"Yogurt!" Murong Xue smiled slightly, mysterious.

Yogurt? What it is?

They have heard of milk, goat milk, know that milk is milk produced by cattle, goat milk is milk produced by sheep, yogurt... Is there a name for animals in the world that begins with an acid word?

The hurricane and the traces of each other looked at each other, and the puzzled and incomprehensible look toward Murong Xue.

Murong Xue smiled: "Yogurt is not directly produced by animals, but I made it with milk. It can promote digestion, protect the stomach, and drink a cup of cold and greasy food. It is best for the body. I guessed it in the mountains. I can't eat the ironed food, I brought a few cups of yogurt, you can have a cup of it!"

"Thank you Miss Murong!" Hurricane, no trace, do not like to drink milk, but very interested in the yogurt made of milk, one person took a cup, unscrewed the lid to taste, thick yogurt to drink in the mouth, through the throat Into the stomach, the stomach instantly evokes a very comfortable feeling, the two eyes brighten, praised again and again: "Yes, yes, this yogurt is really good!"

Looking at the two men who drunk with the cup, Murong Xue smiled slightly and handed the yogurt in his hand to Ouyang Shaohao: "Ouyang Shizi also tastes it."

"Good!" Ouyang Shaohao nodded, took the cup and took a sip.

"Don't tell me that the taste is barely!" Murong Xue stunned Ouyang Shaochun for a moment, and there was a little threat in the dark eyes.

Ouyang Shaohao dyed a smile at the bottom: "The taste is not bad!"

He never touched the milk, because the milk tastes too heavy, and the yogurt made by her can completely eliminate the rich milk flavor and become another sour taste. It is very comfortable to drink in the stomach...

"It's almost the same." Murong Xue curled up a light smile, picked up a cup of yogurt and opened it. He took a slow drink. In a flash, the warm sweet and sour spread in the mouth. She glanced down and looked down. To the steaming yoghurt, when she opened the lid, the yogurt was already cool, how suddenly became hot?

Looking up at Ouyang Shaohao, I saw him holding a cup, slowly savouring the yoghurt, obviously an ordinary movement, but he made it elegant and noble, and he could not open his eyes.

The hot air emerged from his yoghurt cup. Murong Xue raised his eyebrows. It really was Ouyang Shao’s hand. I really don’t know how he did it. However, it is undeniable that hot yoghurt is better than cold. , but also to raise stomach to support!

The only three guards in Jingwang’s house, sitting by the fire, casually eating dry grilled fish, envious eyes frequently look at another fire not far away: hurricanes, no traces and they are The guards can be blessed by others. Sitting in front of the fire, eating delicious grilled fish with aroma and drinking yogurt, the stomach is very comfortable.

The material of the grilled fish, the yoghurt for the body is Ms. Murong, and Miss Murong was the fiancee of his prince. If the prince did not like Qin Yuyan, then sitting next to Wang Ye would be Miss Murong, she Grilled fish, yogurt, will be given to them to eat...

The guards quietly glanced at Qin Yuyan. She didn't understand martial arts. They needed protection when they were in danger in the mountains. Even if they didn't drag their hind legs, they slowed down their speed.

She doesn't know how to cook. Their meal is dry grilled fish and cold water. Although they have long been used to this kind of life, the stomach will not be uncomfortable, but it will still be damaged...

She did not have a profound knowledge. She did not know that the red fruit was poisonous. When she was eating red fruit, she did not stop it and did not save her life.

If you are standing next to Wang Ye is Miss Murong, then she is the red fruit of Ah Si, and Ah Si will not die...

Compared with Miss Murong, Qin Yu smoke is a hundred thousand miles away...

The guards’ voices were silent, but they were discovered by Qin Yuyan. Her beautiful little face was slightly gloomy: compare her with Murong Xue, and think that she is worse than Murong Xue, and she is not self-reliant. What is it, I dare to judge her, I don’t know how to live!

Qin Yuyan looked at the night with tears and was ready to complain to him, but he saw that he was looking at the direction of Murong Xue. His eyes were confused, puzzled, puzzled, remorse...

Wait, how can Yihui regret? Is it that he feels that he is not as good as Murong Xue, and that he has chosen to admire Murong Xue, he regrets it!

No, no, no, how can this be! She is a noble Princess of Mobei, the most beloved daughter of the Emperor of Mibei. It is better than Murong Xue, the unfamiliar orphan who is worth a hundred thousand miles. How can she lose to her and never lose to her!

It’s not that the green leaves are used to make the grilled fish taste. It’s not that the milk is made into yogurt, and Murong Xue will do it. She can do it too!

Qin Yuyan’s eyes were cold, turned around, and the big step of the head did not return. The voice of her anger was heard in the wind: “Yi Chen, I went somewhere else!”

Night Yi Chen looked at her and thought that she was going to solve the 'private affairs' and she didn't care. She said: "Don't go too far!"

"Know!" Qin Yuyan did not breathe a sigh of relief, ran like a vent, until tired and panting, and then stopped running, only stopped, hateful grasping the grass next to him: Yi Chen really disliked her She said that she was going to walk, he would not accompany her, only to use her a nonsense nonsense...

Everything is Murong Xue's harm, and the Hou Hou Houjin is not worthy of learning the needlework female red in the inner court. The chess and calligraphy paintings, even learning the low-lying cooking skills, are really ridiculous and generous. I hate the few low-lying guards who admire her so much. Looking at her eyes is also getting more and more worrying...

A black shadow flashed from the front, Qin Yuyan stunned, suddenly looked up, I saw not far from a white mountain wall, there is a hole at the bottom of the mountain wall, a black stone monument stands beside the hole, the breeze blows, the grass Ups and downs, the stone monument was half covered, and I couldn't see what was written on it.

Mountain wall! Black stone tablet! Qin Yuyan’s eyes glanced at the purpose of their coming to Mount Lu, and their eyes suddenly brightened: Is this the place they are looking for?

She and Yi Chen turned around in Lushan for a day, and did not see the trace of the destination. I didn’t expect that she was accidentally hit by a mistake. It’s really a break from the iron shoes. It’s all effortless. To tell Yichen, he will be very happy.

Qin Yuyan smiled and turned around and ran a few steps. His mind suddenly flashed a fascinating light: If it was wrong, Yi Chen would be disappointed. The Jingwangfu guards would despise her even more. She should go ahead and check it out. Is it the place they are looking for, so as not to be happy.

Qin Yuyan converges on the smile, and turns to step forward, step by step, slowly walked to the front of the stone tablet, and firmly grasped the top of the stone tablet. The soft touch came from the palm of her hand. She suddenly widened her eyes and the bottom of her hair flashed thick. Frightened...

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