Chapter 198: Nangong Jun Xi is heartbroken

“No! Y-you…get up! You’re going to squish me to death! Ahhhh… didn’t you say you only wanted a hug? Where is your hand touching? Asshole, get off!”

Le Yao Yao could feel Nangong Jun Xi groping her ass. She was both furious and fearful at the same time.

After all, when people are intoxicated, they’re usually not logical. Plus, Nangong Jun Xi was so much taller and stronger than her. He could squish her flat with one finger. She was worried he will turn into a beast due to the influence of alcohol!

So, Le Yao Yao began to tear up.

“Wuwu, you’re such a bastard! F**k off!”

At this moment, Le Yao Yao suddenly felt Nangong Jun Xi’s weight disappear.

“P-Prince Rui?”

Out of nowhere, Prince Rui somehow appeared in her room. With one hand, he lifted the unconscious Nangong Jun Xi and threw him aside.

Le Yao Yao stopped crying. She thought she was hallucinating as she used her little hands to rub her eyes. She wiped away all her tears before she checked again.

It was the King of Hell! He came just at the right time!

Fortunately he came….

Le Yao Yao burst into tears. She began to wail. “Wahhhh!!!”

“Don’t cry. This Prince is here now.”

Leng Jun Yu’s heart ached when he heard Le Yao Yao’s cries. He crinkled his brows and gently wrapped his arms around “him”.

“Please don’t cry.”

When it came to killing, Leng Jun Yu was certain no one was more knowledgeable than him.

To kill effectively, always aim for the spot that would cause the greatest damage; the area must cause a person to be half dead yet still alive. He could easily do that with his eyes closed. But when it came to coaxing, Leng Jun Yu admit he was a novice.

If the person who bullied “him” wasn’t his junior brother, Leng Jun Yu would have undoubtedly ripped his corpse apart.

However, although it was his junior brother, he could only say sorry. When it comes to love, one is too lonely, three is too many. Even though Nangong Jun Xi was his beloved junior brother, he will never share the person he desires.    

Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu tightened his grip on Le Yao Yao.

“Prince Rui, you’re hurting me…”


“Sorry for dirtying your clothes, Prince Rui. Please take it off so servant can wash it for you…”

“It’s fine. Don’t be too upset by what happened tonight. Jun Xi wasn’t purposely trying to hurt you.”

“I know.”

“Get some rest.”

Then, Leng Jun Yu grabbed Nangong Jun Xi and took him out of the room.

The room was silent once again. But how could Le Yao Yao sleep after experiencing something like this?

So, Le Yao Yao continued to curl herself into a ball as she remained at the inner corner of the bed for the entire night. She never went back to sleep.


Due to the insomnia, Le Yao Yao woke up very early. When she went to serve Leng Jun Yu, Leng Jun Yu’s brows were scrunched. Leng Jun Yu could see Le Yao Yao’s dark eye bags and ordered her to return to bed.

After Leng Jun Yu headed to the Imperial Court, Le Yao Yao finally saw herself in the mirror. She was stunned.

“Woah! That’s me?!”

Her small face was pale and she looked like a sick patient.

In addition, her eye bags were so big that Le Yao Yao felt like she had the potential to be a panda!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao cursed the 7th Prince on the inside.

Damn that 7th Prince! He showed up in the middle of the night and almost raped her!

Although he said he likes her…that is not how you like someone!!?!

Le Yao Yao was storming mad. At this moment, the leading cause of her anger appeared in front of her.


When Nangong Jun Xi woke up this morning, his head was throbbing so much that he thought it was going to explode.

With difficulty, he drank some sobering tea and took a shower. Slowly, the snippets of last night began to emerge in his mind.

Last night, he vaguely recalled being in Xiao Zhu Zi’s room. Afterwards, he landed on top of “him”. Nangong Jun Xi wasn’t sure what occurred after that, but he somewhat recalled the tears and struggles….

Oh God! Could he have done the deed with “him”?

It seemed like he did but it also seemed like he didn’t. He had drunk too much and couldn’t remember anything. He knew that he woke up in his room though.

His clothes were not in a disarray, but the snippets in his mind indicated something else.

