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Yiqiu was extremely embarrassed at this moment.

Rookie's Victor and Kid's Big Mouth were both on his left, but his own wind wall was actually placed on the right.

I'm afraid the audience will laugh at me!

Oh my God!

Give me a pill of regret!

Please turn back time for a second and change this wave of operations, don't let me be so embarrassed, okay?


Chen Yiqiu thought too much!


"Wind girl!"

"Wind girl!"

"Kill the Wind Girl first!"


Inside LGD, Ping Ling was roaring loudly.

Yasuo's ultimate to assist Janna will be of great significance to their team fight. It can even be said that this is the best candidate for LGD to start a team fight.

Only when they can get Janna, can they rush forward without restraint.

Because Janna's ultimate has a very high priority and can completely repel all the attacks. Once it is used on other people, Janna's ultimate will basically be wasted. They may even be counterattacked by the opponent.

That's why, when seeing Yasuo's ultimate to assist Janna, everyone in LGD was completely excited.

Even if it was imp's Vayne, when Titan hooked Ekko at the first time, normally Ekko should have been pinned to the wall and beaten up.

But imp didn't do this. His Vayne rolled to the front in an instant after using his ultimate.

The target was directly aimed at the Janna who was shooting Coco.


"Hirano Aya hooked Ekko with the Titan and then entered the tower to take the damage!"

"Yasuo and Lee Sin rushed to IG's back row. This wave of LGD's opening was quite beautiful."

"Zzitai used his ultimate to protect his teammates, and Kakao's Ekko also helped his teammates deal damage."

Miller was watching the team battle with a clear mind.

Almost at the same time!

At the moment when Yasuo's ultimate flew into the back row of I, Zzitai and Kakao had already made the fastest reaction. Kakao was a little worried about being hooked by the tank at the beginning.

But he found that LGD's target was not him at all.

Turning around and seeing Yasuo flying into the back row, and then seeing the three teammates in the back row being pulled by Clockwork's ultimate.

Kako and Zzitai panicked immediately.

In this situation, Kakao would rather Yasuo's ultimate was on himself, and his Ekko could save his life as long as he didn't get killed instantly after landing.

But the teammate's support Janna was different.

She was fragile by herself, and once Janna was cut, there was no way to kill her. The most important thing was that she lacked Janna's shield, weakness, and ultimate to protect the back row.

Kid's Kog'Maw and Rookie's Viktor were completely exposed in front of the front row.

Now the more terrible thing is.

Yasuo's ultimate hit the Janna's position, and Rookie's Viktor and Kid's Kog'Maw were also pulled by Clockwork.

At this time, you must turn around to protect your teammates.

What's more, they still have the defense tower, which is already a very important protection. They can completely rely on the defense tower to fight LGD.


Zzitai was stunned for a moment!

His ultimate skill that flew in only caused the fear effect, but did not cause any ultimate damage to Yasuo.

What happened?

At this time, Zzitai could see very clearly because the other three teammates were temporarily controlled by Clockwork and did not deal any damage. He clearly knew that his ultimate skill did not deal damage.

The same is true for Kkao's Ekko. He threw out the Q skill to slow down Wei Shen's Clockwork's entry, and then follow the Q on the return journey to deal damage.

In this version, Ekko's return Q damage is higher than the previous damage.

But Yasuo's wind wall ruthlessly blocked the return Q.

The two were quite helpless!


"imp is very tough!"

"Just use your ultimate and kill people instantly! The Janna who shot Coco didn't use any skills and was killed instantly."

The first one to fall was Janna.

This situation was obviously foreseeable.

At this time, the effect of Chen Yiqiu's Yasuo's ultimate had ended, and even the control effect of Clockwork's ultimate had ended. At this time, he was suddenly surrounded by a group of people. Chen Yiqiu was in a state of confusion!

What can I do?

What should I do?

Where is my flash?


The first time.

Subconsciously, Chen Yiqiu was thinking about running away. This wave of ultimates suddenly rushed to the opponent's back row. Chen Yiqiu himself was a little surprised.

He pressed R frantically to use his ultimate on Ai, but it also used the ultimate on Janna.

But now all he can think about is running.

Flash is still on CD.

Seeing himself being beaten up, his health is constantly decreasing.

Chen Yiqiu thought of his last Yasuo trick - infinite E.

This is the skill he is most familiar with since he practiced the hero Yasuo. He is not very good at other operations, but only infinite E is very cool.

Viktor E.

Viktor flashed and ran away!

Damn it! Viktor threw out a big move?

Seeing the big move thrown by rookie Viktor, and then looking at his own Yasuo's health, Chen Yiqiu's hand speed of pressing E became faster.

