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Chen Yiqiu saw the teamfight just now clearly. This was the teamfight he had seen most clearly since he started playing professionally.

In the previous matches, he didn't know what he did in the teamfight, but he won in the end.

This time was different.

After Chen Yiqiu landed after teleporting, his Fizz was instantly controlled by Morgana's Q skill and was frozen in place for several seconds, completely unable to move.

That's why he could see it so clearly.


But must be said.

Although Chen Yiqiu did nothing. He was controlled as soon as he landed!

He stared blankly all the time! He was fighting the whole time!

Crazy fighting!

At this moment, he seemed to have instantly turned into an OB player, just watching his teammates operate.


Another but.

Teammate Wei Shen got a pentakill!

Pentakill, this is the effect we want!

Chen Yi Qiu instantly felt that future games would not be so difficult to play. He just felt that he was not so confused in the professional arena.

The sky seemed to have become much brighter.

Perhaps many people think that Chen Yi Qiu's wave was almost completely useless, but he himself did not think so.

Look at what he had done?

After being controlled by Morgana, Chen Yi Qiu's Fizz took on millions of tons of damage and just couldn't die, making the double C almost powerless to lose.

A team battle was useful, he didn't die, and he won the team battle.

The miracles in the previous games, such as Gnar 1v4, Rambo's amazing triple kill, etc., were too dreamy.

But this time, it was very real.


"Damn, God of Wei is really awesome!"

"This is the nth time he got a pentakill with Clockwork. I feel that if we play against LGD, we should respect Wei Shen's Clockwork."

"It's outrageous, but I have to say that this wave of Fizz and Minotaur took too much damage in the front, allowing Wei Shen and Imp to output almost without pressure in the back."

"Give Wei Shen's clockwork a boost, and this is the effect"


In the live broadcast room of the game, many netizens started to discuss crazily after watching this wave.

The impact of the five kills on the audience was still too strong.

At this time, the director's camera suddenly cut to the audience seats and pointed directly at a middle-aged man. The man was holding a sign with some words written on it.

"Godv little princess!"

Looks naughty and cute.

When the camera is pointed at him, the middle-aged man is still smiling and waving to everyone


"We saw that this was Wei Shen's father, who came to the scene to watch the game and cheer for Wei Shen!"

After hearing the commentator Wawa say this, the audience burst into applause.

"In fact, I think that seeing parents come to watch the game is a progress for us and a recognition of the industry."

"Because it has been in LCK for a long time!"

"In our area, if you said you wanted to be an e-sports player, you would definitely be beaten up first."

What Changmao and Wawa said is indeed very realistic.

At this time, many people still do not recognize the e-sports industry enough, which is also unavoidable, but it can be seen that this phenomenon is changing.


At this time, EDG

"What happened to Fizz? Why can't he be killed in one second?"

In the EDG voice chat

, after a moment of silence, the factory manager asked in confusion. In the team battle just now, Meiko had done a very good job, suppressing the teleport and controlling Fizz in the first place.

But he couldn't be killed in one second.

Looking at his black screen computer, the factory manager was stunned.

"He made Ice Heart, Slag, and also made a Reinvigorating Armor."

Koro responded to the factory manager.

Hearing this, the factory manager quickly followed and pressed the Tab key. The interface clearly showed Chen Yiqiu's Fizz's equipment. The top lane Fizz had the standard Ice Heart and Slag.

He actually made a Reinvigorating Armor?

Too much!

A villain who was 4-0 in the early stage, under such a situation, did not make up for the output equipment, but chose to make a defensive equipment.

Can he survive a little longer?

"No, no, no, the reason why he can't beat him is because Fizz's talent is all defense equipment."

Meiko added at this time.

The factory manager...

Koro... both of them were stunned!

Fizz's talent is also defense?

The factory manager couldn't help but take a serious look, and it was really as Meiko said, this Fizz was so excessive that even his talent was all defense. He was just hiding like the devil!

How can he play Fizz in the top lane like this.


At this time, the factory manager directly clicked on Fizz's avatar to take a look at his attributes

"I go!"

"Even the runes are equipped with enough armor and magic resistance."



Hearing what the factory manager said, the two were speechless.

This is no longer as simple as hiding at home, it is simply hiding to the extreme. It is really inhuman. A single Fizz was turned into a tree version of Fizz. His teammates couldn't beat him in this team battle. Now it is completely understandable. With equipment like Fizz, it is indeed impossible to kill him directly within the time of Morgana's control. The tankiness is too exaggerated!

