Chapter 22: What does he want from me?

Originally, Prince Rui had planned to ignore Le Yao Yao. However, when he turned around, he noticed the little eunuch staring at him in such a perverted manner. In addition, he had a pair of beautiful eyes. It made him feel very strange.

Honestly, he had never seen such big and beautiful eyes before.

Also, the little eunuch was like a blank piece of paper; whatever that was on his mind was totally revealed on his face. A person only needed to look and would be able to see right through him.

Prince Rui had grown up in the Palace. Although the Palace appeared to be splendorous and majestic, everyone schemed against each other. It was a dark place, and he knew this very clearly ever since he was young. Everyone appeared to be harmonious and kind; but on the inside, they were all selfish. They were like vipers that could nibble through your bones. If he wasn’t careful, he could fall into an abyss with no hopes of ever returning.

But this little eunuch was different from the others!

Perhaps it was because he was so different… that was why he felt a tenderness towards him and didn’t want to kill him?!

Thinking of this, Prince Rui recalled the incident from this morning.

Ba Hu had held Le Yao Yao hostage, but he could have chosen not to care and killed both of them.

Yet, he ordered his subordinates to bring him the curved moon arrow he normally wouldn’t use.

The curved moon arrow was specifically designed for him by his master. He was only supposed to use it if his enemy was threatening him with someone that meant a lot to him.

Because this curved moon arrow has psychological powers that grapples with a person’s fear of death.

If a person remained motionless, the curved moon arrow wouldn’t hit anything. On the contrary, if the person freaks out when he releases the arrow, he or she will definitely flinch and attempt to avoid; then the curved moon arrow will turn and strike the true target!

When his master had given him the curved moon arrow, he had specifically warned him to only use it for extreme measures. Or else, people will find out how it worked and no longer be fooled.

At the time, he had promised his master that he would think twice before using the curved moon arrow. He never thought he would use it on a little eunuch he had met for the very first time.

What was the reason?!

At the time, he didn’t think too much about it. Now that he thought back, he was still puzzled by his decision.

He thought about it for awhile, but couldn’t figure out the reason.

All he knew was that he simply didn’t want the little eunuch to die.

Leng Jun Yu silently analyzed the little eunuch that was only up to his shoulders. He couldn’t help but frowned.

“He” was so tiny. Honestly, if he wanted to, he could probably flatten “him” in one hit. Is “he” not eating?

As Leng Jun Yu thought about it, the little eunuch was still staring at him foolishly. His huge eyes didn’t even blink.

He looked foolish but cute!

Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu couldn’t help but want to tease “him” again.

Leng Jun Yu slowly walked towards the eunuch until he stood right in front of him. Then, he bent down.

Leng Jun Yu’s idealistic 180cm+ height made Le Yao Yao appeared even smaller than she was.

It wasn’t until Leng Jun Yu was practically in her face before Le Yao Yao snapped out of her stunned state.

When she realized there was only an inch between them, she panicked and her sweat glands opened up.


Le Yao Yao’s eyes bulged and her first reflex was to step back and bounce away. Unfortunately, there was a stone table behind her. She couldn’t go anywhere. So, she lightly bent her waist backwards to try to make the distance between her and the King of Hell wider.

Leng Jun Yu’s eyebrows raised since Le Yao Yao reacted so dramatically. But he didn’t pull away because she was resisting him.

Instead, the more Le Yao Yao bent backwards, the more he bent forward. He continued to keep the inch gap difference between them.

Usually, under this type of lovely scenery, this would be a perfect opportunity for lovers to bond.

But in this exquisite white jade pavilion, it was so eerily silent that a fallen needle could be heard.

In addition, the two people inside the pavilion were in very strange positions.

Imagine a tall man wearing a white robe leaning down towards a little eunuch.

The little eunuch’s back was almost bent to the shape of the letter C. People would sweat for the eunuch if they saw.

Prince Rui thought to himself, this little eunuch’s waist is so slim, would it accidentally snap off?

Truthfully, Le Yao Yao was currently very tired.

But this body was good quality; it was flexible and allowed her to curved backwards in such a complicated way.

Although after a few moments, it was quite tiring.

In no time, Le Yao Yao’s forehead was covered in sweats.

On her face, she started to crumpled her brows from pain while looking fearful at the same time. Her expression looked kind of twisted.

But she didn’t dare to move her legs. She also didn’t dare to push Prince Rui away. So all she did was hold onto her current position as she wondered what Prince Rui wanted to do to her.

Leng Jun Yu appeared to be appreciating an interesting piece of artifact. His face was still cold as ice, but his eyes showed amusement.

Because this was the first time he had ever seen so many expressions at the same time on a person’s face. It was hilarious. He thought the little eunuch was very fun to mess with.

Leng Jun Yu slightly curled his mouth. It was so slight that humans wouldn’t be able to detect it. Even he couldn’t tell he was smiling.

“Did you enjoy my flute music?”

Leng Jun Yu’s voice was low and raspy. It also sounded very indolent.

Under this quiet night, it was like an excellent jar of wine; very intoxicating…

Le Yao Yao was nervous for so long that Prince Rui’s question caught her off guard. She felt a bit stupid on the inside.

But she quickly changed her reaction and nodded like she was pounding garlic (tl: LOL what?).

She was afraid Prince Rui wouldn’t believe her, so she forcefully smiled and praised. But she had no idea that her smile was even more unsightly than her tears!

“Eh? It sounded very good! Very very good! Haha. Prince Rui’s flute music is amazing. It is the best I, I mean, servant, has ever heard in my life!”

Le Yao Yao was trying to sweet talk, but deep down she was silently cursing him.

Mother, why do you need to stand so close to me to ask a question?

Aiya, my waist can’t handle this!

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