E on the minions.

E on Ekko.


"Stop hitting me, there's almost no room left!"

"Why is Viktor's ultimate still lingering around?"

It really hurts to be hit a few times by KD's Kog'Maw. Chen Yiqiu looked at his Yasuo, who only had one-fifth of his health left.

When fighting in a team, he felt like all his equipment was fake, and his health dropped as fast as a rocket.

Kog'Maw used E.

It's over!

I'm going to die!


"Wei Shen flashes QW!"

"Imp's Vayne rolled over to heal Yasuo, and then dealt damage madly. This wave of IG completely exploded."

Seeing these scenes from a bird's eye view.

As commentators, Wawa and Miller would know this most clearly.

After IG lost the protection of Janna, the back row had no way to stand, and could only rely on their own positioning to avoid some skill damage.

Kog'Maw fell down quickly!

After Zzitai's Centaur's ultimate came over, he was hit a few times by Imp's Vayne and the output of Clockwork also reduced his health very quickly.

The team battle was already defeated, and Kkao's Ekko saw that he couldn't fight, so he came back with the ultimate to restore his health and drag Wei Shen's Clockwork and attract firepower, hoping to save Rookie's Viktor and Zzitai's Centaur to retreat.

He also has flash, and if it doesn't work, he can flash to the 4th side.

And here.

Chen Yiqiu saw that Kog'Maw's group rushed towards him again. Originally, his health was restored a little with the help of his teammates, but he also knew that Kog'Maw's passive explosion was very painful.

Damn! It's deadly!

Centaur can still use E


How did he get over the wall?

At this time, Zzitai's Centaur was close to the wall and wanted to run away. Kog'Maw's passive could completely kill the low-health Yasuo, and he didn't need to continue to exchange his life with Yasuo.

But Zzitai never expected that Yasuo would also E him and then get over the wall.

Zzitai was really angry!

In this way, he helped Yasuo to avoid Kog'Maw's passive.

Centaur retreated downwards and reached the intersection.


Chen Yiqiu used the Q skill at Centaur.

Steel Flash, critical hit!

Zzitai's Centaur was killed instantly!

Looking at the black screen of the computer, Zzitai's mentality exploded


"LGD intends to let no one go this time!"

"Imp is chasing Viktor, while Wei Shen is chasing Ekko. Are they going to make an ace?"

You can see it on the field.

Taobao Quan's Lee Sin cooperated with Imp Vayne to rush into the second tower to attack Rookie's Viktor. At this moment, Rookie Viktor has used up all his skills. He has also used up his flash.

At this time, facing the pursuit of Imp and Taobao Quan, there is no way to escape.

On this side.

Kako's Ekko flashed, but his own health was too low. Seeing that Ekko had no blue, Wei Shen chased him relentlessly, relying on the acceleration of Clockwork's W skill.

He chased Kakao's Ekko to the red buff position and killed him.

IG team, Ace!

Chen Yiqiu was stunned.

His Yasuo E E, LGD actually made an Ace!

It's so magical!





Inside LGD, teammates cheered. This team wipe was of great significance to LD in this game. It basically secured the victory.


"The whole team was wiped out!"

"In this game, I was basically finished."

The commentator Wawa felt sorry for IG after seeing this, after all, they were wiped out.

"In this wave, it was crucial that Qiu Shen's Yasuo's ultimate flew to the Janna who was shooting Coco. The other LGD players also understood this opportunity and saw that they directly poured all the damage on the Janna."

""It was killed in an instant!"

Miller said.

On the field.

Although the LGD players were still at the tower, the director had already started to replay the video of this wave of team battle.

Off the field

RNGEDG、Some players in the OMG battle were curiously watching the replay of the team battle. They actually wanted to know what Cmy and Yasuo did in this wave.

At the beginning, Titan used the ultimate skill of Rookie and Viktor, and Rookie had no problem purifying and removing it.

Titan hooked Ekko.

Yasuo didn't go up?


The sharp-eyed saw that Yasuo was stunned for a moment at this moment, and he obviously wanted to take the ultimate skill of Titan to hook Ekko, but he didn't take it.

Then he used the ultimate skill directly on Janna who was lifted up by Titan's ultimate skill.

Seeing this, they suddenly understood.

It's not that Yasuo didn't want to use the ultimate skill of Ekko, but at this moment, Yasuo saw that Janna was about to be lifted up in the distance. At this moment, Cmy reacted quickly and made a choice.

Press S to cancel the action, and then use the ultimate skill to fly towards Janna, successfully helping LGD to play a beautiful tower dive and team wipe.

Cmy's operation, this reaction, this sudden response...

It's really too strong!

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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