At this time.

The factory manager's excavator was resurrected again, and soon saw the news that LGD killed the big dragon. This situation was already anticipated when they were killed by Wei Shen Pentakill.

The factory manager himself was not surprised at all.

At this time.

The factory manager pressed the tb key again to check the equipment of Fizz who returned to the line with the big dragon buff.

In addition to the above, Fizz followed up with two new equipment.

Belt + Guardian Armor

Blue shield?

When the factory manager saw this, he felt dizzy and suddenly felt bad. This little murky has already made so many defensive equipment, and he still wants to make more.

Brother, can you be a human?

The little murky with a tank outfit has an E skill that can save his life. How can such a little murky be killed?


"Four dragons, big dragon buff, and then a 10,000 gold lead"

"It's hard to come back!"

Looking at the situation on the field, Wawa also said this.

LGD has almost completely controlled the situation of this game. It is too far ahead of EDG in all aspects. The most terrifying thing is that there is no chance of a comeback on EDG's side.

This is what makes them desperate.

"Since Miller is not invited to today's game, it should be difficult to turn the tables."

Long Mao also mentioned this point.

In the previous games, Miller's jinx was successful in several games, which has now become a joke. Wawa and Long Mao are now teasing him.

"It's quite difficult!"

"Has Miller posted on Weibo yet? Everyone, go check it out."

Wawa also added a sentence.

LGD continued to push forward with the Baron buff. At this time, their speed of attacking the tower became very fast. EDG did not dare to stop them.

They could only defend the high ground.

Despite this, it was still difficult.

"Clockwork produced a hat out of thin air, and you don't know why"

"At this time, the damage of Wei Shen's clockwork was already heartbreaking after being hit by QW. If he was hit by QW now, he would be wiped out."

What Changmao said was not an exaggeration.

The damage of Wei Shen's clockwork is so terrifying now.

Switch lanes.

After the bottom lane soldiers pushed to the high ground, LGD immediately switched to the middle lane to push forward. EDG's second tower in the middle had not been pushed down yet.


"This wave was forced directly under the tower!"

"It feels like they are just playing casually."

Hirano Aya said this very casually. At the moment, LGD's advantage is indeed enough to support them to do so. The current equipment and level gap between the two sides is really too big.

The soldiers came over.

EDG wanted to defend.

Wei Shen's Clockwork pulled out a big move, but it missed.

Chen Yi Qiu was overjoyed when he saw this.

He didn't expect that Wei Shen, who had a pentakill in this game, would also miss his big move with Clockwork. This simply made Chen Yi Qiu find psychological comfort. Suddenly, he felt that he didn't play this game as badly as he thought.

After all, Wei Shen's big move missed!

He also threw out Fizz's big move.

As a result... it also missed!

Seeing this, Chen Yi Qiu's face turned black. He didn't know how many times he had missed his big move in this game. In short, it seemed that he had never been hit.

It was really heartbreaking.

Forget it, why bother about these? Anyway, I rushed in Just fight and take the damage, and that's it.


Hirano Aya hits the bull's head.

Taobao Quan uses a big move.

The giant shark attacks!

Originally, Chen Yiqiu's big move was in vain, but Hirano Aya and Taobao Quan used a bomb and a hit, instantly pushing the three EDG players to Fizz's big move.


The big shark appears!

Fizz's big move knocks three people into the air.

Wei Shen's Clockwork and Imp's Annie follow up, dealing explosive damage, and EDG is wiped out again.

If it were any other team, they would basically not waste time at this time, but EDG would not. This disciplined team still chose not to surrender even in this situation.

LGD was in a strong position and quickly dropped the crystal.

In this decisive battle, LGD won the first game.

This game is over.

Chen Yi Qiu walked down from the stage with a relaxed look on his face. He felt that he had found the best way to compete in professional competitions. He suddenly understood why he played top lane.

Only the top lane position is truly suitable for him.

He can be tanky, can carry, can mix and lie.

Can the mid laner do it?

Can the jungler do it?

Can the ADC?

Can the support do it?

None of them can!

Only the top laner can do all of the above at the same time, and only the top laner can be so consistent with his unique"personality".

He walked over with peace of mind and shook hands with Feng Ge. After all, he won the first game, and won so beautifully, it is still worth a small celebration.

But at this time.

Wei Shen suddenly walked in front of Chen Yi Qiu.


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