In the secret room.

Mo Xie sat cross-legged on the ground, his face solemn.

However, there was a long scratch on his left arm, and a delicate and small tooth mark on his right arm.

He looked a little embarrassed...

"Is this woman really a fox... scratching and biting."

Mo Xie shook his head speechlessly.

He looked at his left hand,

recalling the wonderful elasticity.

Snap, snap!

Six times in a row.

Every slap would create a huge wave on the fat buttocks.

Such a grand scene is really rare in the world!

Natural scenery is indeed better than man-made scenery, but what is more beautiful than natural scenery is people themselves...

Mo Xie is such a vulgar person.

"It is worth the price to be able to see such a beautiful scenery..."

The corners of Mo Xie's mouth curled up slightly.

Mo Jiu appeared and asked, "Why did the young master let that woman be so presumptuous?"

"Beating is love, scolding is love, no beating, no love."

Mo Xie waved his hand, his face was not red, and his heart was not beating, "The beauty of a woman lies in some cute little movements, this is called interest, you old devil, what do you know!"

Mo Jiu secretly looked at Mo Xie's injuries.

Thinking, this action is not small...

But he still complimented, "So that's how it is, the young master and the young mistress are really in love!"

Mo Xie coughed dryly, "Okay, let's not talk about that woman, let's talk about our men's business!"

He flipped his hand, and a seven-story small tower appeared in his palm.

"Old devil, what is this?"

Mo Jiu looked at it carefully, was silent for a long time, and said in a serious tone: "This thing is called the Heavenly Dao Tower."

Mo Xie played with the small tower, a little surprised, "Heavenly Dao Tower?"

Mo Jiu sighed: "No wonder it has a trace of primitive breath, it turns out to be this thing..."

He explained: "The Heavenly Dao Tower is a treasure from the primitive period when the world was first created, also known as the primitive treasure."

"It is said that each of the seven-story Heavenly Dao Tower has a trace of Dao."

"If the seven Dao rules are activated at the same time, it will..."

Mo Xie raised his eyebrows, "What will happen?"

Mo Jiu coughed and said: "Old devil doesn't know... I guess it will achieve the highest status of God."

He didn't explain too much, and complimented: "My young master, you are really a person with great luck. The innate treasure [Wu Xiang] and the primitive treasure [Heavenly Dao Tower] can fall on In your hand!"

Mo Xie ignored the old devil's flattery, looked at the small tower in his hand, and asked: "But why can't I see what's so mysterious about this thing?"

Mo Jiu pondered for a moment and said: "Maybe it's because the Heavenly Dao Tower is incomplete."


"It is said that the Heavenly Dao Tower has the power of the time law, space law and other great laws, but the old devil did not feel a trace of the power of the great law from the Heavenly Dao Tower in the hands of the young master. Perhaps it was because the war of the gods in the prehistoric period caused the Heavenly Dao Tower to be damaged."

Mo Xie was a little disappointed, "Is that so..."

Mo Jiu comforted: "The seven laws are scattered in the world. As long as they are encountered, the Heavenly Dao Tower will be sensitive. I believe that the young master will be able to collect them and exert the supreme power that the Heavenly Dao Tower should have!"

But this is what he said,

even he himself did not believe it.

After all, since the Heavenly Dao Tower is in the hands of the Eternal Night Demon God, he must have searched for these seven laws.

Even the gods like Yongye have not been found, and Moye wants to collect them all... not to say it is impossible, but at least there is little hope.

"Seven Dao rules, even the Yongye Demon God has not found the divine object, how difficult is it for me to find it?!"

Mo Jiu can think of it, and Moye naturally understands it.

Therefore, he is a little uninterested in the Heavenly Dao Tower.

He weighed the small tower and threw it upwards.

The small tower disappeared between his eyebrows and floated in his mind-I don’t know when, this thing inexplicably recognized him as its master.

Mo Jiu said: "My lord, don’t be disappointed. A divine treasure like the Heavenly Dao Tower, even if it has lost its divine power, is not comparable to ordinary mysterious weapons!"

"There must be many unknown mysteries waiting for you to discover."

Moye smiled and said nothing.

With a thought, a long whip with a demonic aura appeared in his palm.

This is the innate treasure [Wu Xiang].

At the last moment of the previous Son of God Competition, it stayed in this form.

Wu Xiang has no form and no quality, and it can transform everything as it pleases!

Because Mo Xie's attribute at the moment is [Demonic Qi], the objects transformed by Wu Xiang are naturally "Demonic Attributes".


If his attribute is flame, then the objects transformed by Wu Xiang are naturally flame attributes.

Mo Jiu asked curiously: "My young master, what are you doing..."

Mo Xie said: "I used Wu Xiang a few days ago and got some new insights."

Mo Jiu flattered:"My young master is really destined to be with Wuxiang. It only took half a day to refine it. Now I have a new understanding. I admire you."

"You old devil..."

Mo Xie shook his head and laughed, "It can't be considered as refining. At most, it can be regarded as successfully recognizing the master..."

He looked at the magic whip in his hand and added, "But after this time, maybe it can be truly refined."

Mo Jiu said respectfully, "Then I wish you a successful refining. If there is nothing else, I will withdraw."


Mo Xie waved his hand.

"I will take my leave."


