Demon God Realm.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Feng Cai, Senior Brother Mo Xie!"

"Well, Feng Cai, thank you for the report, please lead the way!"

Mo Xie said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Senior Brother Mo Xie!"

Feng Cai nodded respectfully, identified a direction and galloped.

Looking at his back, Mo Xie narrowed her eyes slightly, and then followed with her hands behind her back.


Half a month has passed.

Sima Tian passed a magic hero-level inheritance,

He didn't plan to break through the inheritance again, but strolled in the Demon God Realm to see if there was any opportunity.

Don't say it,

He really found a big opportunity!

On this day,

He found a secret treasure left by an ancient strongman-all other items were corrupted into dust, and only a silver-white sword was left.

A spiritual-level sword! (Note: mortal, yellow, earth, heaven, law, spirit, saint, emperor)

The sword was buried deep underground and only emerged today.

The sharp sword energy, the shining silver sword light... looks extraordinary!

In Sima Tian's opinion, it was tailor-made for him.


he was not the only one who found the sword - before he came, there were already five or six people.

Yeah, that's right,

To be precise,

he was the latecomer!

"We found this sword first!"

"What are you looking at? Get out of here if you know what's good for you!"

"That's right, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Several people from the Qiu Mo Sect shouted loudly.

It seems that this is a fairly strong demonic force - the strongest has the cultivation of the eighth level of the sect.

They looked at Sima Tian with fierce eyes.

"A gentleman does not take away what others like. Since you discovered it first, I can only sigh!" Sima Tian, ​​dressed in white, clasped his fists gracefully, and then turned and left without any reluctance. Alas! I, Sima Tian, ​​have done all the things of a gentleman in my life. How could I do such a thing as killing people and stealing treasures? Not right... ... ... Seeing Sima Tian really leave, several people from the Qiumo Sect started to talk about it. "This man is really a gentleman... It's a pity that gentlemen don't live long, ha!" "I think he is a fool. It's stupid to talk about such hypocritical manners in the magic way!" "Brother, what you said is very true!" They ignored Sima Tian, ​​but looked at the sword buried in the soil with half of the sword body exposed, emitting a sword aura. Even though they were several meters apart, they all felt the pain of being "cut" by the sharp sword aura! The silver-white sword light on the sword body is even more dazzling!

"It is worthy of being a spiritual-level black sword, it is really extraordinary!"

"Just as we said before, whoever can break through the sword energy and obtain the sword will own it, okay?"

"Brother, you are right!"


What the few people didn't see was that

Sima Tian walked with his hands behind his back, elegant and gentlemanly,

When he reached a small hill, he looked back and saw that no one was watching.

He hid directly behind the hill.


He skillfully took out a black robe from the Qiankun bag,


He skillfully took off his white clothes,


He skillfully put on the black robe and hood...

Everything was so skillful that it was shocking!


"Hahaha... What a silver-light sword!"

A loud laugh came.


As the few people were about to take the sword, they suddenly heard a fierce laugh behind them, and they were all startled.

Looking back,

I saw a strange man covered in a hood walking over.

"Hmph, we are from the Qiu Mo Sect, get out of here if you know what's good for you!"

The senior brother of the eighth-grade Zongji realm said viciously.

The black-robed strange man whispered sinisterly: "Such a mysterious sword is not worthy of the weak!"

"How dare you!"

Several people were furious, "Look at you hiding your head and showing your tail like a rat, do you dare to show your true face and speak?"

"Haha, you are not worthy yet!"

The black-robed strange man was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly killed several people with demonic energy.

"Oh no, it's the ninth-grade Zongji realm!"

Several people were shocked.

The senior brother hurriedly said: "We have more people, he is only one grade higher, don't be afraid of him, follow me!"

A battle broke out directly.

There is only one grade above the King Ji realm,

but the Zong Ji realm is not!

The top genius... can fight across levels!

——When the Moye Sect was at its peak, it faced dozens of righteous geniuses of the same level and even killed one.

And this black-robed weirdo is obviously one of the top geniuses who can fight across levels!

It won’t be long before

the battle is over.

There are a total of six people in the Qiu Mo Sect, and three of them died soon!

This black-robed weirdo is too strong and too fierce!

“Damn… this person is too strong,Let's go!"

Before running away, the senior brother said: "Such a genius must not be an unknown person. If you have the courage to tell me your name, you will be rewarded in the future!"

The black-robed man did not chase him, but stood with his hands behind his back and said: "Demon God Temple... Guiying."

