"Listen up." After thinking for half a day, Lin Shihan suddenly made a decision and said solemnly, "I will make up for you every weekend until your academic performance reaches the standard of the school."

"Ah?" The man opened his eyes wide and didn't understand.

"Ah, what?" Lin Shihan knocked on Xiao Shili's head again, "don't you want to?"

"No... no..." the fool didn't want to. Xiao Shili just didn't expect that luck would come to him unexpectedly.

Even if he just pretended to be very similar, it was too incredible. He couldn't believe that he would have such good luck.

Beautiful teachers not only forgive themselves, but also take the initiative to make up lessons for themselves. Such a good thing can only happen in a dream

In his dream, when he was reciting these two words, Xiao Shili suddenly thought of something. He was stunned by surprise and suddenly showed a strange look. He suddenly opened his schoolbag, searched inside, found the treasure book of cheating and pulled it out.

A few turns to the white first page, he immediately stupefied.

The number 10, which I saw last night, suddenly disappeared. There was no dirt or trace on the white paper. Xiao Shili looked at the spine of the book, and there was no sign of being torn off.

This book has been put in the schoolbag today. No one can touch it, and even if someone has touched it, it can't be so clean.

Xiao Shili's heart became violent. Does it mean that all this is true

What is written in the book is true. As long as you do good deeds and accumulate good value, you can change your destiny of benefiting yourself!

The 10 written on the white paper is the so-called good value? If so, today's experience in the office is influenced by this book.

Although he still felt very incredible, Xiao Shili subconsciously began to tend to believe it, because since he got this treasure book yesterday, the fact that happened can not be explained by common sense, and just after this happened, everything began to coincide with what was written in the book.

He did good deeds, accumulated 10 points, and then changed his fate through these 10 points. But where do these 10 points come from?

By the way, I got this treasure book yesterday, and I helped the old man yesterday, so these 10 points are written on it.

Ha ha, if that's the case, it's really cool. As long as you do more good deeds, whatever you do in the future will be invincible. Study, exam, work, job search, and beauty, you will only succeed, not fail!

Cut! What are these? You can go to buy lottery tickets and win a few five million dollars. You don't have to worry about anything in your life. If you are more ambitious, I'm afraid you can run for the president of the United States with this!

Just as Xiao Shi, in his lust, was thinking farther and farther away, the book in his hand was suddenly taken away.

"When the teacher talks to you, how can you be half hearted?" Lin Shihan looked sulky, took the book in his hand and said, "what is this?"

For a moment, Xiao Shili was so excited that he forgot that Lin Shihan was still there. When he saw that Baojian had been robbed by her, he was afraid that she would confiscate it. He hurriedly said, "Teacher Lin, this... This is my diary."

"Diary? What are you doing with your diary all of a sudden? " Lin Shihan stares at Xiao Shili suspiciously. His behavior just now is really abnormal. "Is there anything strange in it?"

"No..." Xiao Shili finally calmed down from his excitement. "This is the book I just bought. I'm going to write a diary in the future."

"Really?" Lin Shihan looked at it suspiciously. Sure enough, there was a blank space in it. He gave the book back to Xiao Shili with a snort. "You haven't answered my question, don't you want to?"

A heart fell, after reaction, Xiao Shili immediately turned his lips, "but... Our family doesn't have so much money, please can't afford you..." he was afraid that the beauty would see his ecstatic expression, and he changed his mind, and conveniently put the treasure into his schoolbag.

"Fool." Lin Shihan gently glared at him, his mouth slightly bent up, three percent angry, seven percent smiling, "who said you should give money, if someone else pays me to go, I won't go."


"Well, it's an order. Don't say anything more." But by the end of this semester, you must be in the top ten of the whole class, otherwise, hum

The latter half of the sentence seems to be a threat, but it's actually an encouragement. Maybe she hasn't thought of it yet.

Thank you, Mr. Lin Xiao Shili's words came from his heart. He stood up and bowed to the teacher.

