Behind the Demon God Gate,

Inside the Demon Cave,

The Demon Skeleton is a hundred feet high, and the pressure is terrifying!

Mo Xie gritted his teeth to resist the pressure that made him want to kneel down.

He raised his head with difficulty,

and saw the skeleton.

I saw,

This huge skeleton was sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking down at the world like a king;

The pale skull, the empty eye sockets, and the chest bones that were surrounded one by one...

This eternal ghost bone was emitting a cold and fascinating ghost light, and the thick ink-like demonic energy around it lingered for tens of millions of years.

"Is this the skeleton of the Great Demon God?!"

Mo Xie took a breath of cold air, and his heart was already churning.

——This feeling was like climbing Mount Tai and looking down on the mountains, and his heart was extremely shocked.

After resting for a while,

Mo Xie gradually adapted to this huge demonic power.


He took a deep breath, and then walked towards the not-so-far demon skeleton.

This demon skeleton looked like a mountain from a distance, and it looked even more huge when approached.

Mo Xie felt.

If she had gigantic fear, she would probably be frightened to death.

——From a distance, Mo Xie under the demon skeleton was like a black dot not much bigger than an ant, "crawling" under the demon skeleton.

"The pressure is getting heavier..."

As Mo Xie kept approaching the demon skeleton.

The terrifying demon power surged like a tide,

making Mo Xie feel like he was carrying a mountain on his shoulders, and like he was walking against the current.

It was extremely uncomfortable!

"Is this the first test?"

Mo Xie had a hunch that this demon skeleton was the Great Demon God.

Even if it was not the Great Demon God, it was still a very remarkable existence!

In other words,

He is now ready to inherit the legacy of this ancient demon who is suspected to be a demon god.

So he naturally thinks that this heavy pressure is the first test to obtain the inheritance.

Mo Xie's voice is tired, but it is resounding, "If you haven't been to the Great Wall, you are not a hero. Now that you have come this far, can you go back?"

Even at this moment,

his body has become hunched under the pressure of the demon,

but he still gritted his teeth and endured it,

walking towards the demon skeleton step by step.

Time passed by,

sweat fell,

Mo Xie's muscles under the black gold robe were as tight as stone, and the black veins under the congested skin were densely covered on his arms like a Yanghe River.


As he once again went upstream against the pressure, his footsteps fell heavily, and his feet actually stepped into the stone ground!

Moye now,

like carrying a weight of 10,000 jins, facing the flood of the Three Gorges, is moving slowly.

This feeling,

is very uncomfortable!


Moye's face is flushed and red, and the veins on his forehead are exposed.

But he smiled, looking evil and murderous.

Moye is just an ordinary young man of the new era, a college student with clear eyes and stupidity,

but after becoming a villain,

he has a very good advantage-

that is paranoia.

If you want to kill someone, you must kill him even if you must die!

If you want to do something, you must do it even if the ending is destined to be sad!

I will go even if there are thousands of people, and be the fool who challenges the windmill-this kind of people are always paranoid!


Although Moye's pace of progress is not much faster than a snail.

But he still moves forward!

As paranoid as he is, he has only one thought in his mind at this moment-reaching the Demon Skeleton.

He tried to straighten his back,

lifted his legs with difficulty,


Then his feet were numb from the recoil and fell, leaving footprints on the ground.

He kept moving forward step by step like this...


Mo Xie felt his eyes darken,

he raised his head with difficulty,

what he saw was

a huge white toe bone.


Mo Xie sighed again in his heart.

Let's put it this way,

when Mo Xie visited the Leshan Giant Buddha, it was only half the size of the Buddha's big toe, and he was already shocked.

But now,

when facing this demon skeleton,

this shock had to be multiplied by ten!

——When he really stood at the feet of the demon skeleton, he even felt that he was just an ant.

"It's so fucking big!"

Mo Xie sighed in his heart.

Then he raised his head as much as he could, and subconsciously glanced at the crotch of the demon skeleton...

"Not as big as mine!"

Then he grinned proudly, not feeling like an ant.

——Compared to the rotten skeleton, it is estimated that only this guy can do it.


Slightly livening up the dry mood,

Moye restrained his smile.

ThereBelow the sitting demon skeleton, there is a huge cave with an open stone door.

He is already one step away!

"Finally here..."

Mo Xie gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and took the last step.

