Chapter 33: Helping Brother Li

Hearing Le Yao Yao’s words, Leng Jun Yu had one hand lightly rubbing against his chin while the other hand was softly tapping onto the table. His eyes narrowed a bit; as if he was thinking about something. He didn’t immediately speak.

There was a moment of silence. Aside from Leng Jun Yu’s sharp hand tapping, there was no other sound in the room.

Everyone’s hearts were also pounding with his tapping. Le Yao Yao was no exception.

She never shifted her bright big eyes away from the handsome man’s face.

But Prince Rui’s pupils were kind of restrained. His eyelashes were thick like a brush, and it blocked part of his expression. It made it impossible for others to read his thoughts.

Just as everyone thought he was going to reject Le Yao Yao’s offer, Prince Rui opened his mouth.

His voice was like the sound of a string instrument when a flower floated down from a tree. It was extremely seductive.

“What if I am unsatisfied with your dish?”


Le Yao Yao lowered her head as she thought about it. Almost instantly, she lifted her head and responded,

“Then, you can kick both me and Cook Li out of the residence!”

“Xiao Yao Zi…!” Cook Li protested.

Hearing Le Yao Yao’s words caused Cook Li and Xiao Mu Zi’s eyes to widen. They couldn’t hide the shock and disbelief from their eyes.

As for Leng Jun Yu, he only narrowed his eyes a little and didn’t say another word. Instead, he waved his hand.

Le Yao Yao didn’t understand his gesture. She looked at the chief manager for clarification. He immediately looked at Le Yao Yao and squealed,

“Why are you still standing around? Hurry up and prepare your dish!”

“Oh! Thank you, Prince Rui! Thank you, Prince Rui!”

Hearing this, Cook Li was the first to react. Knowing the fact that Prince Rui was willing to give him another chance gave him so much joy, he almost broke down in tears.

Although there was no guaranteed he could stay, but at least there was hope! Having hope was always better than nothing, right?

So, after Cook Li bowed down to show his gratitude, he quickly pulled Le Yao Yao to the kitchen with him.

In the meantime, he wouldn’t stop thanking Le Yao Yao. As for Xiao Mu Zi, who was walking behind them, he looked extremely dejected and sad.

“Xiao Yao Zi, why would you cause so much suffering to yourself?! Didn’t you say you were an orphan? Where are you going to go if you get kicked out of the Prince’s residence?”

“Eh!? I haven’t thought about that far! Ehh don’t worry about it. When the ship arrives at the bridge, it will automatically straighten. Plus, there is no way I can just watch Brother Li get kicked out!”

Although that was what Le Yao Yao said, deep down, she felt differently.

After all, staying with this unstable Prince wasn’t exactly the best option. Her brain was constantly at stake. If she pissed him off one day, he could simply ‘ka cha’, and her brain would be a goner.

Yet, if she was able to escape from the Prince’s residence, then she would be free! She wouldn’t have to constantly worry about her brain being chopped off.

Plus, she didn’t believe that as a 21st century new human being, she wouldn’t be able to survive in this ancient era!

So, even if her dish couldn’t satisfy Prince Rui, she would be ok with getting kicked out. But if the Prince liked her dish, then at least, she helped Brother Li keep his job!

Regardless of the outcome, she would still win!


Since the Prince’s residence was huge, the kitchen was naturally big as well.

After all, the amount of guards and servants already exceed a thousand. This was not even counting those that helped Prince Rui outside of his residence.

Currently, it was right at noon. The amount of people in the kitchen was at its peak. Everyone had their own duties. They were so busy that they wished their parents had given them a few more legs at birth.

When Le Yao Yao walked into the kitchen, she swept her eyes around the room.

All she saw were various kinds of vegetables and meats. There were chicken, duck, fish, and so on. The kitchen had everything.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao immersed herself in her thoughts. Soon, she turned to the anxious Cook Li and said,

“Oh yeah, Brother Li, does Prince Rui eat very little normally?”

“Mmm. Yeah. How did you know? Aii, I don’t know why. But Prince Rui is extremely picky. So on a normal basis, I have to change and make all sorts of different styles of dishes. I never dare to repeat a dish. Also, according to what I have been told, before I had arrived, the Prince’s residence had already gone through thirty eight different cooks!”

Since Le Yao Yao asked, Cook Li honestly told her the truth.

He trusted her after what just happened. In fact, Cook Li saw Le Yao Yao in a different light.

After all, previously he didn’t even treat this little eunuch that well. But at the most crucial moment, it was this little eunuch that had stood up for him. The more Cook Li thought about it, the more grateful he felt towards Le Yao Yao.

But of course, he didn’t know that Le Yao Yao had a purpose for doing this. And obviously, she wouldn’t reveal that to him.

After hearing Cook Li’s words, Le Yao Yao was a bit speechless. Not only did the King of Hell have a rocky personality, his mouth was also rebellious.

But since he was born a royalty, this was expected. He probably had eaten all sorts of exotic delicacies. After so many years, he was probably sick and tired of it.

So her dish better be extra special!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao instantly rolled up her sleeves and revealed a pair of  tender arms as she began to select the materials. Xiao Mu Zi and Cook Li were her helpers. They were going to help her prepare the dish.

Seeing how at ease and familiar Le Yao Yao was at selecting the ingredients, Xiao Mu Zi looked at her questionably.

“Xiao Yao Zi. Didn’t you say you couldn’t cook? How come you’re able to cook today?” (end of Ch. 42 raws)

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