Chen Yiqiu didn't want to practice his main account for the time being.

It felt like his two main accounts, one in the Korean server and one in the Chinese server, both had bugs.

But the Chinese server's small account kept reminding Chen Yiqiu that he was a silver player.

Chen Yiqiu played ten ranked games with that small account and won three of them, which was very much like the person he was before his rebirth.

It was also this small account that made Chen Yiqiu not just indulge in fantasy.

Log in to the client.

Chen Yiqiu continued to practice his small account.

Moreover, he deliberately practiced the mixed hero that he wanted to play in the next game.

He was not sure whether practicing would be useful.

But it was better than not practicing at all.

Although... after three games, Chen Yiqiu doubted his life again.

The first game: 6-10-9.

The second game: 2-6-3. The third game: 7-5-8

Three silver games, the familiar three consecutive defeats, the results were also not very good.

Genius top laner?

Players occupying three seats in the top 5 of LPL this week?


It's all an illusion.

Originally, because of the three million that Feng Ge mentioned today, Chen Yiqiu should have been very excited, but now he suddenly lost all interest.

This trumpet seemed to be reminding him all the time.

Like a thorn, it pierced deep into his heart.

On one side was the sun, and on the other side was the storm. Chen Yiqiu was constantly wandering between the two.

In the next few days.

Chen Yiqiu has been training and playing rank seriously.

He can't feel his own progress.

Many people say that when you enter this circle and hang out with this group of people for a long time, your abilities and consciousness will grow in all aspects.

At the beginning.

Chen Yiqiu did have a deep thought about this.

But now that he has been in the LGD team for so long, Chen Yiqiu really doesn't feel that he is stronger now than before.

Maybe, this is fate!

But these days, he doesn't feel that he has made no progress at all.

Chen Yiqiu at least knows the skills of the heroes prepared for the few mixed heroes, and is familiar with the outfits, runes, talents, etc. of these mixed heroes.

Perhaps this is something that comes naturally to top professional players, but not to Chen Yiqiu.

His understanding of the game is too superficial.


"I don't need to say much about who we will play against in tomorrow's game."

"As for EDG, the individual strength of each of their players is not worse than yours, and may even be stronger than yours."

"This is a strong opponent!"

Before the game, coach Feng Ge specially held a mobilization meeting.

In fact, such a game has long been watched by countless netizens on the Internet.

The two teams are the champion and runner-up of this year's spring season. In the spring finals at that time, LGD almost overturned EDG.

All kinds of grievances and hatreds were laid out in front of them.

If LGD defeated EDG in the spring finals at that time, it would be LGD that went to MSI.

Look at the scenery of EDG now after winning the mid-season championship. All this makes the players of the LGD team envy.

For LGD, this is a game for them to fight for themselves.

"In two games, a tie does not count as a win. A 2-0 victory will prove that you are qualified to compete for the LPL Summer Championship this year."

"If you lose both games, you may have to doubt your own strength."


Although Feng Ge's words were a bit provocative, the players of LGD team still listened to them.

EDG hit a sore spot for them.

Before the game, the official Weibo of LGD team also specially released the starting lineup of this game.

Chen Yiqiu's ID: LGDCmy was among them.

From his debut as Gnar to his performance as Rambo and Irelia against RNG, Chen Yiqiu's performance in these games was seen by everyone.

Now he has completely squeezed Acorn out of the starting lineup and became Chen Yiqiu's substitute.

This top single player of Samsung Blue, with outstanding personal strength, became a substitute. Many people think it is not a pity. It can only be said that he is a bit unlucky.

Who made LGD so lucky to have such a strong genius single player?

Perhaps, this is fate.

On this side, as the game time approached, Chen Yiqiu began to look a little panicked.

For Chen Yiqiu, this will be the biggest challenge he has faced since he started his career.

But now.

Chen Yiqiu's training was still not going well.

The poor performance of the trumpet and the psychological torture made him feel like dying, but now Chen Yiqiu had to face the fact that





"I call you three times, do you dare to answer?"

"Please, please, since it has come to this, please continue to give me the luck that defies heaven."

Chen Yiqiu finally found out.

This call of grandpa is really sweet!


PS: During the Qingming Festival, there will be more updates after the release. Please be more tolerant. Actually, writing this kind of humorous LOL is really not easy. It is much more difficult than my pure writing of competitions. If it is a normal competition that relies on skills to show off, I am afraid of myself.

However, writing this type of LOL is very difficult.

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