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"In the first game, Wei Shen's Clockwork got a pentakill again. What feelings do you want to share with everyone?"

After the game.

LGD side, the official found Wei Shen for an interview

"I didn’t expect to get a pentakill in that wave!"

"Sometimes a pentakill requires a bit of luck and opportunity."

Wei Shen answered casually.

"But I am very happy about the pentakill in this game because my dad came to watch the game.

Then, Wei Shen added:

"What do you want to say about your new teammate Cmy.’s performance, Wei Shen?"

Baby, the host, even mentioned Chen Yiqiu when interviewing Wei Shen.

Perhaps because Chen Yiqiu was not invited to this post-match interview, he made a small compensation, which was an explanation to the audience.

You know, after the game, many netizens were looking forward to watching Chen Yiqiu’s post-match interview.

However, the official can only choose one person.

Because of limited time, there are other teams to play next.

"I can only say that Qiu Shen is such a beast!"

"If I were Deft, I would have smashed the keyboard directly.

Although Wei Shen answered calmly and simply, which is also Wei Shen's usual style of accepting interviews, netizens who were still watching the official live broadcast couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

"This is so heartbreaking. DFT has already done this, and you still want to do one more thing, Wei Shen."

"Seriously, Cmy Tai is simply outrageous"

"Hahaha, fortunately dft has a good attitude"

"Being beaten like this in a game would really make your mentality explode"

"I feel sorry for deft!"


In the barrage area, a large number of words"heartbroken deft" will soon appear. It's very interesting to watch.

Chen Yiqiu and his team watched Wei Shen's post-match interview in the backstage. When he heard Wei Shen's answer, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This beast made him a little embarrassed.

But the teammates of the LGD team were smiling.

He came back to his senses.

Now the game is over, and the results are also very perfect. LGD successfully defeated EDG, and it was still such a beautiful 2 to 0. To three points.

Wei Shen teased him a little.

It's not a big problem.

After the two games, Chen Yiqiu himself was in a good mood. In addition to winning the game, his biggest gain was the experience of playing the two games.

From the confusion and panic when he debuted against QG, to the crazy prayer for luck from God when facing RNG in the second game.

And then to this match against EDG.

Although Chen Yiqiu is still relying on the luck given by God, it is a little different from before.

He feels that he is not so absolutely dependent on luck.

Chen Yiqiu found a sense of mixing, and also figured out some ways to mix, and even some tricks to mix.

This is the most critical!

Understanding this point is very helpful for Chen Yiqiu to play in the next game. Otherwise, Chen Yiqiu will always be nervous and flustered when he goes on the court.

This kind of growth makes Chen Yiqiu very proud.

Although I, Chen Yiqiu, only aspire to be a good mix, but I will mix better and better than before.

This is enough!


"Good fight!"

"The name Qian Shengqiu is really no joke."

Back to the backstage lounge.

At this time, Brother Feng was welcoming the victorious players. When he saw Chen Yiqiu, Brother Feng came up and said to Chen Yiqiu.

It was obvious that Brother Feng still remembered some of the things Chen Yiqiu said during the BP.

"Brother Feng, stop teasing me."

Hearing this, Chen Yiqiu quickly responded.

Brother Feng immediately smiled.

"Your Titan almost made deft cry!

Judging from the expression on dft's face, it was indeed a bit like that. In the second game, d's Twisted Fate was so miserable. She was hooked by Chen Yiqiu's Titan in various ways. She had several protective shields, but she was always hooked.

It would be strange if def didn't doubt his life.

Even if it was some other ADs with lower levels, their mentality might have collapsed after playing this game, and netizens made up jokes to blacken him. They might have psychological trauma.

Fortunately, deft is a top player who has proven himself in the professional arena, and his mental ups and downs should not be so exaggerated.

Chen Yiqiu laughed awkwardly when listening to Feng Ge's words.

Everything was an accident.

In fact, in the end, he himself didn't want to hook deft's Twisted Fate. When he was ready to win in the late game, his teammates felt a little sympathetic for deft.

Too miserable!

As a result...

Chen Yiqiu wanted to hook others in a daze, but he still hooked deft's Twisted Fate.

What a trick of fate!

What can he do?

Chen Yiqiu was also helpless!

But Chen Yiqiu couldn't explain this kind of thing to anyone. Even if he did, no one would believe him. No matter how much he said, it was useless. This was Chen Yiqiu's greatest frustration.

So now, he was too lazy to explain.


"I'll tell you something in secret. In view of your performance, the boss seems to want to give you a bonus."

At this moment, Brother Feng even pulled Chen Yiqiu aside and said something.

Hearing this, Chen Yiqiu was stunned for a moment.


"Don't be surprised!"

"This is what you deserve. With your performance, if you were in other wealthy clubs, you would definitely earn more than this."

Then Brother Feng continued.

For a top player, Chen Yiqiu's current salary is indeed not high, just below average, but the salary contract has been signed, and there is no need to modify it.

Increasing the bonus is also considered an improvement in treatment.

Chen Yiqiu nodded.

Now he basically doesn't easily refuse such kindness.

The last rejection left a deep impression on him.

Obviously, Chen Yiqiu felt that he was not qualified for that salary, but the small rejection made the boss panic, thinking that Chen Yiqiu was going to be poached by other teams.

So why bother?

Since it is the boss's kindness, just accept it directly.

Chen Yiqiu doesn't mind having more money in his bank card

"Another thing is that you have to quickly verify your Weibo account, otherwise Douyu might come to you directly."

Chen Yiqiu almost forgot about this.

Feng Ge had told him before that he would sign a live broadcast contract with Douyu, and the contract fee was very high.

Chen Yiqiu forgot about it during the game.

Now Feng Ge reminded him.


Chen Yiqiu knew about this.

Following the LGD team members, he took the bus back to the team base. Today's game was over, and the players should go back to rest and adjust.

This week, LGD still has games to play.

But the opponents are far less strong than EDG.

In the next two matches this week, LGD will play against UP team and WE team respectively.

The overall strength of UP is completely inaccessible among the current LPL.

Overall , the current WE is actually very weak.

They are very talented.

The five guys in this team have very different personalities, but when combined together, they seem to form a very special whole.

They complement each other!

If a player's edges are forcibly smoothed out, will it lead to an overall imbalance in the team? Will it make other players uncomfortable? These are also issues that coach Feng Ge needs to consider himself.


Came back in the evening.

It was already very late.

Wei Shen specially treated everyone to a midnight snack tonight.

Perhaps because he got a pentakill today, and his father was watching the game, Wei Shen was obviously in a very good mood, and treating everyone to a midnight snack was no problem at all.

Chen Yi Qiu specially registered his own Weibo and found his teammates to help him with the certification. Chen Yi Qiu didn't know what was going on.

After filling in the information, the review on Weibo was very fast.

When he returned to the base, the certification had been completed.

The efficiency is so high!

Seeing the V certification under this account, before he traveled through time and space and was reborn, Chen Yi Qiu was very envious of some big Vs. I didn't expect that he has one now.

Chen Yi Qiu felt that it would be a bit unreasonable for him not to post an update tonight.


He posted his first Weibo

"Hello everyone, I am LD team top laner Cm". Chen Yiqiu also added a smiley face.

This feeling is great! _

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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