Hence, Nangong Jun Xi felt very restless. He adjusted his mood and decided to go visit Le Yao Yao.

He wanted to know whether something had happened between them last night. If so, he was a man and he would definitely take responsibility for his actions.

When Nangong Jun Xi saw Le Yao Yao, he noticed how enraged he was.

Oh God. He’s giving me a killer glare. He looks like he wants to eat me! Could we have done it last night? Is that why he is so mad?

“Umm.. Xiao Zhu Zi.. last night, we…..” Nangong Jun Xi awkwardly mumbled.

“You have the face to talk about last night? Your skin is so thick!”

“I’m sorry. Last night… I-I….honestly didn’t do it on purpose. I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing. T-that’s why I did what I did to you….”

“You seriously think a line of apology is good enough? Do you remember what you did last night? Do you think everything is fine now?” Le Yao Yao shouted.

“Um.. I’m sorry. I know this is not good enough. But don’t worry. I will take responsibility for my actions!”

Although he couldn’t remember anything, Le Yao Yao was already “his”. Doesn’t that mean senior brother and Bai will have to step aside?

Thinking of this, Nangong Jun Xi was a bit happy despite the circumstances.

However, Le Yao Yao’s brows crinkled. “What do you mean take responsibility? You think me and you….?”

“Didn’t we mate last night?”

“WHAT?? Of course not! Nothing happened between us, ok!? Well, it was a close call. You forgot everything?”

“Didn’t I tell you I forgot?”  

Initially, he thought they had done something last night. But it turned out it was only a close call…

“You forgot? Well, let me remind you. Last night, you entered my room drunk. You were groping me and luckily Prince Rui showed up just in time. Or else, I would’ve killed you!”

Le Yao Yao looked so disgusted that Nangong Jun Xi became more upset.

“Do you really hate me this much?”  

Le Yao Yao was really mad. But when she noticed how depressed Nangong Jun Xi appeared, she paused for a moment.

“Love isn’t something you can force. We’re impossible. Also, in the future, please stop drinking.”

She seriously did not want something like this to happen a second time.

Nangong Jun Xi smiled bitterly, “If that’s the case, I won’t try to force it anymore….”

Nangong Jun Xi felt heartbroken. After all, this was the first time he had fallen for someone. Yet, the person wouldn’t accept him nor give him a chance.

True, love wasn’t something that could be forced. He should pull himself out before he had totally been swallowed up by the hole.

However, why does his heart hurt so badly?

Love was seriously painful!

Thinking of this, Nangong Jun Xi said no more as he turned around and left the room.

Nangong Jun Xi was suffering immensely. He only wanted to find a place where there were no one else around so that he could heal.

Le Yao Yao felt very bad for breaking Nangong Jun Xi’s heart. Although she had never personally gone through a breakup or been rejected, she recalled how her roommates reacted after they were dumped. All of them looked like they wanted to die.

But it couldn’t be helped. She could only say sorry. After all, she didn’t feel the same. It was better she made it clear early on instead of dragging it to the future. It wouldn’t be fair to either of them.


After rejecting Nangong Jun Xi, he had vanished for a few days. Le Yao Yao had no idea where he was, and she didn’t ask. But one random day, out of the blue, the King of Hell told her not to worry. She wasn’t sure whether he mentioned it on purpose or not.

Anyhow, a few days passed by peacefully. Lately, the King of Hell kept surprising her with fun things.

Le Yao Yao knew he was trying to make her happy. He was acting like how a guy would act when he is crushing on a girl. Guys tend to feel manly when they know they are able to bring happiness to their women.

So, Le Yao Yao accepted all his gifts. In addition, her heart was experiencing a sweetness overdose.

She was honestly falling for him. Furthermore, she noticed that the King of Hell was changing for her as well.

Nowadays, he was starting to smile a lot more. His smile was so charming.

Whenever he wasn’t around, Le Yao Yao would imagine his smile and foolishly grin the entire day.

One time, Xiao Mu Zi caught her and couldn’t help but tease.

“Xiao Yao Zi, did you find a treasure? Look how happy you are!”

Le Yao Yao touched her face. Oh wow. She didn’t realized that the King of Hell’s every action and movement had such a powerful effect on her!

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