"That's why you called me here?" The man asked with a smile.

"What's this thing?" Xie Hui puffed up her mouth and saw that Xiao Shili didn't care. Her expression became angry. "This is a very important thing!"

The girl finally recovered her usual appearance. Xiao Shili still couldn't stop smiling. "If I really killed someone, the police would have come to arrest me. How can I stand here?"

"Yes." Xie Hui thought about it and couldn't help laughing.

"Fool." Xiao Shili couldn't help touching her head.

"You are the fool!" Xie Hui angrily returned a sentence, but did not evade the man's hand.

"I'll treat you to dinner after school." Looking at the lovely expression of the girl, Xiao Shili couldn't help saying.

"Really?" Xie Hui's face suddenly showed a look of joy, but she said carelessly, "great, finally someone can be slaughtered by me."

"Ha ha, I'll wait for you at the school gate after school."

"Why, don't you have classes?"

"Just reading in the library, so... It's not truancy." Xiao Shili made a plea on purpose.

"Of course not! I dare to argue Xie Hui finally snatched the cigarette out of each other's mouth, then blinked helplessly, "forget it, anyway, you don't listen well in the classroom, you can learn more knowledge in the library."

"Yes, my housekeeper." Xiao Shi's careless words made the girl's face turn red. He lowered his head and said, "what are you talking about? Who... Who is your housekeeper?"

"Ha ha, if it's OK, I'll go first."

"Yes Xie Hui seems to suddenly think of something, "there is another thing, yesterday afternoon, someone came to the class to look for you."

Xiao Shili stopped and looked back at her

"He said his name was su Ziyu." Seeing that Xiao Shili was a little stunned, Xie Hui added, "senior three."

Su Ziyu.

In Xiao Shili's mind, the beautiful young man with fashionable clothes and tender yellow hair in the empty stands of the stadium that day was surprised.

"What's the matter, do you know each other?" Xie Hui sees Xiao Shili's different expression and asks curiously.

Su Ziyu, the son of one of the three school directors, one of the G4... On the way back to the classroom, Xiao Shili couldn't help thinking of that person.

When the school bell rings, Xiao Shi stands in front of the library, facing the third grade teaching building. Five minutes ago, he has been standing here, looking at the opposite teaching building. With the flow of people, it seems that no one wants to say hello to him.

forget it. He turned and walked towards the school gate. When he passed the sculpture in front of the school gate, a graceful figure fell into his eyes. Looking at his back, he was a little familiar. When Xiao Shi came near, the girl turned around. He was stunned and stopped.

When ye ruoqing saw Xiao Shili, her eyes were slightly surprised, and then she showed a sweet smile. In the hot sun, her long hair and skirt moved with the wind, just like the figure in the painting, which was suffocating.

Xiao Shi left the station for a long time before he thought of going over. He deliberately put on a casual expression on his face and gave the girl a smile, "Hi, what a coincidence."

Ye ruoqing smiles, "is it a coincidence? It's not. "

"Ah?" Xiao Shili was stunned again. Rao is usually sharp and resourceful, but whenever he sees her, he becomes numb.

Seeing each other's silly expression, ye ruoqing could not help but chuckle, "I've been waiting for someone here for a long time."

"Are you... Waiting for me?" Xiao Shili stammered that the surprise came too suddenly, which caught him off guard.

"You are often not in school, so I saw you in school this afternoon. As soon as I finished school, I ran down as fast as I could and waited here for fear that you would leave first." Ye Ruoqing had a hand blocking the naughty hair in the breeze. His eyes were mischievously saying, "you boys are always more active than school."

If at ordinary times, Xiao Shili would say that you girls are not the same. But at the moment, he can't find his usual unrestrained ruffian appearance. He can only say with a silly smile, "yes, we don't like class." Mind is still hovering, she is waiting for their own thing.

She is waiting for me, she is waiting for me, these words in Xiao Shili's heart over and over to recite, only feel the heart has a kind of unspeakable joy, as if the surrounding plants and trees have become cordial, don't think each other is waiting for what, just think, she is waiting for me.

"Well, have you stood enough?" Seeing Xiao Shili standing still for a long time, ye ruoqing said, "do you want to be with him here?" He pointed to the statue next to him.

Xiao Shili reacts. He steps forward and leaves the campus side by side with ye ruoqing. He feels her pure posture in his heart and smells her faint fragrance in his nose. At this time, it's time to finish school, and there are many students on the way home. But in Xiao Shili's heart, it seems that the whole world has become a blank, and there is only one girl in front of him.

"By the way, I know a western restaurant with good steak. Let's go there for dinner. By the way, do you like western food?" Ye ruoqing said as she walked.

"Yes, yes." Xiao Shili nodded quickly, thinking that she was going to invite herself to dinner. At this time, let alone Western food, the girl said that today's dinner was mud and stone, and he also said that he liked it.

The decoration of the western restaurant is very elegant. At first sight, it is a place suitable for lovers. There are already people dining on several tables, both a man and a woman. Xiao Shixuan thinks that if he and ye ruoqing eat here, it is inevitable that others will not be regarded as lovers when they see them. When he thinks about this, his heart is filled with unspeakable joy.

Two people sit down on a table, ye ruoqing orders nine mature steak, Xiao Shili takes the meal card to see for a long time, finally orders a pot rice.

Waiting for the waiter to pass by, ye ruoqing could not help but chuckle, "you are really strange, who eats in a western restaurant. If you don't like it, we'll change places."

Xiao Shili said that if they are lovers, men don't like western food, but they have to accompany their girlfriends. This is also a common situation. He thought that she has only made one boyfriend since she was born. How can Xinfei know ye ruoqing's good? Of course, she won't be so accommodating to her. On the contrary, ye ruoqing is more accommodating to him, so she certainly won't know this.

He likes ye ruoqing, so in his heart, she is the most beautiful, the kindest and the best girl in the world. He only scolds Xin Fei for being blind. She doesn't know how to cherish such a good girl, but she doesn't know that although ye ruoqing is pure and moving, she may not be regarded as a beloved by every man.

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