Deep darkness that spreads everywhere.

The darkness is eroding me more and more, and my borders are blurred... and my existence is about to disappear.

You're scared of the situation.

I wanted to escape... the moment I screamed honestly about my feelings, I felt someone grabbed me by the hand.

And then I woke up.

Wake up with trembling hands.

... still lazy.

But I feel much easier than before I jumped my consciousness.

I stood up to check my health and cleaned my hands with a damp cloth stained with bright red.


"... do you want me to call you, Luceria?"

"Oh, Freesia. Where's Alicia?

"I'm going to make some tea because it's time for Luceria to wake up."

"Fufufu... that's fun.How long have I been asleep?

Just for a moment.

"Yes... 'Freesia.Throw away this cloth so no one can find it.And then, "Call Alicia to this room."

"I understand."

I saw her holding the cloth I gave her and decided to sit on the couch again and wait for Alicia's arrival.

"Thank you for waiting, Luceria!

"Oh, this sweet smell... does today's tea come with your dessert?

"Yeah, that's right.I thought you might be tired, so I prepared two types: light... and heavy because my body was moved.Master Luxeria, what can I do for you?

"Fufufufu... then, both"

"Yes, both.... huh?Both?

"Yeah, that's right. There's no way to miss Alicia's dessert.So, what kind of menu is light and heavy?

"For the lighter ones, we created a Belle Mousse.The heaviest one is the cake that Lucería once named "tart tatan."

"Well, that's lovely! Thank you, Alicia."

Drink brewed tea and start eating mousse and tart tattoo.

"Delicious! You've raised your arm again."

She's obsessed with those things she made.

... oh, delicious.

After all, when you're tired, it's just Alicia's sweets.

After eating up quickly, I had her make me another cup of tea.

"Well... it's bad for everyone to be absent until 4: 00."

Then I took the guard knight I kept outside my room and headed to the office.

"Good work, Luceria.Did you get enough rest?

After sitting down for a while, Aaron, Godfrey and Tommy and Gilbert came into the room.

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