The game reached the 20th minute.

Chen Yiqiu's Fizz, who had the highest economy in the game, was now equipped with more and more luxurious equipment.

Ice Heart, CD Shoes, Slag Giant.

The standard three-piece set for the top lane Fizz was already available.

After these pieces of equipment were made, there was basically no need to worry about Fizz's survivability.

Chen Yiqiu himself chose talents that increased tankiness, and the same was true for runes. Now, Fizz, standing in front of EDG's double C, could hardly beat him.

Seeing Fizz's equipment, EDG felt desperate.

Off the court.

Coach Feng Ge had a faint smile on his face all the time.

He was really pleased to see Chen Yiqiu's performance, and couldn't help but think of how reluctant this guy was when he first invited him to a trial. He even made an extremely excessive"request.""——Reimburse travel expenses.

Otherwise, there is no money to come!

Now, not long after entering the professional arena, everyone has cheered for his performance on the field, and he has been truly labeled as a genius top laner.

And he still has a long way to go in the future.

Thinking of this, Brother Feng smiled again.

On the field.

At present, EDG has been hit by LGD's wave after wave of attacks and is a little overwhelmed. The outer towers have been pushed down one after another.

Chen Yiqiu's top lane Fizz has developed too well.

Because of the punishment, and the current version of the Slag Giant has greatly enhanced the efficiency of jungle brushing, which also makes Chen Yiqiu's Fizz's economy grow rapidly.

Not only did he eat in the lane, but he also got a lot of resources in the jungle.

At 24 minutes into the game.

Chen Yiqiu continued to update his next piece of equipment.

Looking at his own Fizz's equipment, Chen Yiqiu felt more at ease.


"Wei Shen is stealing the opponent's blue"

"EDG found an opportunity and organized a push to the defense tower in the middle lane."

""It's too fast!"

From the live broadcast, we can see that the five EDG players who were pushing the middle tower almost instantly destroyed the middle tower of EDG. The defense tower at this time can be said to be quite fragile.

Not to mention that there are heroes like Tsar and Jinx who are relatively fast in attacking the tower.

"LGD is at a disadvantage this time!"

"They just gave EDG a defensive tower for nothing."

Seeing this, Wawa couldn't help but say something.

As far as the current situation is concerned, LGD really shouldn't make such a mistake. Chen Yiqiu's Fizz was soloing in the bottom lane, but Wei Shen and his team went to steal the opponent's blue.

This directly led to the loss of a middle tower.

"I finally got the chance, it wasn’t easy!"

"This wave can fight!"

"Wait a minute, Fizz, let's have a 5v5 with the opponent."

Iron Head Captain Hirano Aya was quite excited at this time.

The most painful thing about the game with EDG is that this team is too strong in operation. Many times if they don't want to play with you, it's hard to find an opportunity.

For a player like Hirano Aya, this is definitely a very uncomfortable point.

Not to mention that LGD had such a big advantage in the early stage of this game, Hirano Aya wanted to find an opportunity to play with EDG, but she didn't find an opportunity before.

Now, she lost a defense tower in exchange for a possible opportunity to start a team fight.

When Chen Yiqiu heard him say this, he was stunned.

It feels like he lost a defense tower, but it seems like he made a big profit.

But since it's going to start, Chen Yiqiu will naturally follow


"I'll teleport right away!"

After hearing what Chen Yiqiu said, the other LGD players were fully prepared, and even thought about how to use their skills in advance.

The most critical thing was Wei Shen's point.

His Clockwork had to pull out a good ultimate move.

In this way, the team battle could be fought very well.

The battle was about to start!


"Pawn's Tsar built a defense tower at the location of LGD's middle tower. This was a very smart move, allowing EDG to put pressure on LGD with this Tsar defense tower."

"But now, the top lane Fizz has teleported!"

"The two sides are going to fight this time!"Even the commentator became quite excited.

The game has finally broken out into a real big team fight. Previously, it was basically not a complete 5v5, either three vs. four, or some ganks.

Now this wave is quite different.


"Isn't the location that Fizz chose to teleport too exaggerated?"

At first, Wawa was very excited when he saw Fizz's teleport, but when they saw the location that Chen Yiqiu chose to teleport, they were completely stunned!

Chen Yiqiu himself didn't think much of it.

But when the LGD players saw this location, their faces turned black.

When the entire EDG team saw Fizz's teleport, they were originally very worried about this team fight, but now... their eyes turned green!


This Fizz's teleport is really a"good teammate".

Brother, your teleport is very unique!

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