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"God Qiu, please be a human being!"

"If you do this, the opponent will have no chance of winning!"


Hirano Aya's Minotaur was originally in the top lane to help protect Chen Yiqiu's Ryze's development, and it was precisely because of this that he was able to witness everything that happened.

This Q of Qiu Shen Ryze is really the essence.

"I am really convinced!"

"This awareness and foresight is too terrifying!"

Taobao Quan said.

As a jungler, he has been paying attention to all this from the beginning.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"You two, be normal."

Chen Yiqiu listened to the team voice chat, the two were talking frantically, and immediately responded.

The game is still going on.

But now, after these two waves, the top lane has become quite safe.

At the beginning, the M3 team switched the bottom lane duo to the top lane, thinking that they could suppress Ryze's development with the powerful combination of Corki and Thresh.

But now.

How can they suppress it?

Even Sima Laozei was a little afraid to move at this time.

Ryze's deterrence was fully demonstrated at this time.

In the middle lane.

The Great Emperor and Wei Shen seemed to be a little impatient.

On the one hand, they needed to shoulder the responsibility of carrying the team at this time, and on the other hand, they simply wanted to operate.

The former was the Great Emperor, and the latter was Wei Shen.

It was impossible to let a player with Wei Shen's personality choose to be stable. Even if he was really stable, it would only be stable for a while at most.

Now that Viktor's level has risen, Wei Shen is not afraid of Yasuo online.

Especially when Viktor reaches level 6, it is even more so.

What is the classic play of Viktor in the middle lane now?

When he reaches level 6, he doesn't consider anything, finds an opportunity to go up and mess with you, and then directly uses the ultimate to consume blood.

Go back to the city?

If you don't go back, your blood line is low and you are easy to be ganked.

Going back will lose soldiers and experience.

It's a dilemma!


"On the M3 side, the emperor is in a very difficult situation."

"Because of Widowmaker's disadvantage in the jungle, Taobao Quan Lee Sin is now almost wandering around randomly, and the emperor must consider the possibility of being ganked by Lee Sin."

Su Xiaoyan still saw it very clearly.

In this game, because Cndi's two waves of top lane ganks failed, Widowmaker's rhythm in the jungle was completely lost.

There was no way to play at all.

"what to do?"

"Now the Great Emperor can only temporarily avoid the sharp edge!"

Guan Zeyuan added a very interesting remark.

All along, some of the performances of the Great Emperor in the LPL division have been very interesting. This year's game version, from the spring game to now.

The mid-lane position has almost always been a brush game.

The rise of the Tsar is the best example.

And heroes like Clockwork and Viktor are the same. In a sense, the mid-lane play style in the S5 period is brushing.

Under this situation, it is too uncomfortable for players like the Great Emperor.

But there is no way.

Players who cannot adapt to the game version will soon be eliminated.

In fact.

Faker in the S5 period, especially in the spring game, also had extremely uncomfortable situations. Faker even became a substitute for eashoon because he did not play Tsar well enough.

It was not until the summer game, after Faker trained Tsar, that he began to slowly gain the trust of the coach and returned to the starting position.


"On LGD's side, Taobao directly opened the little dragon"

"Now M3, without vision, can easily come over to block."

Ryze's advantage led Taobao's blind monk to the jungle.

At the same time, when the bottom lane's Imp's Annie faced 1ooper's Shen, she also had the advantage of pushing the line. After all, these two were teammates before, but now they have become opponents.

What a twist of fate!

Soon, LGD successfully got the first little dragon.

Nicolas Conti, at this time, pressed the tab key to check the situation of the heroes on both sides.


Level: 7

CS: 52

If it weren't for the experience shared by the Minotaur in the top lane, it is estimated that Ryze's level should be the same as the two mid laners, level 8.

It's really terrifying!


Let's look at Lee Sin.

Lee Sin, who was in Taobao's right, did almost nothing. As a result, he relied on the advantage created by Ryze in the top lane to destroy Condi's own jungle.

Lee Sin's level is now level 7, and he even has 35 last hits.

The key is that he also controlled a small dragon.