"All right, all right." Lin Shihan was a little unnatural. He picked up his bag from the table and said, "it's late. Let's go."

The two of them walked out of the teaching building together. The afterglow of the evening sun reflected in the corridor, stretching the figure of the boy and the girl long. Lin Shihan's face was set off by the orange color, which made it even more beautiful. Xiao Shili peeked at the girl next to him with his spare light, and thought of the animation "five centimeters per second" that he had seen before. If the girl next to him changed into a colonel's skirt, They are really like a couple of little lovers coming home from school.

He is amused at his idea that 16-year-old Xiao Shili thinks he is a rational person, and his occasional emotional feelings are often denied by himself..

Although I really want to have the impulse to send the girl home, it's still a bit out of time. First, they have different identities, which may lead to a lot of eyes and discussions. Second, their relationship has not reached that stage, and the girl may not agree.

Although the treasure can be used, it seems that the above good values have been used up just now. Without a clear understanding of how to use the treasure, Xiao Shili decided not to be rash.

So after going out of the building, Xiao Shili said byebye to the girl smartly, and then walked out of the school with his pocket in his hand.

But after a few steps, he heard a small scream behind him. Xiao Shili looked back at the sound. Lin Shihan was pushing her pink pedal and standing in the same place with a tangled face.

"What's the matter?" The man put his hands in the bag and folded it back.

"Alas..." Lin Shihan sighed, looked at the motorcycle and did not speak, gathered up her hair which was slightly blown away by the wind.

Xiao Shili went over and squatted down to see that the front and rear wheels were flat, as if they were out of breath. After careful observation, he found that there were two small holes in the outer tube. He saw that they were stabbed with a knife, and he could see it at a glance, because he didn't do it less when he was a child.

"Maybe someone did the prank. These guys are really hateful." Xiao Shi stood up, his face disgusted, but in his heart he was thanking the unfortunate guy( Why bad luck? I'll find out later.)

Lin Shihan was in a good mood, but she suddenly fell down. She also knew that it was a student who did it. It was the first time that she met this kind of thing since she worked. From a girl's psychological point of view, she suddenly became the object of revenge. In addition to sadness, she was also afraid.

Xiao Shili also thinks it's a bit strange. If he wants to puncture a teacher's tire, the teacher will not be a beautiful woman first, and then he will offend himself. Otherwise, he is the kind of teacher that everyone hates. However, such a gentle and beautiful girl as Lin Shihan, who is kind to students, can't happen to her.

Unless there's only one possibility.

girl student. Two words popped out of his head.

Today, after listening to Gao Xiang's introduction, Xiao Shili learned that there are quite a few little girls in this school.

"Miss Lin, have you offended anyone recently?" Xiao Shili asked this question with clear knowledge, and he deliberately accentuated his tone.

Lin Shihan sips her little mouth and thinks about it, then slowly shakes her head. She is still in a trance after being surprised. She doesn't understand why she was treated like this.

"Well..." Xiao Shili made a thoughtful expression, "today I will send you home, tomorrow you will reflect the situation with the school, see how the school deal with it, I believe the person who did it will be found out."

"Well." Lin Shihan nodded helplessly, which was the only way. He was a little afraid, and was told by Xiao Shili that he had no bottom in his heart. He didn't refuse to send him home. If you want to say who you have offended, there is a real person, but it can't be said in front of the students. Thinking of this, her eyebrows are slightly tangled.

"Then you wait for me, I'll park the car back." Xiao Shili took the car from the girl.


Looking at the worried expression of the beauty teacher, Xiao Shili really can't bear it, but since the person who did it is a woman, it's OK. After the big deal, let Gao Xiang send some younger brothers to stare more near the garage.

After a while, Lin Shihan came back and gave Xiao Shili a smile, "OK, let's go."

Everyone can see that she is pretending to smile, big eyes in the depression, it is lingering.

