Chen Yiqiu accepted his fate!

Koro showed off two skills right at the start, which was equivalent to him doing almost nothing to kill Irelia under Taobao Quan's tower. It was such a blow to his self-esteem!

Chen Yiqiu's face was about to turn black.

As expected!

Luck is still a bit untestable in the face of real strength.

The critical moment.

Before Chen Yiqiu jumped over with the pole, he used the Q skill directly to penetrate Irelia. Although the E skill missed, he had already dealt Q damage to Irelia.

As a result, Chen Yiqiu began to suffer attacks from the defense tower.

He had to go down and leave the attack range of the defense tower.

It was so embarrassing!

He did nothing and was forced to move, which was completely useless for Taobao Quan's Gragas.


"Uh uh uh……"

"Did Fizz make a mistake this time?"

When he saw this, Wawa doubted his eyes.

All along, Chen Yiqiu's performance was so brilliant that everyone was absolutely confident in his operation, but now in this wave,

Fizz missed two skills, which made people a little confused.

What happened?

"Sometimes, we don’t understand some of Cmy’s operations."

"Now this wave of words……"

Changmao didn't dare to say anything definite, because he had commented on Chen Yiqiu's games before, and two of them, and those games completely shocked Changmao.

So now, he didn't dare to say directly that Chen Yiqiu made a mistake.


The netizens in the live broadcast room were not polite.

"Is this what you call a genius top laner? A genius who missed two skills? I'm dying of laughter"

"This group of Qiu Shen is so bad!"

"A wave of mistakes makes you stupid!"

"I laughed! It turns out that all geniuses are just hyped up. And they say that they are on par with UZI and Faker. It's really laughable."


The audience was not polite at all.

But... on the live broadcast of the game, it can be seen at this time.

Taobao Quan's Gragas still walked out of the triangle bush, but Taobao Quan frowned when he saw the nearly full health of the sword girl.

What's going on?

He came to gank this time, and Qiu Shen only used a Q?

And the ultimate was in vain?

Taobao Quan was quite puzzled!

But the next moment, he was quickly stunned.

The sword girl, who was clearly standing next to the little fish man's ultimate, was suddenly lifted by the huge shark, and her health dropped a lot in an instant.

The opportunity has come!

Taobao Quan, who was a little hesitant at first, immediately followed up and hit her in the belly, and the damage from WQ quickly followed.

Koro's sword girl's health dropped down.

At this time, Koro felt a little cold behind his back.

Before the game, he also felt that this LGD genius top laner, who many people said, did not seem to be as powerful as he imagined.

But after the wave of tower crossing in the bottom lane, he saw the little fish man's extreme E flash, and only then did Koro slightly change his opinion.

And this wave in front of him.

He was shocked.

At the beginning, Fizz was indeed pulled away by his Irelia's Q displacement, causing him to miss his E skill. Koro originally thought that he could show off this time.

But he found out that he was wrong. He was wrong from the beginning!

Fizz deliberately E'd to the tower to force him to move, and he had to Q the minions back.

And the most important thing was.

Fizz's counter-attack ultimate.

Although it didn't hit, the position where it was placed was too embarrassing for Koro.

The upper part was the attack range of Fizz's ultimate, forming an arc, and there were a bunch of minions surrounding this area below, just blocking the position of his Irelia. It was stuck here.

Koro's Irelia was caught in the middle, and was in a dilemma.

In the direction of the minions, Irelia couldn't move, and if she retreated, she would be directly hit by Fizz

's ultimate. If the enemy stood a little bit to the side of Fizz's ultimate, they would be directly splashed. The real attack range of the giant shark was larger than the range of the ultimate that was seen.

The real animation effect of Fizz's ultimate can be seen particularly clearly.

When the giant shark leaped up, it brought up a circle of waves around it. This was the splash damage from the edge of Fizz's ultimate.

If it hit like this, there was no slowing effect, but the damage was not less. The most terrifying thing was that

Koro's Irelia was forced to Q out and could not completely kill the minions, resulting in the inability to refresh the Q skill and continue to move.

Everything was calculated!

Koro knew that in front of such a strong player, who had carefully arranged such a move, he had no room to escape.

The rest seemed to be waiting to die!

Sure enough!

When Taobao Quan's Barrel came up and hit the low-health Irelia, although he was stunned by Irelia under the tower, it was only a very short control time.

Fizz, who turned back and killed back, cooperated with the Barrel's ultimate move, and successfully killed Koro's Irelia under the tower.

Chen Yiqiu finally got the head with Q.

But at this moment, he was trembling with fear.

Chen Yiqiu didn't think too much about it, he just hoped that if he got the kill, he could cover up his mistake a little bit, so that the audience wouldn't blame him too much for wasting skills, or even criticize him in various ways.

Otherwise, it would be too uncomfortable.

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