Chapter 80: The frightening death

Just as Leng Jun Yu was about to open his thin lips to speak, he noticed something and his cold pupils flashed as he knitted his handsome brows.

Following the King of Hell’s gaze, they could see Mei and Xing coming into the courtyard. Their expressions were grave as they hastily rushed into the room. It looked like something significant had happened!

Seeing this, both Le Yao Yao and Nangong Jun Xi stopped talking in succession. They curiously gazed at Mei and Xing. Both Mei and Xing were covered in dust and they were gasping for their breaths. Clearly, they had rushed over from somewhere.

Leng Jun Yu stared at the faces of his two competent secret agents, and his handsome face darkened.

“Why are you both so flustered?”

“Prince! A terrible major event has happened!” Mei icily stated. Everyone remained quiet so they could hear him reveal the bomb.

It turned out that this morning, a girl that lived Northwest of the Capital was found dead in her room.

Originally, this death would be something the local authorities have to investigate and deal with; there was no need to report it to the Prince, however, the way the girl died was extremely frightening.

“Frightening? How frightening was it?” When Mei got to this part, Nangong Jun Xi was extremely curious.

After all, he had seen many dead people throughout his life. Plus, the way his senior brother killed was very brutal. He was accustomed to it. He didn’t think anything could scare him.

But when Mei used the word “frightening”, it truly evoked his curiosity.

Since Nangong Jun Xi asked, Mei took a deep breath. At this time, Le Yao Yao had just returned with tea. She placed the teacups on the black sandalwood side table for the secret agents.

Although Mei and Xing were Leng Jun Yu’s secret agents, they had been through fire and water together. Their bond was naturally incomparable to others. Furthermore, since they were all relatively around the same age, their relationship was more like friendship than a boss-subordinate relationship.

Hence, Leng Jun Yu ordered Le Yao Yao to prepare some tea for them while they sat to catch their breaths. But now that Mei was about to describe how gruesome the girl died, Le Yao Yao didn’t want to listen at all because she was afraid she will get nightmares from it!

But, Nangong Jun Xi seemed to sense Le Yao Yao’s fear, and his peach blossom eyes flickered. Then, he instantly raised his voice and blocked Le Yao Yao’s path.

“Xiao Tu Zi, what are you doing? You still haven’t poured tea for me yet?! I’m thirsty too! Mei, continue explaining!”

Hearing this, Le Yao Yao knew Nangong Jun Xi was doing it on purpose. She was so mad that she almost stomped her feet! Deep down, she was silently cursing him.

If she had known this guy was so evil, she should have spat in his teacup earlier! Humph!!

Although she was panting with rage, she was unfortunately a low eunuch. Her opponent was the 7th Prince. He could determine whether she lives or dies with one line!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao was even more furious about this slave-owning society. But while she was angry, she still had to do the work. Hence, Le Yao Yao carried the tray towards Nangong Jun Xi.

At this moment, Mei’s mouth felt dry, so Xing continued for him.

Xing was the outgoing exaggerating witty type. When Xing speaks, he likes to make his words come to life so that others could experience it as if they were there themselves. Currently, he had stood up from his seat as he dramatically explained what he saw in great details.

“This was the first time I’ve seen a girl died like this. If someone is killed, there will definitely be blood. But this girl had a hole in her chest that was the size of a fist. Also, the girl’s heart was missing. Clearly, someone had ferociously scooped her heart out. But the strangest thing was that all her blood was gone too. She was a dried corpse. But she hadn’t died for more than a day! According to her parents, they had dinner together last night. After dinner, the girl went to bed. By the time she was found the next day, she was already a dried corpse. Oh God! It’s unbelievable!”

At the very end, Xing patted his chest and made a shocking expression.

After he was done speaking, there wasn’t a single person that wasn’t affected.

Although, Leng Jun Yu and Nangong Jun Xi were emotionally fine since they were used to seeing dead people. However, they thought the girl’s death was too strange.

But for Le Yao Yao, she felt the content in her stomach surging. She was remembering how the King of Hell had killed the first time they met. There were dead people everywhere. The ground was covered in blood..

As Le Yao Yao thought about it, she felt a blast of cold air coming from the bottom of her feet and blasting to the tip of her head inch by inch.

Now, her face was nearly green. If one paid closer attention, they could tell she was trembling.

Oh God! That was too terrifying! Who could be so cold hearted that they would brutally murder a young girl that was at her prime?

As Le Yao Yao freaked out, her mind was filled with the words that Xing had just said. She was imagining the whole scene before her eyes. Oh no, she will not be able to sleep tonight!

Seeing how scared and white Le Yao Yao’s face was, Nangong Jun Xi was rejoicing on the inside.

Humph! You dared to kick the 7th Prince’s bird? Well, you should mentally be prepared to suffer!

“Hey! Servant! Why are you standing around!? Come and pour me tea!”

Currently, Le Yao Yao barely had anything strength to hold the teacup. So, a tragedy was about to happen….

Le Yao Yao suddenly yelled a “ahhhh”. The teacup filled with hot tea was slipping from her hand. This all happened very quickly. The boiling water was about to splash on her leg. Seeing this, Le Yao Yao thought it was inevitable that she was going to be scalded.

Therefore, she closed her eyes. As the saying goes, “What the eyes doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.”

But after waiting for a few seconds, the pain she had anticipated never came. Instead, there were shocking cries all around –

“Senior brother…!”


Hearing this, Le Yao Yao’s heart trembled and her eyelashes slightly fluttered. Then, she slowly opened her eyes.

The King of Hell had single handedly caught the teacup and prevented her from getting hurt.

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