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Excavator, Spear of Vengeance, Rambo.

These three were directly defeated by LGD in this game.

And here.

The red team M3 team defeated the heroes.

Barrel, Clockwork, Ekko.

Almost all of them were targeting LD's mid laner Wei Shen.

For this, it is no surprise. Since the summer season this year, Wei Shen has always been the one who is most easily targeted in the BP of the LGD team's game.


"Damn it!"

"Targeting my mid lane again."

In the LGD voice chat.

At this time, after watching the three players of the opposite M3 team, Wei Shen said something to his teammates. Hearing this, Hirano Aya, Taobao Quan and others couldn't help but look down on Wei Shen.

This guy, what he said is not human at all.

Although Hirano Aya and Taobao Quan have always played very aggressively, compared to Wei Shen, it feels that the two are far from being as exaggerated as Wei Shen.

"So heartbreaking!"

"I have never been targeted by anyone."

Wei Shen had just finished speaking.

At this moment, Chen Yiqiu said leisurely.

Hirano Ling...

Taobao Quan...

The two of them are always hurt.

""Qiu Shen, please be a human being!"

Taobao Quan said immediately afterwards.

Wei Shen complained about being targeted.

Although it felt a bit like he was showing off, after all, not every player can be targeted, and you have to know. What

Wei Shen said was.

The level of showing off is a level higher.

Let's look at Chen Yi Qiu's pretentiousness.

Although what he said was very different from Wei Shen, and on the contrary, he didn't complain and even felt a little helpless, the key point was that he was not targeted.

This is the key point.

Little did they know that in many games of LGD in the LPL summer, when facing Chen Yi Qiu, many teams actually Everyone wanted to pull his heroes.

But in the end, they found out.

It's impossible to pull all the heroes!

Others have a hero pool, but Chen Yi Qiu is simply a sea of heroes.

Pulling one hero out and taking out another one that is more carry makes many teams despair.

Simply, they are too lazy to pull Chen Yi Qiu's heroes, and turn around to target Wei Shen or others.


this is where Qiu Shen makes people feel more pretentious.

To a certain extent, Wei Shen's pretense is clear and direct, while Qiu Shen's pretense is subtle but amazing.

If you have to judge the level of pretense, then Qiu Shen is definitely the winner this time.



"You two stop talking nonsense and focus on BP."

Coach Feng said at this time.

First. Blood

Double. Ki11!


Shu.Down had to say that coach Feng Ge was more awesome, he killed both teams with just one sentence.

It was over in an instant!

At this time, everyone started to focus on the BP of this game.


"The three most popular jungle heroes in this version have all been eliminated. Now it depends on how LGD chooses."

The elimination is over.

Guan Zeyuan is now looking at LGD's first choice.

After the three jungle heroes, Excavator, Barrel, and Ekko, were eliminated, it is indeed a bit difficult to choose a jungler.

Of course, there is still a good choice.

That is Nidalee!

This is also a very good jungle hero in the current version.

High jungle clearing efficiency, fast support, etc., are all advantages of Nidalee.

But the problem is that Taobao Quan is not familiar enough with jungle, and LGD obviously will not help him to choose heroes like this, otherwise it may be a pit in the game later. After all, Taobao Quan is not the same as Chen Yiqiu.

Taobao Quan said that he was not familiar with it, and he really was not familiar with it.

And if Chen Yiqiu said that he was not familiar with it, his teammates might just say I don't believe you.


LGD was so fragile that they didn't help Baoquan get a hero. As soon as they grabbed it, they directly picked Viktor.

The hero Three Hands, like Tsar, is a brush-type hero, but in the current version, Three Hands has a higher priority than Tsar.

The main reason is that Viktor's E skill is too comfortable to clear soldiers in the early stage.

It is very easy to develop.

Moreover, although Viktor is a mid-lane AP mage without displacement, it is difficult for you to gank and kill him, especially when you are not given a gnk opportunity.

A hero like Viktor can just stand in the back and brush soldiers to develop.

What can you do with him?

"LGD's move was really wise!"

"Now let’s see how M3 makes the choice."

The question was thrown to the M3 team.

However, the M3 team did not hesitate too much and quickly selected Widowmaker and Shen.

Condi's Widowmaker actually had a very eye-catching performance in this game. Shen is definitely a very suitable choice in the current version.

