Yellow sand filled the sky, and the devilish spirit was everywhere.

A yellowish-brown statue stood on the spot.

The statue had a handsome and evil face, and seemed to have lost its vitality, just like countless other earth piles, which had weathered for generations and turned into a yellow earth pile that could no longer be distinguished from a human figure.

Behind the earth statue, sat a charming woman.

The woman's arms were wrapped around her legs, her white jade-like chin resting on her palms, and her eyes were staring at the ground without a soul.

The wind and sand in this world were getting bigger and bigger.

Her slightly curled long hair swayed in the wind, stained with yellow sand;

Her delicate back had a beautiful curve, covered with yellow sand,

Her pair of jade feet were like crafts, covered with yellow sand...

The wind and sand were getting bigger and bigger, and more and more yellow sand fell on her, as if she was going to turn into a clay statue.

She was still motionless, staring blankly at the ground.


The sky was filled with yellow sand,

A handsome clay statue stood,

Under the statue, a charming woman curled up,

This picture had a sense of beauty and sadness in the montage style of a movie...

This statue was naturally the 'dead' Moye, and Ji Meiling, who went from joy to sorrow.

"Is there really no promise that will never be broken?"

"Moye, you broke your promise..."

After a long time, Ji Meiling's dry lips uttered a word softly.

The last drop of hot tears in the eyes that could not bear it silently slid down on the fair skin.


The tears fell on the loess and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Perhaps it was because the wind and sand were too strong and blinded her eyes...

Ji Meiling closed her eyes and buried her head between her legs.

The wind and sand were getting stronger and stronger.

What she didn't see was that

countless khaki-colored pure energy was constantly gathering on Moye's "mud body".

As the golden energy continued to gather,

In this world,

the yellowish color became less and less, and the red and black colors became more and more.


Just like the soil burned by a raging fire, the surface of the clay sculpture with a yellow glow was slowly cracking.

A crack on the thigh;

A crack in the lower abdomen;

A crack on the head...

As the cracks became more and more, like snow in June, the mud on the surface of Moye fell down with a rustle, and then "melted" silently on the ground.

Just like shedding a shell, as the mud continued to fall off, the skin inside was exposed - it was actually khaki skin!


Moye's body was completely exposed.

The body was khaki, and it felt solid and heavy at first glance.

How can I describe this feeling?

For example,

Moye just stood there, like the strongest city wall, which would not collapse even if bombarded by artillery fire!

As his body "shed its shell" and was revealed, Moye's thoughts gradually returned.

A flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

He finally passed the test of inheritance - he was on the verge of death, and the Demon Ancestor turned into flying sand.

The reward he received this time was not physique.

But body forging!

- A body forged by the essence of the earth in this world!

If the body forged by thunder before was much stronger than the Xuan cultivators of the same realm;

Then the strength of Moye's body at this moment may not be matched by those genius body cultivators who specialize in body training in the righteous way!

And not only that,

He also gained a certain ability to control the power of the earth. Although it is not as good as the rare earth spirit body, it is not much worse.


Moye snapped his fingers with the idea of ​​giving it a try.


I saw countless piles of earth turning into quicksand and returning to the earth.

"Rest in peace..."

Mo Xie smiled with satisfaction.

This so-called power of controlling the earth, although it can't be as powerful as the earth spirit body, but there is no problem in absorbing the power of the earth for defense or cultivation!


Mo Xie's mind moved, and the earth yellow color on his body slowly disappeared, returning to his normal white skin color.

At this moment,

Mo Xie made up for another shortcoming - defense.

Speed, he has the ghostly body movement under the blessing of the magic shadow body, and the means of escaping into the shadow;

Attack, not to mention the terrifying power of the mysterious skill [Red Flame Breaking Cloud Waves], he can use the shadow clone to exert 200% of the power of the shadow killing technique.

Restore mana (restore Xuan Qi), not only does he have the family's top Xuan Gong, the Demon God Art, but he can also absorb the power of shadow and the power of the earth. If the situation allows, he can also absorb the power of fire and thunder!

Defense, his body is so terrifying now, and he can also use the power of the earth for defense.

Speed, attack, restore mana, defense, external force (Xuanqi, Xuanbao, Xuanji), cultivation!

"BrotherTo be a hexagonal warrior, hehehe!"

Mo Xie laughed strangely for a while.

Then he stretched out his hand and waved,

a mace with a faint glow appeared from the ground and fell into his hand.

This is the last reward of the inheritance-a spiritual-level mysterious weapon!

"Too ugly..."

Mo Xie pouted in disdain, and then threw it into the Qiankun bag.

The shadow thorn is too sinister and petty, and the mace is too heavy and ugly.