"Mr. Lin, I promise this will never happen again." They walked to the school gate side by side. Xiao Shili said low.

"Well, thank you." Lin Shihan only thought that Xiao Shili was comforting himself. After a smile, he didn't care.

Just as they walked out of the school gate, next to the small flower bed on one side of the school gate, there were four or five people dressed in flowing clothes and little ruffians who were smoking. One of them pointed to the direction of the school gate and said, "look, it's coming out."

"Who the hell is that man?"

"Which class."

"Damn, I'm a nerd at first sight, just when he doesn't exist."

Several people all stood up from the ground. Although they were wearing casual clothes and school sports shoes, they still exposed their identity as students of the school. One of the boys with shaved temples left his cigarette on the ground with a dirty smile in his eyes.

"Zhang Lei, what are you going to do?"

"We've chosen all the places. Go ahead with the plan."

"But you can't do it in a place like that?" One student said.

"What do you know? It's fun to go step by step. Today, I just want to touch her stockings, big buttocks, and pick her small B seams. When she's touched by me, I'll take her out to open a house. I don't want to do whatever I want. " Light sideburns slant corners of the mouth, a confident smile, now the rich family's children think that money can get everything done, regardless of the consequences.

Several other students couldn't help salivating. One of them said, "Zhang Lei, you'll let us have a taste later."

"Don't worry, you are indispensable."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Mr. Lin, where do you live?" Xiao Shili and Lin Shihan are walking on the street at dusk. It's time for them to get off work. There are a lot of pedestrians on the road. Lin Shihan is still very dazzling in the crowd. Xiao Shili constantly feels that his eyes are casting on this side.

"It's near the Xinmen bridge."

Xinmen bridge, isn't that big brother's place? It's a coincidence that Xiao Shili smiles.

"What are you laughing at?" The girl just saw his facial reaction.

"Ha ha, no, I'm just thinking... Look around..."

In addition to people around, Lin Shihan turned his head, almost all the men's eyes were looking at him, the most of them were office workers in suits and shoes, carrying bags in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" The girl looked at her students in bewilderment.

"Look at these people, wearing cheap suits, working at least eight hours a day, and often working overtime. Some people even spend two to four hours a day commuting between home and the company. When they get home, they only have to take a bath and sleep. Among these people, there are many undergraduates from famous universities..." Xiao Shili raised his head. "Is that the meaning of life?"

"Why do you say that? They have just graduated from school and are all working hard for their own future. What's wrong?"

"They just live in a cage."

Lin Shihan turned his head, looked at Xiao Shili for a moment, and gently shook his head. "Children like you always have such complaints. In fact, everyone thinks so, but what can we do? Our society is like this. If you want to survive, you must abide by its rules. How about Xiao Shi leaving you? Do you have an ideal

"My ideal is to break this cage." Xiao Shili said faintly, "at least break my cage. The law of my life will be made by myself, not by anyone."

Lin Shihan looked at the boy, and suddenly she was in a daze. In a flash, she felt a kind of unusual breath on the other side, which was a kind of cold but hot breath that could be forced into people's heart.

"Hiss..." the sound of opening the valve interrupted her thinking and arrived at the bus stop.

"Well, take No.1 bus here and you can go directly to my home. Thank you for taking me here." Lin Shihan stands still, turns around and gently waves to Xiao Shili. She is embarrassed to ask her students to send her home all the time. Besides, Xiao Shili's parents will be worried about it when it's so late.

"Teacher, you haven't asked me where I live?" Xiao Shili's expression was a little uncomfortable. Seeing several men waiting for the bus at the stop sign, he focused on Lin Shihan's skirt. Of course, the four men who were walking behind him all the way made him feel uncomfortable most.

As a matter of fact, shortly after he left school, Xiao Shili found that the four little gangsters behind him were not particularly concerned. The other party's line of four always followed him from a distance. His eyes were like flies, staring at Lin Shihan tightly.

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