"The Immortal Family's Dharma!"

Qiu Zhen murmured to himself.

Even though it has been three months since he got this precious gold and silk, ripples will appear in his heart every time he observes it.

What is recorded in the precious gold and silk is not the secret book of ordinary martial arts, but the legendary method of cultivating immortality.

After learning that martial arts were prosperous and demons were rampant in this world, he became very interested in "cultivation".

At first, his goal was not martial arts, but to achieve immortality with swordsmanship.

Enter a Taoist temple and become a Taoist boy, enter a temple and become a young monk. All are fine, as long as you can embark on the path of spiritual practice.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

There are indeed experts in Taoist temples, but the Taoist priests and eminent monks also practice martial arts. Real practitioners have never heard of it. When asked about the "experts", they all said that "weird power confuses the gods and is not enough to be the Tao". Each and every one of them kept their secrets secret.

There are rumors of miraculous masters in the countryside from time to time, but unfortunately most of them are big scammers who defraud money.

Some people go to study under the teacher and say that they have learned the "Wall Penetration Technique" and can "walk through walls". They have great skills and mysterious Taoism.

After returning from training, he would put a talisman on his forehead to show off his skills to others. The next moment, he would see a watermelon hit the wall, with blood all over his forehead.

For a while, it became a joke among the villagers.

However, according to rumors, Taoism was once indeed prevalent in this world, and celestial beings appeared frequently.

Cultivation and enlightenment require the cultivation of both life and life.

It is said that today's prosperous martial arts is born out of the "life skill" in the dual cultivation of life and life.

It's a pity that the practice of cultivation has declined for some unknown reason and has entered the Age of Dharma Ending. There are no more "real people" and "enlightened ones" in the world.

Qiu Zhen is able to get this opportunity, which can be said to be a blessing of wealth and honor. The opportunity is wonderful.

Speaking of which, the great opportunity he got was related to his employer and neighbor, Uncle Li.

Three months ago, Xing'er, a girl from Uncle Li's family, caught wind and cold and became seriously ill. She went to Qingmu Pharmacy in town to seek treatment and medicine.

Most people in the countryside could not afford the consultation fees of Yaowanggu doctors. For common colds and flu, they would take medicine according to the prescription. The few prescriptions and decoctions were just like buying medicines in pharmacies in later generations. It was purely a business relationship.

If you eat well, everything will be fine, and if you eat badly, there will be few doctor-patient disputes.

That day, Qiu Zhenhao was working as a tutor at the shop in the front yard. He followed the rules and gave Xing'er some medicine. However, something went wrong when paying for it. Uncle Li looked panicked on the spot, saying he was in a hurry and lost the money.

At that time, the government had just collected "exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes", and the common people did not have much food or money left in their hands. The money Xing'er paid for medical treatment was the money left in the family's box to survive.

Uncle Li, a tall and dignified man, was running around anxiously, his eyes were red.

Qiu Zhen saw that Uncle Li looked familiar and knew that the uncle lived in a suburban village and was not a refugee from a foreign land. He had a house and land and his family background was innocent. At that time, his mind twitched and he felt compassion and asked the other party to write a note and lend him money to buy medicine.

Afterwards, he felt a little regretful.

These days, life is difficult for everyone. If the other party is a bad guy, even if there is evidence, the money can definitely be recovered, but it is still a troublesome matter and a fight is inevitable.

Who knows, things develop beyond his expectation.

A few days later, Uncle Li took the initiative to come to the house and said that Xing Er's disease had improved. He also borrowed money from his father-in-law's house and took the initiative to pay it back, bringing a plump grass carp with him.

In addition to farming, Uncle Li also goes fishing from time to time. This fish is his gift of thanks.

Unable to refuse the kindness, Qiu Zhen couldn't resist and accepted the grass carp.

Unexpectedly, when he went home to kill fish, he found gold and silk in the belly of the grass carp.

"Form a good relationship and get good results. The saint will never deceive me."

Qiu Zhen groaned, feeling very happy in his heart.

The method contained in this golden silk is extraordinary.

From the gold and silk, he learned that the cultivation of alchemy was divided into two methods: gradual and sudden.

The practice of "refining grain into essence", "refining essence into qi", "refining qi into spirit", "refining spirit and returning to void", "returning void to combine with Tao", totals five realms.

Under normal circumstances, you need to "refine grains into essence" first, replenish and refine the grain to a certain temperature, and then you can enter the "hundred-day foundation building" after the essence is full and the energy is strong. Don’t let go, cultivate a body that doesn’t leak.

Then refine the essence, refine the qi, and refine the spirit step by step, which is called the "gradual method", which means step by step.

