Chapter 155: She’s going to be rich!

While Le Yao Yao was thinking, the Emperor had stood up from his throne and begun to steadily walk down towards her. His eyes never left Le Yao Yao’s figure.

“Lift your head up for this Emperor to see.”

“Eh….yes, your majesty….”

So, Le Yao Yao took a deep breath and readjusted her beating heart. Then, she slowly lifted her tiny face.

However, although Le Yao Yao was afraid, she was only scared for a few seconds.

After all, she was not raised in this era. So, when she saw the handsome young man in front of her, all her fears evaporated.

She was actually staring at the Emperor eye to eye!

In Le Yao Yao’s mind, she thought to herself,

Wow! He’s such a young Emperor! So hot! Too bad she didn’t have a camera. If she could record all this and take a selfie with the Emperor, wouldn’t it be worth a lot in the 21st century?!

The more Le Yao Yao thought about it, the more crooked her mind became. Now, her brain was filled with silver taels raining down on her. Her round, huge pupils practically turned into dollar signs. $_$

Ai, it wasn’t her fault. In the past, she never had to worry about daily necessities because she had a rich dad.

Now that she was here, she was broke as hell. So, the current Le Yao Yao only chased after money.

At this moment, Leng Zi Hao was very stunned. Because, for the first time in his twenty years, a servant actually dared to make direct eye contact with him.

After all, he was the Emperor. Although he wasn’t easily angered, all the servants were very respectful and fearful towards him.

Yet, this little eunuch was different. At first, he was indeed frightened. But it only lasted a few seconds. Now, he was fearlessly and blatantly staring at him.

What surprised him the most was that the little eunuch’s eyes were so sparkly! His eyes were hard to turn away from. In addition, the eunuch was a beauty. His face was comparable to jade and left a lasting impression.

Although the Emperor had seen unlimited beauties in the palace, this was the first time he had seen such an attractive looking eunuch.

Seeing how Le Yao Yao was dressed in the dark blue eunuch uniform, Leng Zi Hao thought it was a pity he was a eunuch…

“Eunuch Yao? Younger brother, sources say that last time the flood and drought incident was solved by a eunuch called Xiao Yao Zi from your residence. Is he the same one?”

Leng Jun Yu was silent all this time. Now that the Emperor had asked him a direct question, he slowly put down his tea cup and opened his thin lips as he nodded, “Yes, he is the one.”

“Oh?! So he’s the Xiao Yao Zi that you have mentioned quite a few times…haha. Xiao Yao Zi, you may rise! Who would’ve thought that at such a young age, your intelligence would be so high! Not only had you came up with a solution to deal with the flood and drought incident, this time, you were able to make the Dowager Empress so happy! Last time, this Emperor did not reward you well. This time, this Emperor will make sure you reward you!”

Hearing this, Le Yao Yao beamed.

Ohhhhh!! The Emperor is going to reward her!

Muahaha! Money!! Money, come to meeeee!!!

The more Le Yao Yao thought about it, the wider she smiled. Now, her eyes were barely visible because she was smiling like ^v^.

Leng Zi Hao did not disappoint. He rewarded Le Yao Yao a thousand silver taels. In addition, the Dowager Empress really liked Le Yao Yao’s cute appearance as well. In fact, she liked Le Yao Yao so much that she also bestowed Le Yao Yao with all sorts of rare and precious valuables.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao was so touched and emotional, she nearly floated in bliss.

Oh God! She was rich! Rich!!!

From now on, she will never have to worry about survival! After she leaves the residence, she will be a rich woman. She doesn’t ever have to work again!!! Wahahahaha!

Le Yao Yao nearly fainted from joy. But at the most crucial moment, she remembered to bow and say thank you.

Currently, Le Yao Yao was thinking about how to spend the money in the future. Of course, all her thoughts were displayed on her face. Leng Jun Yu could see everything and his handsome brows furrowed.

Humph! He was so happy. He must be thinking about leaving the residence again!?

What an ungrateful servant. Does he really want to leave me that badly?

Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu looked very grumpy and annoyed. It was as if he had a strong force suppressing his chest; causing him a lot of discomfort.

Leng Jun Yu was so distracted that he didn’t realize his brother, the Emperor, noticed his reaction.

Suddenly, Leng Zi Hao laughed.

“Younger brother, your Xiao Yao Zi is brighter than most. In addition, this Emperor is very pleased with him. This Emperor is missing a talent like Xiao Yao Zi by his side. Is brother willing to part with your cherished eunuch and gift him to me?”

The moment the Emperor said those words, everyone was astonished.

All the government officials were thinking, Wow! The Emperor actually personally asked for a eunuch?! This eunuch must be very special to the Emperor. From now on, this eunuch will probably rapidly rise in power and become the Emperor’s favourite. They must figure out a way to get on good terms with him!

When Leng Jun Yu heard his older brother’s request, his handsome brows knitted. But in a few seconds, he was expressionless again.

But although people couldn’t read his emotions, his icy aura deepened a few levels. Those who know him well could tell he was displeased.

Leng Zi Hao clearly knew his brother was unhappy, but he pretended not to notice. After all, this was the first time he had seen his younger brother care about someone.

And it was a eunuch!

So now, there was a cunning glint in Leng Zi Hao’s eyes. He smiled at Leng Jun Yu and patiently waited for his response.

At the same time, Le Yao Yao felt like she was being shocked by lightning.


Did she hear incorrectly?

The Emperor wants her?!?

Damn! He was the Emperor! Who would’ve thought her charm was so good?! Even the Emperor wants her!!! But *cough cough* of course, he only wants her to serve him…

After the initial shock, Le Yao Yao’s eyes landed on the King of Hell. Currently, her heart was very unstable.

She wasn’t fond of the King of Hell, and these days the King of Hell had been giving her the cold shoulder. Would he really give her away because of their icy battle?

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao was too afraid to breathe. If the King of Hell really decides to give her away to the Emperor, she would feel awful.

While Le Yao Yao was freaking out on the inside, the King of Hell was still silent. His eyes were on his tea cup. It looked like he was deep in thought.

Just as everyone thought Leng Jun Yu wasn’t going to answer the Emperor, he opened his mouth.

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