Before trying out for the LGD team, Chen Yiqiu decided by shaking the dice.

Now it seems that his luck is not bad. This team treats him well.

So Chen Yiqiu likes shaking the dice.

Before the second game with RNG, Chen Yiqiu was also shaking the dice out of boredom. When he threw out six for the sixth time, Chen Yiqiu's expression froze instantly.

He knew that the next game would definitely not be simple.

Many things seem to have been destined in the dark.


"Welcome back!"

"The next match is between LGD and RNG. LGD won the previous match. Will LGD win the next match or RNG tie the score?"

"Let's wait and see!"

The camera returns to the commentary booth. This is what Changmao is saying.

The game begins.

In this game, Chen Yiqiu chose Irelia. The Irelia of this period has not been updated yet. It is still the old version with true damage.

In terms of skills, although it is not as cool as the later Irelia. But this hero itself is strong enough.

And because of this version, many top laners are tanky, such as heroes like Maokai, and even the enlarged Gnar can't be beaten at all.

But Irelia with true damage can still fight, which is why Irelia can play in the game.

This game.

The hero letme chose was Centaur, a strong top lane hero in the current version.

There are basically only a few top laners that can be played right now, which is one of the main reasons why Chen Yiqiu himself doesn't like this period.

But if we wait until after July, the situation will be very different.

You know, S5 is a version where the top lane is king.

After July.

Many strong heroes have been reworked and returned, Fiora, Noxus, Ryze, Malphite, etc. will all appear in front of everyone, and even new heroes like Ekko will appear in the top lane.

But there is no need to think so much now.

The second matchup between the two teams.

Chen Yiqiu felt something was wrong from the beginning, and this premonition was soon confirmed in the game.

Early laning.

Normally, it is basically impossible for the hero Irelia to crit, because Irelia relies more on the true damage of her W skill.


Chen Yiqiu's Irelia's W skill.

Just a random A, not only did it deal true damage but also came with a crit, and triggered the rage in the talent, instantly increasing the attack speed.

A single A made letme doubt his life


"This sword girl is too strong!"

"After a fight, the damage was dealt, and it seemed that letme had no chance to fight back."

Commentator Xiaomi was amazed when he saw this.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

"Too fierce, this LGD top laner"

"It's over. I feel like RNG's top laner letme is no match for this guy."

"The hero pool is too deep, and he is so awesome at everything he plays."

"He showed such a terrifying talent right from the start of the game. I feel like he is the successor to Faker and UZI."


Letme himself knew the reason very well.

He could only lament that he had bad luck.

However, the commentators and netizens watching the game saw a very simple scene where Irelia beat letme's Centaur with one move.

Chen Yiqiu was a little surprised.

He never expected that his Irelia would be so powerful. He just rushed forward with a few random moves and used WEQ and A to beat letme's Centaur into this state.

"Yasuo is too strong, let’s nerf Irelia!"

"Riven is too strong, let’s nerf Irelia!"

"Fizz is too strong, let’s nerf Irelia!"


In an instant, Chen Yiqiu thought of this joke about Irelia, which was really too hardcore.

Then he looked at letme's team.

Chen Yiqiu himself also felt that Irelia should be nerfed.

He didn't understand the damage.


The game reached the 23rd minute.

LGD pushed forward in the middle lane, while RNG defended under the second tower.

After Chen Yiqiu's Irelia used her ultimate, she rushed forward.






It really was a pentakill!

When the team chat was already boiling with excitement, Chen Yiqiu was confused.

How could he get a pentakill just like that?

Chen Yiqiu didn't think he had any skills at all, just QQQ, but he didn't expect to get a pentakill. If he told others about this, no one would believe it.

The key point is that this happened in a professional arena.





"I, God Qiu, am invincible!"

"Too awesome!"

The team chatter was very noisy now, but Chen Yiqiu knew it.

His premonition before the game was right.

The magical thing of throwing the sieve six times and getting six sixes happened. These magical operations in the game seemed to be explained a little bit.


Chen Yiqiu felt that he had done something super stupid.

After getting the pentakill

, no one would believe that he was a bad player.

Chen Yiqiu, who had been a spectator of the game for a long time, could even vaguely imagine the crazy comments from the audience when they saw him get the pentakill. It

's over!

It's really all over.

There's no point in showing off.

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