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Chen Yiqiu knew what Taobao Quan wanted to do, he was actually very worried.

Because in this game, Chen Yiqiu had already failed before.

If he made another mistake later...

Chen Yiqiu would really be ashamed to face it.

But compared to the previous time, he was mentally prepared this time, and he seemed to be less worried, although he was a gold-level player.

But Chen Yiqiu thought, it should be no problem.

Yes! No problem!

Absolutely no problem!


"Bottom lane!"

"Yasuo is now pushing the lane a little deeper!"

"But IG is a little bit hesitant to provoke Qiu Shen's Yasuo. The previous wave in the top lane made Zzitai and Kakao really uncomfortable."

Seeing the situation in the bottom lane, Miller was also talking.

At this time, the little kid kid was facing Yasuo alone in the bottom lane, but he felt weird looking at the Yasuo in front of him who was not proficient in the operation. I am afraid that my Yasuo is smoother than his operation?

To be honest, the little kid kid has this feeling.

But kid clearly remembered what Zzitai had just reminded him, no matter what, don't be confused by this guy's Yasuo, this guy has practiced thieves in the silver and gold games and can act.

Anyway, his big mouth can develop under the second tower. If he doesn't go out, there will be nothing to worry about.

You can be as naughty as you want, just treat you as a fool.

These words seem to be what Cmy said during the live broadcast, and the child is for I still have some impression of this, and now the situation seems to be very suitable.

Yasuo pushed the line over again.

The kid retreated and stood under the tower with peace of mind, ready to happily eat the line. Before this game, he was killed by Taobao's blind monk ank, giving the first blood to imp.

It was already very uncomfortable for the kid.

Now, he can only develop with peace of mind.


Yasuo is coming?

A small move to twist Yasuo's Q ability, and a counter-attack A to break the shield is normal!

The kid is retreating, retreating and A at the same time. This basic operation is quite simple for a normal ADC.

Open W a few times.

Followed by another big mouth AQ.

Although the big mouth was in the early stage Killed once, but in the current version of the lane-swapping style, the ADC's last-hitting development has not been affected much.

Especially in last-hitting.

Kid's Kog'Maw's equipment is not bad.

He already has the two small items of Ruined King, plus a pair of attack speed boots, and two Doran's Blades. Even if he dies once, his equipment is a little better than Yasuo.

Keep walking and A. Pull!

Yasuo wants to come up?

Give you a puddle of mud, slow you down, A, and then follow up with a big move.

Can't hit you?

Little Ruined King sucks you in and slows you down!

Can't get close to me?

The kid is quite proud of his Kog'Maw's walking and A at this time, and the distance control is very Very good, quite like UZI.

Now there is no minions of his own to help Yasuo move, and he is pulling and attacking Yasuo like this, which really makes Yasuo have no way to deal with it.

The key is the hero Kog'Maw, nicknamed the Tank Killer, and his W skill directly deals percentage damage. Yasuo's equipment is not a problem in front of the hero Kog'Maw. Is

Yasuo angry?

If you come over, I will leave. If you leave, I will attack you

, but I will not chase you. What can you do to me?

Seeing that Cmy in the bottom lane wanted to turn around but could not get enough distance to E his own Kog'Maw, after several consecutive times, the somewhat fat kid smiled happily. It feels a bit good to tease Cmy


"Oh shit!"

"Taobao, you are a jerk!"

"I'm about to be killed, and I'm still selling a chicken, run away!"

Chen Yi Qiu was a little panicked at this time, but he couldn't say anything in the team voice, so he could only complain about Taobao Quan in his heart.

It was this guy who asked him to go up and sell.

Chen Yi Qiu thought that he should be fine with his meat armor at first, but he rushed up and was numbed by the kid's positioning show, and he didn't even hit a Q skill. He was really a badass.

The key point is that Chen Yi Qiu had no mouth to counterattack him a few times, and the damage was so high after the fight. Now only a quarter of his health is left. He didn't feel so much pain when he was beaten by Centaur and Ekko in the top lane.

If he doesn't run away quickly, he might be killed by the big mouth's ultimate skill and another ultimate skill.


"This wave of Yasuo is a bit too deep!"

"If you don't sell it again, it might just be gone!"

Wawa couldn't help but say this when he saw this.

At this time, kid couldn't help but move forward. He just wanted to use a big move. The CD of the Q skill was almost ready. He really had a good chance to kill.

But... kid remembered what Tai said.

