PS. The last chapter was greatly revised, and some foreshadowing was added. You'd better read it again~

Inside the hall.

It was dark and eerie.

Moye walked towards the throne.

On the throne sat a king in a crown. His face was not clear, so it should be a statue.

Because Moye did not feel the momentum fluctuations like the demon skeleton.

Moye stood in front of the statue of this king.

This king's face was not clear,

so even if he was "not familiar with the present but knowledgeable about the past", he did not recognize him.

It was probably a king of a certain generation of the Eternal Night Dynasty...

But it was definitely not the Demon God!

Because he traveled through history and witnessed the secrets of the ancient times.

He knew clearly that

After overthrowing the Demon Court, the Demon God wandered in the void and did not become king.


For a god at the top of the world,

it is indeed a bit of a loss of status to still be attached to the hegemony of the mortal world.

——In fact, gods such as the God of Curse and the God of Fire escaped from the world after overthrowing the Demon Court.

But even if this king is not a demon god,

he would have been a top hero in the world tens of millions of years ago, which is inevitable.


now only a residual image is left...

"The waves wash away the heroes, the right and wrong, success and failure are all in vain, the green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times..."

After traveling in the long river of history, Moye's mood is very strange now, and he sighed unconsciously.

"The top geniuses and heroes of the time will eventually fall."

"Even if the Demon God, Curse God, Fire God, and Purple God are so powerful, where can they be found now?"

Mo Xie stood with his hands behind his back and sighed,

"How strong can one be immortal?"

"How strong can one be immortal?"

After a breath of silence,

Mo Xie shook his head and laughed.

I am just a king now, but I actually dreamed of such things...

Isn't it just like summer insects talking about ice, worrying about the sky, and A Jiao filling eggs?

Mo Xie exhaled lightly.

He slowly stepped back.

He clasped his hands together, performed the right ceremony, and bowed gently to the statue of the king.

He lowered his head,

What he didn't notice was that

the dark eye sockets of the statue flashed a black light.

He opened his eyes and looked up,

Mo Xie was about to look for his own inheritance opportunity.

At this moment,

A stream of black air flew out of the statue and headed towards Moye.

It was so fast that Moye couldn't react at all!

Even if he reacted, he couldn't escape.

Because a heavy demonic power enveloped him, making him unable to move.


The demonic energy entered his mind.

Mo Xie's face froze for a moment, and her eyes became dull...

A fierce demonic voice sounded in Mo Xie's mind:

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for you for a long time... That kid really didn't break his promise!"

"Not bad, not bad, it's really an excellent body!"

Mo Xie was shocked at first, then calmed down, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I was before;"

"From now on... I am you."

Mo Xie said lightly: "Oh? So... you want to take over my body?"

The mysterious demonic voice replied: "Hehe, you guessed right."

"But, you are just an ancient remnant soul!"

"Yes, although I am a remnant soul, you are the disciple of that kid. Under the power of my true demon, do you have any power to resist?"

Mo Xie felt it and found that the demonic energy in his body was trembling, and he couldn't mobilize a single bit.

Not to mention the demonic energy, even this demonic body couldn't move.

This has nothing to do with cultivation,

It is purely a level of suppression - just like a dragon, even if it is dead, it can only bow its head and tremble under the pressure of the real dragon...

Mo Xie seems to know who this mysterious demon soul is...

"Have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

"Yes, I have been waiting for you for many, many years..."

"Do you really want to take over my body?"

"What do you think?"

The scene was silent for a few breaths.

"Boy, do you know why the old demon wants to talk to you so much nonsense?"

Mo Xie replied: "I'm afraid it's not that you, the old man, haven't talked to anyone for too long, and you want to find someone to chat with?"

He thought for a while and said: "Is it to control my demon body?"

The demon soul sneered and didn't answer.

Looking at Mo Xie's body,

I saw a flash of demon light in his eyes, and his pupils became extremely dark.