The three people who escaped were shocked,

"It's actually from the Demon God Temple!"

"What are you afraid of? The Demon God Temple has fallen! Guiying, right? We will ask the Demon Sect to avenge this grudge!"

The figures of the three people gradually disappeared.

"You ran away too fast, and we can't kill you all. Ahem... I believe Brother Guiying won't blame me."

The black-robed man coughed dryly, and seeing that there was no one around, he took off his black robe.

A white robe as white as snow, a wine gourd hanging around his waist, full of coquettishness,

It's Sima Tian, ​​who else?

"Alas, there is such a sword here, it's simply a godsend! "

Sima Tian said generously, and then walked towards the sword with his hands behind his back.

I, Sima Tian, ​​have only done gentlemanly things in my life... Guiying was responsible for killing people and robbing treasures, what does it have to do with me?

Mo Xie, who witnessed all this: "...6"

Alas, my poor Guiying!

Everyone lets you take the blame!

Only I am the boss who will never harm you...


On the Demonic Path Mountain.

"Miss, may I know your name?"

Ao Fang approached.

It was really Si Feiyue's "approach" the day before yesterday that gave him great confidence, making him feel that he was still very attractive.

The woman smiled and said, "Oh? Which force are you from?"

Ao Fang said proudly, "The Demonic Temple."

The woman sneered, "Then do you know who I am?"

Ao Fang was stunned, "Yes...Miss, are you my junior sister in the Temple or from another force?"

The woman said, "I am an elder from another force... "

Her face was fierce, "Humph, what a bold lunatic, you dare to tease the elders, who are you? I will report to the elders of your temple!"

Ao Fang's face froze, and he quickly covered his face and blurted out: "My name is Guiying, my name is Guiying..."

Then he got scared and ran away into the crowd.

Not long after running, he bumped into someone.

"You guy, don't you look at the road when you walk!"

Ao Fang cursed at the man, but he felt a little guilty.

Gui Ying looked around and said vigilantly: "I always feel that someone wants to harm me today..."

"No one wants to harm you..."

Ao Fang looked back and saw the female elder just now walking towards the seat of the temple elders.

He couldn't help sweating profusely, and pulled Gui Ying away, "But this place is full of good and bad people, it is really not safe, let's go, and come back when the Demon God's Secret Realm is closed, well... I will accompany you, and you can help if someone wants to harm you. "

Gui Ying was moved and said, "Ao Fang, what you said is very much in line with my opinion... I misunderstood you before. You are a good person and will not harm me."

"Really? How could I harm you!"

Ao Fang saw that the female elder and the elder of Zuidu were talking, and he was even more scared. He pulled Gui Ying down the mountain quickly.


"Good sword, really good sword!"

Sima Tian's white clothes were cut to pieces by the sword energy, and he held the silver-colored sword in his hand lovingly.

"Okay, stop being crazy!"

Mo Xie walked out from the dark.

"Who... is it you..." Sima Tian said a little unnaturally: "When did you come?"

Mo Xie smiled and said, "I have been here for a while. Just now, Brother Sima was like a fierce god descending to the world, killing people everywhere. It was really fascinating. "


Sima Tian put away the sword and flashed to Mo Xie's side.

The next second,

Mo Xie's hand was stuffed with several cold crystal notes.

Looking at the width, there must be at least tens of thousands of them.

Mo Xie raised her eyebrows and put away the crystal notes calmly.


Mo Xie bowed and said, "Brother Sima is really lucky to meet the sword on the road. Congratulations."

Sima Tian said lightly, "There was someone just now..."

Mo Xie was surprised and said, "There is someone else? I didn't see it. Didn't you, Brother Sima, meet this opportunity that belongs to you alone?"

Sima Tian stood with his hands behind his back and nodded, "The boy is teachable! It's like this..."

Mo Xie put away his smile and his face was stern, "Since you have conquered the sword, let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Pretend to be cool!"

"...Good! "


Soon after,

a yellow land with jagged rocks appeared.

Feng Cai said, "This is it. Ji Meiling is trapped in this secret place of inheritance."

Looking at the black and purple air wall, a sense of horror rose from the soul.

Mo Xie swallowed his saliva.

Fuck you...

Another Demon Ancestor-level inheritance!

"You told me this is just a show-off?!"

Sima Tian was immediately indifferent.Here it comes.

Mo Xie laughed dryly and said, "After passing the inheritance of the Demon Ancestor, you will surely become famous. How can it not be considered as showing off?"

Sima Tian said: "..."

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