Basically, there is no need to be afraid of anyone in the top lane.

LGD then took out Baoquan's Lee Sin and Hirano Aya's Alistar. There was nothing wrong with these two choices. They are both heroes that the two are good at.

It's just that relatively speaking, they are not level 1 heroes in the corresponding positions in the current version.

Immediately afterwards.

The M3 team continued to select players.

Sima Ze on the ADC position selected the airplane, and together with the auxiliary Thresh, the two formed the bottom lane combination of the M3 team, which is generally very strong.

At this time on the LGD team side,

Feng Ge took a look at the current hero selection of the M3 team.

Widowmaker, Shen, Airplane, Thresh.

Then he looked at LGD's current selection.

Lee Sin, Viktor, Alistar.

Next, there are only two positions left for imp and Chen Yiqiu that need to be selected, but looking at these heroes on both sides, Feng Ge suddenly fell into deep thought.


"Yiqiu, have you practiced all the heroes I told you to practice before?"


Feng Ge quickly followed Chen Yiqiu and asked

""I practiced!"

Chen Yiqiu answered confidently.

Although he played more Shyvana, he also played heroes like Yasuo and Vampire, but the effect of practice was not as terrifying as Shyvana!

""Qiu Shen's Dragon Lady has won eight consecutive games in the Korean server King's Division, which is terrifying!"

Hirano Aya had an impression of this.

Could it be that she could play Dragon Lady in this game?

Chen Yiqiu turned his head and glanced at Feng Ge. If Dragon Lady could be played, wouldn't he be smiling?

Yesterday, he won eight consecutive games, and his single Dragon Lady dominated the Korean server King's Division.

It was so cool!

And now, if he could play Dragon Lady in today's game, Chen Yiqiu would not mind, but in terms of hero selection, players often need to listen to the opinions of coaches and teammates.

"Why don't you play Ryze in this game?"


Chen Yiqiu blinked!

He was stunned!

Feng Ge just asked him if he had practiced the heroes he had been assigned to. Chen Yiqiu thought it was these three, Yasuo, Vampire, and Dragon Lady.

But a Ryze?

What the hell?

"In this top lane matchup against Shen, Ryze is easier to beat!"

"Moreover, the current version of Ryze is definitely a T1-level top laner.

Seeing Chen Yiqiu's confused face, coach Feng Ge explained to him briefly.

The wandering mage Ryze of this period has actually undergone a round of rework. Compared with the Ryze before the rework, the damage of the new version of Ryze has not decreased at all.

In fact, because it was not long after the rework, Ryze's damage is even higher.

The real King of Thunder and Lightning!


"Time is running out!"

""God Qiu, let's pick Ryze this time!"

Hirano Aya helped Chen Yiqiu choose it directly. As for Imp, he had already decided on Annie, and he didn't hesitate like Chen Yiqiu did when he was on the team.

Chen Yiqiu...

At this moment, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But when many words came to his mouth, Chen Yiqiu held them back.


"Ryze is fine!"

Chen Yiqiu still clearly remembers that in a previous Fizz game, he told his teammates that he was not very good at playing Fizz in the top lane.

As a result, in that game, his Fizz carried the opponent like crazy and helped Wei Shen get a pentakill.

Since then, his teammates no longer believed that he could not play a hero.

Chen Yiqiu is now telling everyone that he is not proficient in Ryze. Will they believe it?

Knowing the answer, there is no need to struggle. It is better to be a little optimistic.

Maybe my Ryze will be amazing?

Maybe my Ryze will be possessed by Faker?

Who knows?


"Cmy out of Ryze"

"I didn't expect this hero, and I guess the opposing M3 team was also quite surprised."

Guan Zeyuan was actually a little confused when he saw this.

I really didn't expect that Chen Yiqiu's final choice would be Ryze.

"In the current version of Ryze, the win rate in the pub game is actually very high. The appearance rate in LCK is not bad, but it is mainly played by Li Ge."

Su Xiaoyan followed up.

Then M3 will���The last player to be selected.

Dad's hero selection will be extremely critical.

Everyone's eyes will be on it.

Facing Wei Shen's Victor, what kind of hero will the emperor take out is also a big focus and a big attraction.

When Dade finally showed the hero and confirmed it.

The audience is boiling now!

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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