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BP starts.

IG on the blue side, LGD on the red side.

IG directly took down Ryze, Alistar, and Azar.

In the previous game against M3, the visual impact that Chen Yiqiu's Ryze brought to all PL teams was so terrifying that IG did not want to give Chen Yiqiu such a monster hero in this game.

On the LGD side,

Shen, Gragas, and Kalista were taken down.

Zzitai's top single Shen did play quite well in recent games, although LGD has great confidence in Chen Yiqiu's personal strength.

But at this time, it is still necessary to respect the opponent.


"In that case IG will grab Ekko directly!"

"Isn't it wonderful?"

Wawa said directly when he saw the two sides fighting.

Although the current version of Ekko has been slightly weakened, after Ekko goes to the jungle, it is still quite strong with the current jungle equipment.

Of course, the hero Ekko can also go mid-lane.

The last time rookie faced LGD, he took out Ekko, and in that game, Wei Shen sacrificed the mid-lane Yasuo.

And that game.

It was one of the games that LGD lost to IG in the summer season this season. At that time, rookie's Ekko was really strong, and he was not at all inferior to Wei Shen's Yasuo. He even had a slight upper hand.

Wawa had just finished speaking.

IG locked Ekko directly at this time.

The current version is considered a T1-level jungler. Now the only jungle heroes that can be comparable to Ekko are Gragas and Excavator.

The others have not been so good recently.

But in fact, IG's grab of Ekko not only took the strong hero of this version, but also made a swing, and Kakao's jungler Ekko has really been very carry recently.


"Now let’s see how LGD chooses the side?"

"Xiaoping's Minotaur was directly taken away. Let's see what hero to use for the support position."

Obviously, Miller was very impressed by Hirano Aya's Minotaur.

Hirano Aya has always liked Minotaur, a hard support. Now that Minotaur has been taken away, it is indeed a bit of a headache.

"Brothers, swing across!"

"How about I try my hand at it, too?"

At this time, LGD's Hirano Aya suddenly said with great interest.

"Captain Tietou, what do you want to do?"

Wei Shen said without any politeness

"I'll play Titan! What do you think?"

Hirano Aya said leisurely.

Seeing IG get Ekko first, LGD was not sure about Ekko's current position, which made LGD's BP uncomfortable.

So Hirano Aya also wanted to play this way.

"No problem!"

Feng Ge was the first to agree.

Compared with others, coach Feng Ge likes to swing more during the BP, otherwise he would not have the title of Wind BP.

So, LGD's first two tanks + VN

VN heroes, although it is UZI's real signature, but in fact, at this time, many ADC players still like to use VN.

And VN's hero strength is not bad.

Seeing Titan, the water friends in the live broadcast room immediately started to brush the barrage

"That straight man Titan game still leaves a deep impression on me. Deft has left a deep psychological shadow."

"The child is trembling now!"

"LGD's top laner Tai is a unique skill"

"Qiu Shen, you started it!"


Seeing LGD pick Titan, many people almost thought of Chen Yiqiu's top lane Titan, because in the previous game against EDG.

His Titan was too outrageous.

Followed by IG's selection.

The swing heroes on both sides made their respective opponents very uncomfortable, but this is also a game between the two sides, it depends on who plays better.

Big Mouth, Wind Girl.

IG also took out the bottom lane combination


"Ah Quan, do you choose Lee Sin or Javelin as the jungler this time?"

At this time, the LGD players were also discussing urgently.

Gragas was taken away.

Now that Ekko has also been selected by IG, basically these two are the only jungle heroes left.

In fact, Lee Sin is not that strong in this version, but this hero is definitely of great significance to Taobao Quan.

The real favorite hero!

When Taobao Quan gets a hero like Lee Sin, his operation can often be more showy

"Lee Sin!"

Taobao Quan answered with certainty.

If Feng Ge said so, then he would definitely play Lee Sin if he could. For the time being, he was too lazy to care what hero the opponent chose. In fact, it was very difficult to play a game of Lee Sin in a game.

Thinking about it carefully, Taobao Quan's Lee Sin appearance record this season was only four or five games, and the most recent one was the day before yesterday against M3.