What's more uncomfortable is that M3 gave up the small dragon but they didn't get the corresponding resources. LGD's top lane tower is still full of health.

Condi looked at his widow again.

Level 5.

26 last hits.

The more he looked at it, the angrier he got. His mentality was really exploding!

But now, Condi has no choice. He must reach level 6 as quickly as possible, otherwise he, the widow, can basically do nothing.

Although he was holding back a breath, no matter how uncomfortable Condi was, he couldn't go to find Ryze again at this time.

If he really did that, don't even think about relying on this game to play his value. It is very likely that his value will not increase, but will drop. He will directly become a substitute from the starting lineup, and then it will really be completely over.

Top lane.

Chen Yiqiu's Ryze should have been the top laner who could withstand pressure in this game, but now he has become a normal player.

It was so comfortable!

Activating the ultimate skill, Chen Yiqiu quickly pushed through this wave of soldiers.

If the hero Ryze was the one from the S9 period, Chen Yiqiu might be more familiar with him, but the current Ryze.

For Chen Yiqiu, who did not do his homework before the game, it was really a bit uncomfortable.

But now the game has been played, and in the early stage, he forced himself to rely on a blind Q, which made people feel that his awareness and prediction were super awesome.

What else can Chen Yiqiu say?

It's better to be optimistic than to think so much.

Even if his Ryze is not strong enough and unfamiliar, what does it matter?

Maybe he can still carry at the critical moment?

The soldiers pushed to the opponent's tower.

At this time, Chen Yiqiu directly pressed the B key to return to the city and updated the lunch box. This equipment is for the purpose of making the Staff of Time next, for a hero like Ryze.

It seems that no matter what version, Seraph and Staff of Time are still the two most core equipment for Ryze.

After making the lunch box, Ryze's tankiness has been greatly improved during this period, and it has become less easy to kill him.

From a God's perspective, it can be seen that Condi's Widowmaker is brushing the Toad Monster on LGD's side. He also deliberately placed a ward on the wall to monitor Ryze's movements.

Netizens saw Chen Yiqiu's Ryze walking all the way to the upper tower. When passing by the Toad Monster, many netizens were wondering if Ryze would use another god-level Q skill.

While snatching Condi's Toad Monster, it also exposed Condi's position.

In that case, it would be really interesting.

In fact, Condi himself placed a ward, and he was really thinking about this. If Ryze came later and used another Q skill to overload and hit his Widowmaker,

Condi would report it!

He didn't believe there was such a monster.


Ryze WEQ.

The Toad Monster was instantly snatched.

Condi: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

? Damn!

This is really coming!

Report it!

Cheating confirmed!

This is the third time, it's absolutely unscrupulous. Condi is furious.


Condi quickly realized that something was wrong.

Ryze seemed to have controlled the opponent. If there was blind vision, there would be no control effect.


Condi finally realized that there was a ward placed by LGD team at this position. Damn! So angry! Nicolas Condi is even more furious. How can he play the game like this?


"Ryze actually got it!"

""I feel like Condi played too depressed in this game. He had no gaming experience at all. He was a little scared by Cmy's Ryze."

Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but say this when he saw this.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

They even felt a little sorry for Condi. It was just too miserable. It was okay that two waves of ganks were predicted by Cmy, but now he finally found an opportunity.

A little bit of Taobao's jungle area.

As a result, even a toad monster was snatched away by Cmy's Ryze.

How can he play the game well?

Chen Yiqiu was grinning at this time.

He was in a good mood when he got the toad monster from Nicolas Condi. Although he was I didn't expect to be able to grab it, but with this set of skills, I randomly pressed the combo.

I actually... really grabbed it.


I continued to walk to the top lane with peace of mind. Chen Yiqiu's Ryze continued to develop in the top lane. On the other hand, Sima Laozei, also known as Ma Ge, on the M3 team's side, was completely confused.

His Corki didn't know which lane to go. He couldn't beat Minotaur and Ryze in the top lane, and the bottom lane dragon was gone. There was no point in developing in the bottom lane. The key was that his Corki couldn't push the tower.

How to play?

It's really impossible to play!

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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