Mo Jiu escaped back to Mo Xie's mind.

Mo Xie focused his eyes on the magic whip in his hand.

Although he was lucky enough to let Wuxiang recognize him as his master, he still had some barriers to using it.

For example,

In the previous God Son Competition,

he often needed to concentrate all his mind and soul to meditate,

before he could transform Wuxiang.

Although the time interval was very short, it was only a blink of an eye.

But it was just that Lan Ge and the others were too useless. If they met a truly top genius, I'm afraid that this blink of an eye would put him in a life-and-death situation!

But fortunately,

During the use, a hint of opportunity appeared in Moye's mind.

Moye took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and gently held Wuxiang with both hands.

He put his mind into a state of emptiness, constantly meditating on that hint of opportunity.


The magic whip returned to the invisible state of nothingness.

From a distance, it looked like Moye was holding a ball of air in his hand.

If it was the previous Moye, he would think so.

After all, Wuxiang is invisible!

But now,

Moye clearly felt that there was an unknown object in his palm.

Although the touch was very slight, it was indeed there!

The opportunity in his mind became clearer and clearer, and he wanted to grasp it more and more urgently.


His consciousness fell into countless images...

The world was not yet created, and it was a chaos.

A wisp of nothingness "qi" appeared in the universe - although it was an empty existence, Moye could see it clearly for some reason.

This qi turned into a giant axe,

A giant god who spanned the world held it,

The divine axe chopped, and the world was opened!

Then the wisp of qi escaped, leaving only the "shell" of the divine axe.

It turned into a giant bell again,

When the divine bell rang, the sun and the moon came out!


This qi wandered between heaven and earth, and countless years passed.

It turned into a divine bow.

A man drew the bowstring and shot down nine golden crows that killed all living things.

This qi escaped again, leaving behind the "shell" of the divine bow, which was fought over by countless powerful people over the long years.

Countless years have passed,

It has turned into a magic sword, used by people to slay dragons;

It has also turned into divine music, attracting hundreds of birds to pay homage to the phoenix;


Moye just watched quietly.

Watching this wisp of mysterious energy that existed before the creation of heaven and earth, it transformed again and again.

In the end,

This energy was given a name by a great man, called "Wu Xiang".

Witnessing these countless years of transformation,

Wu Xiang is like an old friend that Moye knows,

Moye even thinks that Wu Xiang is like a playful little girl.

Sometimes he is chivalrous and helps people slay dragons;

Sometimes he is interested in making a fairy harp for people to play divine music...

"So what kind of existence will you be in my hands?"

Moye slowly opened his eyes.

The answer to this question is still in the future.

He let out a long breath and his eyes fell on his palm.

A ball of white gas lay quietly in his palm.

Isn't it the innate mysterious energy that existed when Qiankun was born?

Or it can be said to be the innate treasure [Wuxiang].

"Wuxiang is not invisible, but it is invisible to ordinary people."

Mo Xie smiled lightly.

The ball of white gas flashed, and a faint sense of intimacy beat in Mo Xie's heart.

Now he can be regarded as truly refining Wuxiang.

But Mo Xie doesn't think this is refining, but a kind of partnership-style growth.

I am strong, and it is also strong!

"When Wuxiang exists in heaven and earth, then heaven and earth are Wuxiang."

At this moment,

Mo Xie has a new understanding of Wuxiang.

He knows clearly that

now he can't even exert one ten-millionth of the power of Wuxiang.

For example,

if the power of Wuxiang is an atomic bomb,

then he can only change swords, guns, sticks, and magic tricks.

But he believed that,

as time went by,

he would truly unleash the full power of the formless.

Tell the world: "Formless, shapeless, and without quality? It's just that you are tooIt's just that the garbage is invisible!"

Mo Xie smiled, "Go ahead."

Wu Xiang circled around Mo Xie for a few times, and then dissipated between heaven and earth.


Mo Xie exhaled lightly and began to practice.

He felt that he had reached a bottleneck - a bottleneck that was about to break through to the third-grade king realm.

Dong Dong Dong!

The door knocked.

Mo Xie opened his eyes, and a flash of magic flashed in his eyes.

The second-grade king realm is perfect!

It's embarrassing... stuck.

"Sure enough, if you want to break through the bottleneck of cultivation."

"It may take a lifetime to rely purely on cultivation!"

"One is to rely on chance, and the other is a life-and-death crisis."

"But I can't achieve either of these two points at present..."

Mo Xie laughed at himself.

With a wave of his robe, the door opened.

"What's the matter?"

A disciple said breathlessly: "It's not good, Son of God! The third elder is poisoned, I'm afraid his life is in danger! ”

“The little priest has specifically asked you, the son of God, to come over, saying that only you can cure him!”

My big brother is in trouble?!

Mo Xie stood up suddenly…

PS. You will have bad luck… I’m kidding you, you will definitely get what you want, everything will go smoothly, and you will be lucky. Happy April Fool’s Day haha~

Based on some foreshadowing in the previous article, you can guess what poison Xiao Yikuang was poisoned with, and why only Mo Xie can cure it?

Finally, our peak ranking in the gift list last month was 1600. Lao Yun would like to thank everyone for their love! Then in the new month, can I ask for a gift to support you? Thank you~

Good night everyone~

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