Now he is hot in playing Lee Sin!

Chen Yiqiu was watching the BP quietly. Now the opponent IG has not made a choice of top hero, but on their side, Taobao Quan has decided to play jungle.

Then he has to decide on the hero for top.

The fifth counter should be left to Wei Shen

"Why do I feel that we can still choose another one for our fourth pick?"

"Come on, Yasuo!"

"No matter whether it is top or mid, it is difficult for the opponent to guess! How about giving IG a double swing directly?"

At this time, Hirano Aya said.

Feng Ge quite agreed with this statement. Yasuo is currently a very good choice for the entire lineup.

Chen Yi Qiu blinked.


Go to the top?

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Everything is easy to say, but my brothers, don't joke about top Yasuo!

This hero is not about luck or not, it is a hero that requires complete operation. It is completely up to luck.���It doesn't matter.

The key now is that Chen Yiqiu thought about it.

Feng Ge really let him practice this hero before. At that time, he said Vampire, Yasuo, and Dragon Lady. Chen Yiqiu practiced all three of them, but Dragon Lady played the most happily.

As for Yasuo.

Chen Yiqiu must admit that he really doesn't have the ability to play Yasuo. Even if he practiced, can a gold or silver player practice this kind of operation casually?

Chen Yiqiu's Yasuo, in the end, only practiced one operation.

Infinite E!

That's it, nothing else!

This is also the source of Yasuo's happiness. With his level, letting him play Yasuo is like giving it away!

Before rebirth, Chen Yiqiu hated facing Yasuo the most.

It's not because of how terrible this hero is, the most important thing is that he can never beat Yasuo in the line, and the key is that he can't play it at all.

This is the most infuriating!

At this moment, Chen Yiqiu suddenly had ten thousand thoughts in his mind.

If he said that he was bad at playing Yasuo in the top lane, the countless similar statements before had made his teammates completely disbelieve that he was bad and pitted.

The top laner Fizz is the best example, and there are many other cases besides this.

The problem now is that he must stop his teammates from letting him play Yasuo, otherwise he will really go crazy.

The tension of the output-type top laner has just passed, and now there is a top laner hero who relies entirely on operation, which is simply to make Chen Yiqiu dance wildly on the edge of tension.

The heat of this game has exploded so much. If he also brings out a Yasuo, then even Yasuo's E will not be happy, which will be even more funny.

In fact, Chen Yiqiu's Yasuo's infinite E is not even proficient enough.

Others' infinite E is swishing, and his infinite E may have to pause for a while, which is particularly embarrassing to watch.

But how to refuse now?

"Wei Shen Yasuo can do it!"

"I can't show off, brothers!"

Chen Yiqiu responded in an indirect way. At present, Yasuo is indeed very suitable for the current LGD lineup.

The auxiliary Titan has knock-up.

Lee Sin's ultimate can also cooperate with Yasuo.

Even Imp's VN. is like this.

In this case, taking out Yasuo is obviously a very good choice, which Chen Yiqiu himself can see.


"Let's see what the other side chooses later."

Wei Shen followed with a sentence

"Let's take a look first!"

Feng Ge also responded.

Then LGD picked up Lee Sin + So. When these two heroes were confirmed, the audience was already boiling.


The cheers did not subside for a long time.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also quite surprised at this time.


"Lee Sin + So, LG is quite daring in this game!"

"Just by taking out these two heroes, the momentum is already half won."

Wawa said when he saw this.

In many games, it takes a lot of courage to have a combination like Yasuo + Lee Sin in the professional arena.

After all, taking these two heroes means that you dare to show off and fight, otherwise it will be difficult for you to fight against the opponent.

Seeing that Yasuo was confirmed, Chen Yiqiu's heart was always pounding.

He originally thought that he should not be nervous.

He has played so many games and won so many, but now Chen Yiqiu finds that when facing this situation in the professional arena, he is still the ignorant boy Chen Yiqiu.

And here.

Seeing LGD's selection, IG is a little embarrassed.

Titan, can go up and support.

Yasuo, can go mid and up.

LGD's two swings made IG's last two selections particularly uncomfortable._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection,

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