"You guys! Protect Master Russell!

The guards who followed Carl's instructions attacked me.

"Ahah... hahaha"

I followed them in front of them and laughed.

Oh, no... I have to put up with it.

When I forced myself to suppress my smile, I crouched on the spot.

And the moment my hands touched the ground, the earthen walls that surrounded me and them disappeared.

Each of the men who stood behind the wall as a sign entered the battle.

After confirming the situation, raise the ground in place of the further erased walls.

The pillars that were thus created were pushed toward the enemy.

The enemies that hit them fall brilliantly.


The enemy who had escaped the pillar rush shook up his sword.

"Haha... ahaha"

I laughed at the sword in front of me.

Oh, really bad.

I deformed my iron rod into the shape of a shield and prevented the sword.

At that moment, he generates several thorns from his shield, piercing enemies.

When you see an enemy die, it touches a bloody thorn and deforms it into several discs.

They were edged with thorns and threw as they were.

Brilliantly, they only avoid Russell and Carl and kill their enemies.

Oh, no, no, no...

"Ahh... it's fun!

At last, uncontrollable emotions exploded and shouted to heaven.

Oh, no, no.

Everyone, including the Queen, has advised you not to reveal your feelings too much.

I knew you couldn't stand it and screamed.

"Oops... sorry.Even though you had a good time, I can't believe you despised your main guest when you came with me.... "

I smiled to mend it.

"... then, monster..."

Russell murmured indistinctly.

His eyes reflect the color of giving up.

... boring.

"A monster... such a big word doesn't suit me."

In response to Russell's words, I was already losing interest in him and walked further behind to Carl's side.

Carl stood up without a clue to the dirt wall.

"... why is the wall so far?"

"You were still trying to escape, weren't you?Leave Master Russell alone. "

Oh, it's fun.

Carl's eyes still haven't given up.

I laughed at his reaction.

"Why...?!After fighting the guards, the walls were gone!

"Yes, that's right.I was a little in the way of the crew fighting.But you know what? You didn't completely lose the wall, did you?Hora "

Carl's gaze was also skewed to the left and right so that he could be guided by my gaze.

There was a dirt wall there that surrounded us to a much wider extent.

"Stupid...You built a wall like this while fighting!

"Yes, that's right.When you make pillars, just a little.... I wanted to see if Carl was trying to escape not only to Lord Bernard, but also to Lord Russell. "

"... that's all...I can't believe you're spreading magic on such a wide area... monsters. "

"You told Mr Russell, too, but it's too much for me.I'm not at your feet anyway. "

Step by step, approach Carl.

"I think Master Carl is amazing too.Yes, because I sold the fight to the Emperor, who is beyond my reach. "

Then he stopped at the tip of his eyes and nose and smiled.

"Your Majesty is very angry about this case.Come on, Carl. Are you ready?This time, please don't run away. "

... so I caught Carl and Russell.

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