The Evil Queen's Beautiful Principles

The Queen Welcomes Guests 4

"Lead these people to the next room.They seem to be waiting there for a while.Then I'll send Tommy. "

I was afraid.

And they were taken by Arthur, and they left the room.

"... it was such a shocking meeting."

Tommy's voice echoes in a quiet room.

"Ah... I didn't know Wilhelm knew..."

"I was embarrassed, I didn't realize.... to help him. "

"I won't blame you.I didn't notice anything else.I had doubts about the smoothness of the Marquis of Radford from captivity to domination... but I was wondering if it would be good if it worked. "

I exhaled gently.

"... so the only evidence of the events of 11 years ago is the Marquis Slade and the Marquis Beckford."

"... even if there is evidence, it will be treated as confidential.Is it harder to find evidence than trafficking? "

"Of course.That's why it would be easier if home searches were carried out in the context of human trafficking.... this time, thanks to Oscar, we have evidence of the Marquis Beckford's involvement.What's left is evidence of the Marquis de Slade? "

Originally, Tommy was working for many years to get a name for the five Marquises.

To get evidence of their involvement in the events eleven years ago and discredit them.

That's what blew everything up about Etoile this time.

Even if Tommy doesn't make a name for himself, it's enough to destroy them... because human trafficking has come to light.

I can't believe you committed more sins than we had prepared... the corruption of the Five Marquises is truly terrible.

"True, clever."

"Would it be possible to find evidence of the Marquis de Slade?

"... it would be tough if Carl shared that the Marquis of Beckford had been investigated... but I would have done it on Your Majesty's orders."

Think about Tommy's response for a moment.

"... no, it's not worth the risk.The Marquis de Slade has someone who nullifies magic.It is unclear whether there is any evidence left.You can't drive them to the dead even though you can't expect a return. "

"... there's one suggestion for that."

"What is it?"

"If the existence of evidence is uncertain, how about producing it?Etoir is on our side. "

"... who wants to put the children at risk?

"I have 16.7 men under my command.They look young, so let them handle it.Besides, after Marquis Beckford handed over the children to Marquis Slade, would it be better to seize the Marquis before handing them over to the Republic of Serbia? "

"... hmm"

"Luxeria, please consider it.That's the most likely and quick way to move forward in my mind. "

I think about what Tommy told me.

... as Tommy says, certainty and speed are the most efficient means.

"... that's not the way to do it."

As a result of the trouble, I answered.

"Be careful to protect your men."

... that's how I told Tommy about my next move.

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