Chapter 29: I’m satisfied!

“What?! T-take… off your undergarment…?!”

Le Yao Yao couldn’t hide the shock from her voice.

Then, she stared at Prince Rui’s body.

Prince Rui was merely wearing a thin undergarment. There was a loose knot tied around his waist.

From the collar though, his bronze sexy chest could be seen.

Although he wasn’t revealing too much, it was the partly revealed areas that would turn a person nuts.

It could cause a person’s beastly side to come out. The beast would want to tear apart the undergarment to violate this handsome and demonic man.

Obviously, Le Yao Yao wouldn’t actually do these type of things. She would only use her imagination. If she really wanted to violate this man…eh, forget it!

He only needed to lift a finger to crush her.

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao couldn’t help but shiver. She was still daydreaming until she heard a loud cough above her. Then, she realized she almost forgot what she was supposed to do.

If this man in front of her was unhappy, her brain was a goner!

So, Le Yao Yao didn’t even care anymore. She quickly used both her hands to take off Leng Jun Yu’s undergarment.

Since the knot was a simple loose knot, she easily untied it.

The moment she untied the knot, a body of perfection was immediately displayed in front of her.

His skin colour was a healthy wheat colour. He had broad shoulders and a narrow waist; his legs were perfectly straight and his butt tocks were sticking out a bit. He honestly could be compared to a powerful wild African cheetah!

This was the hottest body Le Yao Yao had never seen in her life. Even the models from TV and magazines couldn’t compare!

Le Yao Yao couldn’t help but gulped down her saliva that was nearly coming out. She looked at the man with twinkling eyes; just like a naughty cat.

Prince Rui was pleased by her reaction.

“Are you satisfied by what you see?” He teased. (end of Ch.35 raws)

“Mm, satisfied!”

Before she realized it, those words had already came out.

Immediately, Le Yao Yao realized what had just happened. It was as if she had just awakened as she stared into the pair of black pupils.

Prince Rui was watching her. His icy pupils were now filled with amusement as he grinned.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao felt an explosion in her mind. She was frozen stiff.

Oh God, that was so embarrassing!

Was she a love-struck girl?

How could she daydream whenever she sees a hot man? Now, she had been caught. Oh God, she was so embarrassed she felt like she lost her face at her grandmother’s.

The more Le Yao Yao thought about it, the more she wanted to go find a hole to fall into.

Currently, she looked as red as a ripe apple; while Leng Jun Yu still look emotionless.

Although, his cold aura clearly subsided quite a bit.

If one were to look carefully, they would be able to see a slight smile on Leng Jun Yu’s lips.

It was a charming smile. But it quickly disappeared. It was just like a night blooming cactus show; making it almost impossible for anyone to catch it.

Le Yao Yao didn’t notice it though. She was too busy feeling ashamed.

Perhaps she was too distracted or embarrassed, but her hands and feet weren’t following her instructions.

‘Si’ A very noticeable ripping sound could be heard. Leng Jun Yu’s thin undergarment had the privilege of being torn apart by Le Yao Yao.


Seeing this, Le Yao Yao was stunned on the spot. Then, she instantly looked at Prince Rui. She noticed he had his eyebrows raised at her and her scalp felt numb again. She began to stuttered.

“I-I’m s-sorry… your servant will mend this garment!”


The corner of Leng Jun Yu’s mouth twitched. His eyes flickered and he looked down on the little eunuch that only reached his chest.

Ever since “he” had entered, he had been watching “his” every move.

“He” was very afraid of him. In addition, all his thoughts subconsciously reflected on his face.

Also, “he” was very stupid and clumsy. It took him a very long time just to help him change. And he was clumsy enough to rip his undergarment.

Not only that, he said he was going to mend it.

He was the magnificent Prince Rui of the Tian Yuan dynasty. Only one man was above him, and ten thousand were below him. He had money and power. Why would he care about a mere undergarment?!

If he were to be seen with a mended undergarment, wouldn’t people’s teeth fall out from laughter?

Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu was about to say something. Unexpectedly, Le Yao Yao interrupted before he could.

“Prince, don’t worry. Your servant will definitely mend this item!”

Le Yao Yao held onto the torn undergarment as she said determinedly.

After all, it was obvious that this undergarment was made with the highest quality of silk. When she touched the material, it was glossy and smooth. One look was sufficient to tell it was extremely expensive.

Right now, she was a penniless eunuch. If Prince Rui wanted her to compensate for the item, she wouldn’t be able to afford it even if she were to sell all her blood!

The more she thought about it, the more depressed she felt. She never thought that one day she would be in a situation where she couldn’t even afford to pay for a piece of clothing…

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