Mysterious Golden Silk is different. It starts directly from "Xing Gong" and practices the divine alchemy method.

The mind and soul are used as medicinal materials, walking, standing, sitting and lying are used as the fire, tranquility and nature are used as the application, and concentration and wisdom are used as the water and fire, which is called the "sudden method". Moreover, from top to bottom, both the essence and the qi are cultivated. It is the most superior method of alchemy.

This is a great benefit to Qiu Zhen.

With his qualifications, he can practice "Medicine King's Five Animals" to the level of "full of vitality, full of energy and vitality". It takes at least ten years to start "Building the Foundation in a Hundred Days". Even if he acquires the immortal method, he won't be able to use it in the short term.

Needless to say, the benefits of the superior alchemy method are countless.

The disadvantage is also obvious - it is extremely difficult to get started.

Just like the special transmission of Zen Buddhism, it is superb and mysterious, and the most important thing is the ability of understanding.

Qiu Zhen's martial arts talent is not very good, but he has been born in two lifetimes and has a very bright mind, a photographic memory and quick thinking.

As the saying goes, it is difficult not to know, but not difficult to know.

Qiu Zhen understood and practiced the method in the mysterious golden silk surprisingly smoothly, and he vaguely figured out the trick.

This mysterious and nameless method "Building the Foundation in a Hundred Days" may seem mysterious, but it actually consists of eight words - "Mix the returning wind, and the result will be effective in a hundred days."

When practicing, return the light with your eyes, keep your mind and breath connected, and practice for a hundred days, and then the true light will appear.

The so-called "true light" is the "light of nature", the "light of the innate primordial spirit", and the light flashing by wisdom.

This method can reach the sky in one step. The first step is to cultivate the "primordial spirit". Once cultivated, it can steal the creation of heaven and earth, steal the mystery of the universe, transform oneself, and enlighten wisdom.

Ever since Qiu Zhen got the "mysterious gold and silk", he planned to move out of the apprentice house of Qingmu Medicine Store to practice. That day, he went out to find a dental shop to rent a house. He happened to meet Uncle Li and learned that his family had an idle yard. They hit it off and rented the yard on the spot.

Uncle Li is a man of temperament. Although he is short of money, it can be seen that Qiu Zhen is renting a house. The rent is only one hundred copper coins per month.

This price is considered medium to low in the vicinity of Qingmu Town.

So far, Qiu Zhen has lived here for almost three months, nearly a hundred days, and has been practicing every day. The [Returning Wind Mixing] method has reached a certain level of cultivation and has reached a critical juncture.

He finished his work in the medicine store early today and rushed back for this reason.

That night, dusk fell.

Inside the house, the lights were dim and everything was silent.

Qiu Zhen sat cross-legged on the bed, put aside all thoughts, calmed his mind, and imagined the three-point secret code. The left point of divine light was in the left eye, and the right point of divine light was in the right eye. The divine light of both eyes gathered at the center of the eyebrows.

The center of the eyebrows is the "Heavenly Eye".

The gateway where the three lights of the sun, moon and stars gather and enter and exit.

If you can turn the divine light of the left eye, right eye and eyebrow center with your mind like the "Secret Code of Divine Light", and flow like polishing a mirror, the three lights of the sun, moon and stars can gather at the center of the eyebrows, like the sun blooming, then the [Gate of Xuanpin] will descend, the heart of heaven will open, and the achievement will be completed in a hundred days.

These days, Qiu Zhen has been practicing this method of returning the light of both eyes and moving the divine light.

After three months, he has made rapid progress, matured, and reached a critical step.

Not long after practicing tonight, there was movement soon.

A faint golden light bloomed from Qiu Zhen's eyebrows.

"The sun is blooming!"

Qiu Zhen's Qi cultivation skills are good, but he didn't get too emotional because of joy and broke his skills.

Of course, it's not suitable to continue practicing now.

Qiu Zhen slowly stopped his skills, and his mind went from a state of tranquility and concentration. He opened his eyes, cleared his mind, and didn't plan to continue practicing. Instead, his eyes fell on the mysterious gold silk.

A glance.

Immediately, he was slightly surprised.

In the basin, in addition to the faint golden light emitted by the mysterious gold silk, a group of white mist appeared at some point.

The white mist rolled and turned into a line of words.

[The Dan Dao Dun Fa is superb and mysterious. In nine out of ten cases, it may turn into evil spirits. I hope that future Taoist friends will think twice before doing it.]


Qiu Zhen, who had just broken through the immortal method and was still calm when he encountered a great joy, suddenly changed his face and muttered in his heart.

The good practice of Taoism seemed to become terrifying and horrible all of a sudden.

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