed in and surrounded the entire residence. They made sure it was inescapable for Ba Hu.

Leng Jun Yu was still expressionless and did not seem to react to Ba Hu’s threats.

However, there was a flicker of emotion when he looked at Le Yao Yao. But with a blink of an eye, he quickly resumed his emotionless state as if nothing had happened.

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