The last step,

and the most difficult step.

Mo Xie only felt his joints making obscure creaking sounds under the strong demon power.

As if the picture was frozen,

Although Mo Xie's foot took a step, it was stuck in the air and could not fall down.

"It's already this time, and you still want to stop me?!"

Mo Xie's eyes flashed fiercely.

He mobilized the power of the earth with all his strength, and a layer of khaki light appeared on his skin.

"Fall down..."

Mo Xie put all his strength on his legs and fell heavily into the cave.

As he fell like an indomitable and desperate battle,

the khaki light on his body shattered in an instant.


his legs also fell into the cave.

When falling into the cave,

Mo Xie only felt a breeze from his toes to his whole body.

The heavy and terrifying pressure on his body faded away like a tide.

Mo Xie was tripped by inertia and fell into the cave.

"Finally on the shore..."

Mo Xie turned over and sat up, looking at the outside of the cave, smiling sincerely.

"It is worthy of the inheritance of such a strong man...even the first test is so difficult!"

He shook his head and felt his muscles were extremely sore.

Took out a resurrection pill from the Qiankun bag and swallowed it.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground,

with the help of the pill power,

circulated the Xuan Gong Mo Shen Jue,

recovering the exhausted energy.

Not long after,


Mo Xie exhaled a breath of turbid air and slowly opened his eyes.

Standing up,

stretching his waist.

Crack, crack...

The body made crackling sounds like firecrackers.

Mo Xie felt that his whole body was full of explosive power, and his muscles became more and more solid.

"It seems that under the pressure of the demon's power just now, it has helped me to strengthen my body in disguise..."

Mo Xie thought to himself.

How could he not understand that his physical strength has risen to a higher level!

The reason is very simple.

Your crazy exercise - such as running, push-ups, pull-ups... After constantly challenging your limits, your physical fitness will also be greatly improved.

This is the case in the secular world, let alone this fantasy world.

In fact,

For thousands of years,

those classic methods of cultivating the righteous body, after all, are not they just resisting pressure and bearing weight?

Mo Xie turned around and looked at the dark front of the cave.

It can be vaguely seen that

there is a huge hall in front.

Mo Xie's face was solemn, and he did not rush forward.

"The demon shadow is surging!"

He said in a low voice.

His whole body was covered by the blazing demonic shadow, and there was a face in the demonic shadow - it was not difficult to find it carefully, it was the appearance of Feng Cai.


He thought and snapped his fingers lightly.

The figure of "Feng Cai" was separated from his demonic shadow.

Except for the dark shadow without color, it looked exactly like Feng Cai.

Looking at the momentum emanating from his body - he also retained his cultivation level before his death, the eighth-grade sect extreme realm.

Mo Xie said: "As my first shadow slave, I will call you No. 1!"

Since then,

Feng Cai, the genius disciple of the Demon God Temple, has died, and the only one left is Mo Xie's shadow slave No. 1.

No. 1 is just a shadow slave, naturally he has no intelligence of his own, just quietly looking at Mo Xie, waiting for the master's order.


Mo Xie looked at the unknown front and snapped his fingers.

Shadow Slave No. 1 turned into a flowing shadow and fled towards the dark hall.

Successfully entered the hall,

No danger encountered!

Mo Xie nodded in relief, and then walked forward with big strides.

Entered the hall, took back Shadow Slave No. 1,

Then stopped running [Magic Shadow].

Mo Xie looked around the hall.

The first thing that caught his eye was a man sitting on a huge throne in the center of the hall.

It was circular, with rows of small openings on it, and in the small openings stood "people" with different postures and all kinds of strange things, just like... portraits of the dead.

These people all exuded a terrifying pressure that made people dare not look directly at them.

Especially the man on the throne, who made people subconsciously want to surrender and kneel down.

"This is..."

Mo Xie's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

After a closer look,

he found that they were just lifelike statues.

He breathed a sigh of relief, " turns out they are just statues..."

Just then,

a faint voiceWords rang out in the hall, "You are finally here..."


The people in the coffins all spoke, "We have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"We have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The rolling devilish sound echoed wildly in the hall,

and filled Moye's ears violently.

"Who is talking?!"

"Why are you waiting for me!"

Moye's scalp suddenly numbed, and goose bumps all over her body...


PS. Lao Yun wishes everyone can successfully land, um...don't walk on thin ice anymore~

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