Don't be fooled!

Absolutely not!

Yasuo, please continue your performance!

Thinking of all this, kid threw out a big mouth's big move.

Living cannon!

Hit... hit?


When kid saw this, his mind went blank. Yasuo only had a little blood left. As long as he used a Q or two basic attacks on him, wouldn't Yasuo kill himself?

I told you to sell it!

I told you to act! Did you act too much this time?

As he said this, kid took another step forward subconsciously.

The distance is enough!

One Q, Yasuo will die!


"Golden Bell Cover!"


At this time, Taobao's blind monk W to Chen Yiqiu's Yasuo in time, immediately blocked the big mouth's Q skill and gave Yasuo a shield, and pressed the Q skill at the same time.


At this time, kid frowned and immediately had a bad premonition. When

Chen Yiqiu saw this, he immediately began to press frantically. Last time, he was slow to react. This time, he must not embarrass himself, otherwise he really couldn't explain to his teammates.

"Being blind doesn't affect my pursuit of enemies at all, because I can smell their stench."

At this time, Taobao Quan's blind monk quickly followed up with the second stage of Q.

The dragon swings its tail!

With one kick, it directly kicks the big mouth to the wall.

Sorea hurts!

Yasuo's ultimate move, the wind is dead!

Chen Yiqiu was so excited when he saw it. Damn, this time he finally connected the ultimate move, but there is only a little blood left, and only the blind monk has a shield.

Yasuo's ultimate move is still going on, but in the air Chen Yiqiu wants to put up a wind wall.

As a real mixed top laner, he is afraid of death!

But soon, Chen Yiqiu found that he was thinking too much.

Because when he and Taobao Quan's damage was madly poured on the big mouth, the blood volume of the big mouth was dropping. This wave of Taobao Quan's blind monk almost hit the full damage.

And his Yasuo seemed to be just making up for the damage.

The ultimate move landed!

Chen Yiqiu followed with a Q and actually got a critical hit!

"(Yasuo) LGDCm killed IGkid (Kog'Maw)"

Kid regretted it!

Yasuo's wind wall made it impossible for him to change at the last moment. He also used his flash when he was ganked in the last wave. He really had no way out.

But... there was still the passive!

Kid was chasing Yasuo with his passive. The current blind monk's W skill definitely couldn't help Yasuo in D.

After Chen Yiqiu saw this,


As long as I use E fast enough, Zui's passive can't catch up with me. At this time, the enemy's minions are also coming up, and the CD of Yasuo's E skill is really low in this version.

Kid is disappointed!

This Yasuo E also uses Yasuo's passive shield, which is really fierce!


"The child god was fooled in the end!"

"If he didn't chase him out, the blind monk in that position would have no way to come over and kick him."

"All I can say is that Cmy's Yasuo was absolutely confident. He sold out his health bar just to let Kid's Kog'Maw take two more steps forward."

After watching LGD's gank, commentators Wawa and Miller were a little convinced.

It was really ruthless!

Yasuo dared to play so hard with such little health. Can you believe it?

After watching LGD's gank kill, the audience in the live broadcast room was completely stunned. It was the first time they saw such ruthless play in a game.


"God Qiu, I am impressed by your acting skills!"

"Oscar winner!

" Taobao Quan couldn't help but say this in LGD.

He had agreed with Chen Yiqiu before this wave to let his Yasuo sell in the bottom lane.

He didn't need anything, just wanted to let the big mouth come out a little bit.

But the big mouth didn't fall for it at the beginning.

Taobao Quan almost gave up.

But he never expected that he would see his teammates still selling blood crazily to seduce kid's big mouth, and they sold only a little bit of blood.

Almost died!

It was so extreme that Taobao Quan himself was stunned.


Chen Yiqiu didn't know what to say. He was really embarrassed at the moment.

Was he acting? He was just playing his true self!

His own Yasuo was just so bad. Chen Yiqiu couldn't do anything about it. But when he was trying to get the kill, he felt a little lucky because he got a Greedy Blade.

10% crit.

Adding Yasuo's basic crit attribute, it was only 30% at best. With such a crit chance, he killed the big mouth with a Q.

Chen Yiqiu couldn't believe it himself.


"IG is really at a disadvantage now!"

"This game was supposed to rely on Kog'Maw to continue to output in the middle and late stages, but now Kog'Maw has been killed twice, so he has to wait for his development."

Looking at the situation on the field, Miller couldn't help but say.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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