Mo Xie doesn't like either of them!

"Alas, I hope I can find my own weapon..."

Although Mo Xie is used to being unarmed.

But as a man, who doesn't have a dream of traveling the world with a sword!

So he is still eager for a mysterious weapon, but he has never met a suitable one.

Everything is over!

Mo Xie knew that he could go out soon.

"Mo Xie kept his promise, and he didn't lose anyone after all! "

He smiled slightly.

Turning around, he was stunned.

I saw Ji Meiling's thin body, which was already covered with sand.

She was hugging her knees with her hands, her head buried between her legs, and her body curled up slightly.

"Is this still the narcissistic vixen? "

In a trance, Moye thought he saw Si Feiyue.

Pity surged in his heart.

Sure enough,

Never believe a woman's superficial strength!

Because the stronger the appearance, the weaker the heart is - just like a rose with thorns, it is only fragile and easy to break.

And the weaker the appearance, the stronger the heart is - just like the tenderness of spring water, but with a strong force.

Ji Meiling is obviously the former, and Si Feiyue is obviously the latter.

The former always seems to be indifferent to everything and responds with a charming smile, but deep in her heart, she must have accumulated endless grievances, which can be seen from the tears before.

Although the latter is gloomy and inferior, as if she will be unable to be crushed in the next moment, since she can still live tenaciously, she must have the most solid belief in her heart.

Moye took a deep breath and stepped forward. Walked over.

Ji Meiling buried her head between her knees, her thoughts became more and more muddled as if she fell into an abyss, and her body seemed to be as cold and stiff as if she was buried deep in a grave.

She didn't want to break free,

because this ending wasn't too bad...

And at this moment,


It was like a cool breeze blowing past in the scorching sun of midsummer.

She felt the lightness of her body again.

A familiar voice sounded behind her, but the tone was unusually gentle,

"Are you awake, stupid woman? I'll take you out right away~"

It was like a dying flower that was moistened by the rain and dew that contained vitality.

Ji Meiling's whole body and mind suddenly "came alive".

She quickly raised her head and looked back.

Ji Meiling quickly turned her head to look at Mo Xie, and there was a light of surprise in her beautiful eyes that were just drying up in the spring pond.

Mo Xie looked at Ji Meiling gently, stretched out a hand to her, and smiled, "Let's go. "

Who knows,

Ji Meiling's face flushed, and she quickly turned her head aside.

She pouted and said playfully: "If you can put on your clothes, maybe I will think you are handsome..."

Mo Xie was shocked, "Ah? Shit! This is not a flame, how can it be... Sao Rui Sao Rui!"

"So that thing looks like this... Cut~ Ugly thing!"

"What does it look like?"

"Hehe, nothing!"

"Hehe, stupid woman, do you think I don't know what you are talking about? To be fair, show me yours at the end..."


"Ah! You are so cruel, you murdered my lifesaver..."

It is unknown what method Ji Meiling used, Mo Xie's wailing echoed here.

The yellow sand blew,

The next second,

The two disappeared here.

This world returned to peace again,

The yellow sand was piercing, and the devilish energy was rampant.

This Demon Ancestor Secret Realm is once again waiting for the arrival of the next "predestined person".

Perhaps thousands of years later,

there will be piles of yellow earth again...


In the Demon God Secret Realm.

In a secret place of inheritance.

The level of this secret place of inheritance is very, very high,

but unlike other secret places of inheritance,

this secret place... has no life and death test!

"I am the God of Curse!"

"Curse is the forbidden way of heaven and earth!"

"I curse the world, and the way of heaven curses me - my lineage, the inheritance is thin and almost cut off. ”

“I will remove the curse for you and activate the curse body…”

After a long time.

“The curse body has been awakened. The curse can be used to kill external enemies or bless yourself.”

“I still have some divine power. You are my second-generation successor. What do you wish for?"

Si Feiyue was suspended in the air.

Her long hair was like a waterfall, silvery white like snow;

The softness in her peach eyes faded a little, leaving a strange and strange color.

It looked beautiful and terrifying!

Hearing the words of the curse god,

She seemed to remember something beautiful, and the corners of her mouth were deeply raised.

——Everyone may have something in their heart that makes them happy and excited as long as they think of it.

And Si Feiyue was obviously in this state of mind,

She was intoxicated with her delicate face, and whispered: "I just hope that Moye can be well, and everything she does can be successful!"

The curse god was silent...


PS. Thanks to the book friend "Don't beep fast" for the inspiration capsule reward, Lao Yun thanks~

I'm sorry everyone, Lao Yun had an emergency yesterday, so I took a day off and made everyone wait. Please forgive me, Lao Yun thanks you with trepidation!

Three chapters are presented~

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