Don’t be mad at Yu. He has a good reason why he doesn’t want to reveal himself!!


While Le Yao Yao stood there stiffly, she didn’t sense the man in black tremble. The moment her body touched his, it was like he was being electrocuted.

Behind the veil, the man had a very complicated expression on his face.

The moment Le Yao Yao was stabilized, the man hurriedly removed his arms.

The man took out some silver taels and placed it onto the table. Then, he turned to leave.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao panicked. Without thinking, she reached out to grab the man’s hand. She was surprised by her own boldness.

Originally, her eyes were covered in tears. But now, she was blushing.

However, what happened next was totally unexpected.

The man ruthlessly flung her hand off him. At that moment, Le Yao Yao felt as if her heart had shattered. Her eyes were wide open. At first, she was stunned. Then, she felt pitiful.

If he was really Yu, he would never push her away…

But if he wasn’t Yu, how come she sensed such a familiar Yu vibe from him? Aside from the sound of his voice, everything else belonged to Yu…

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao’s head was a mess.

“Sorry, I’m not used to people touching me.” the man coldly stated.

“I s-should be the one to apologize. I was too rash…” she whispered.

Le Yao Yao tried to hold it in and she looked down. Her eyelashes were so long that it concealed her disappointment.

But through her broken voice, it was clear she was devastated.

She looked so poignant. 

He really wanted to hold onto her; shelter her from wind and rain; hold up the sky for her. 

But that is no longer something he was capable of…

Thinking of this, the man in black clenched his fists, digging his fingers into his palms.

“I’m sorry.” With one hand, Le Yao Yao covered her mouth to drown out her sobbing. With the other, she grabbed Leng Yi Xuan and ran.

Right now, she was wounded. She just wanted to find a spot to heal…

Le Yao Yao had no clue that the moment she turned around, the man reached out his hand behind her.

It was as if he wanted to hold on. But ultimately, it just stayed in midair.


“Mother, please stop crying! Xuan’er doesn’t like to see you cry.”

Leng Yi Xuan was too little to understand why his mother was crying, but he felt terrible.

So, he reached out his soft, white hand and began tugging on Le Yao Yao’s hand; begging.

Leng Yi Xuan looked so cute, but was practically a miniature version of Yu.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao felt more depressed. She wrapped her arms around her son and began to wail.

“Yu…Yu! I miss you. I miss you so much!!!!”

Leng Yi Xuan didn’t know who Yu was, but he was starting to turn teary because of his mom.

However, he tried to hold in the tears and acted like an adult. He lightly patted Le Yao Yao’s back and soothed, “Mommy, stop crying, ok? Be good! If mommy is unhappy, then tell Xuan’er. If someone dares to bully mommy, Xuan’er will help mommy get revenge!” Xuan’er stated with his baby voice. He had a determined look on his face.

Who’s actually the mom now? Who’s the son? Have they switched roles?

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao couldn’t help but giggle. Leng Yi Xuan felt relieved.

“Good girl, mommy! Xuan’er will always remain by your side. If there are bad guys, Xuan’er will protect mommy!”

Deep down, Xuan’er decided he must grow and be a strong man in the future. That way, he will be able to chase down the bad guys and protect his mommy from getting bullied!

Fortunately, although she lost Yu, she had Xuan’er by her side…


While Le Yao Yao was being comforted, she had no idea that the room next to hers stood a person as cold as ice.

The Sun was shining onto the man, but the heat of the universe would not be able to warm the man’s heart.

The aura he gave off was like he came from 18 levels of Hell.

This gorgeous man was no other than Leng Jun Yu!!

Although Leng Jun Yu was only a wall apart from her, he would never reveal his existence.

For the past five years, his only goal was to stay alive so that he could see her again. Even if it was just one look…

He finally made it back, but…

Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu’s eyes were filled with pain. He had to vent out his sorrows and smashed the chair next to him.

The chair instantly split into pieces.

Blood began to slowly drip out of Leng Jun Yu’s fist.

But, the blood was purplish red.

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