The whole body flashed with an ancient demon power - that was not the momentum of Mo Xie!

Two things of the same origin,

like a raging fire devouring a flame, that's too simple!

And the Demon Soul and Moye are like a raging fire and a flame.

Not to mention him, a King Realm cultivator,

even a Demon Cultivator of the Imperial Realm,Facing this extremely high level of pressure from the ancient demon soul, I'm afraid there is no way to deal with it!


Mo Xie clearly felt that

his soul was being eaten away by the demon soul bit by bit,

and his body was losing control bit by bit.


Mo Xie's emotions were not panicked,

but he asked back calmly: "Then do you know why I have to talk nonsense with you?"

The next second,

Mo Xie's demonic energy dissipated in an instant.

"You dissipated your demonic energy?!"

The voice of the ancient demon was in doubt and sneered: "Do you think that the old demon has no way out?!"

Mo Xie did not answer.

The next second,


The raging flames instantly enveloped his left half of the body.

Earth Spirit Fire!

A touch of hot flames burned in his left eye, instantly dispelling the dark demonic light.

At the same time,


After a lightning sound, a silver-white arc rose on his right side.

A flash of lightning rose in his right eye, and it also dispelled the dark magic light in an instant.

Thunder and fire are the attributes of the most yang.

Although the magic path is cultivated quickly and the power of the same level is far beyond the orthodox Xuanqi,

but the laws of nature are constant and there is no absolutely perfect existence - the most yang attribute has been the nemesis of the magic path since ancient times!

Mo Xie believes that

even for the mysterious demon soul at this extremely high level is no exception.

But just in case,

he awakened the thunder and fire in his body at the same time.

"This, this is impossible. As a half-demon, why can you cultivate this most yang attribute?!"

The demon soul's voice was shocked and angry.

Mo Xie smiled and said nothing, "Hehehe..."

He mobilized thunder and fire, slowly swimming in his body, and "drove" the demon soul.

The power of the demon soul continued to attack, but it could not break through the "net" woven by thunder and fire.

"You may have been the strongest in your life, but you are just a remnant soul. You have experienced countless years. How much of your magic power can be left?"

Mo Xie said in a mocking voice.

If this mysterious demon soul is really what he guessed, then it must be a person from a very, very long time ago.

From that time to now,

Even if its strength is amazing,

How much of its cultivation can be left?


Mo Xie can clearly perceive that

This old guy probably died abnormally and is just a remnant soul!


As a "demon", it is still restrained by the extreme yang attribute.

Old guy,

What do you have to fight me? !


In his mind, the demon soul roared helplessly, "Impossible! Why would I be tricked by a brat like you? Ahhhh..."

Mo Xie sneered as he operated the "Thunder and Fire Net" to constantly suppress the demon soul.


the demon soul was suppressed into his mind and merged into a soul that looked like an old man.

It roared continuously and continuously attacked the "Thunder and Fire Net".

But it was in vain, and it had no effect except consuming the little remaining soul power.


Mo Xie's face turned fierce.

He used the power of thunder and fire to the limit and suppressed the demon soul with all his strength.

The demon soul made claws with both hands, and stopped the "net" from tightening left and right.

The threat of being shattered was approaching, which made Him sober up from his rage.

A very distant scene flashed through the mind of the demon soul,

"Little princess..."

"I still have a heavy responsibility..."

"No! I can't die yet!"

Despite the humiliation,

he still begged for mercy loudly: "Boy, stop... stop... we can talk!"

"Hehehe... talk?"

Mo Xie laughed strangely, but did not put away the thunder and fire, "Why should I talk? Your demon soul is extremely pure. If I absorb it, my soul will definitely grow greatly!"

Feeling the raging flames and the approaching arcs,

the demon soul said weakly: "Save the old demon, I can give you more..."

The power grid firewall stopped for the time being.

"Speak, I only give you one chance!"

Mo Xie said fiercely...


PS. Can you guess who this demon soul is?

Good night everyone~

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