See each other a start, Xiao Shili side of the people immediately gathered together, Xiao Shili surrounded in the middle, Gao Xiang and Li Yuanqi were closely guarded on both sides of the boss.

Gao Xiang swung the iron bar and hit one man on the head in the face of the swarming enemy. The man screamed, covered his head and fell to the ground. But at the same time, Gao Xiang also got two legs on his back. The party was soon surrounded by three times more enemies than himself.

Li Yuanqi hung his head down, his eyes staring up. He held the fruit knife tightly in his hand, leaned forward, grabbed an enemy's collar and stabbed him with a knife. This really scared the man. This stab had no reservation, but wanted to kill himself.

He quickly Deng Deng Deng back a few steps, but the blade or stabbed into the skin, "hiss" sound, the flesh was picked out, blood immediately out.

Gao Xiang was surprised to see this scene from Yu Guangzhong. It was the first time that he met such a desperate person in the fight. He looked back at Li Yuanqi, whose eyes were red and crazy. He continued to look for his opponent. At the moment, the image of "little glasses" as cowardly and silent completely disintegrated in Gao Xiang's heart.

Gao Xiang and Li Yuanqi are on both sides of Xiao Shili, trying to attack the enemy in front of them. Several people try to attack Xiao Shili secretly, but they are forced to leave. Especially Li Yuanqi stabs several people in a row, and the enemy begins to fear the little glasses.

Xiao Shili knocked down the three people who were rushing forward. When he met the fourth person, he grabbed each other's hair and pressed it down. He raised his knee and was about to hit each other's face. Suddenly, the knee of the other leg hurt, but he was hit by the other person's stick and got two legs in the back at the same time.

For three times in a row, Xiao Shili couldn't bear it. His knee was numb and his body suddenly lost its support. He fell to the ground.

Although the ten men were brave, they couldn't stand each other. Soon they all lay down on the ground. Gao Xiang got two sticks on his head, and his face was stained red with blood. He leaned up and swore, "Liu Qinglong, I'll make an appointment outside school some other day. Let's ask the master to do it again! I don't believe in you! "

The crowd dispersed. Feilong came over with a smile. He didn't participate in the scuffle just now. There was almost no suspense about this kind of duel. He didn't pay attention to Gao Xiang. He walked slowly to Xiao Shili, who was dragged up from the ground by two people with arms.

"What's the matter, brother Li? I'm not crazy now?" Feilong looked contemptuously at the man with his head down, "I really can't figure out how Gao Xiang followed you? He can't even run his mother's way, and he'll come out and fart. "

Xiao Shili suddenly laughed twice. He couldn't see his face from this angle. He only heard a cold and gloomy voice, "I'll let you know."

"Damn it Feilong got angry and hit Xiao Shili in the face with a fist. The latter's glasses flew out and shook his body.

Gao Xiang and Li Yuanqi's face changed and they struggled to get up, but they were held down by seven or eight people.

"Liu Qinglong, I'll kill your mother. As long as I don't die today, I'll kill your family!" Gao Xiang roared angrily. Li Yuanqi didn't speak, but from the expression on his face, he wanted to bite the fat man in front of him.

"Hum, listen to it. Your little brother is very happy. I'll let them shout more." Feilong waved his hand. As soon as the two nearby let go, Xiao Shili immediately fell to the ground. Feilong moved his wrist, bumped his whole body of fat, and was ready to practice himself.

At this moment, the teenager who seems to have lost his resistance on the ground suddenly sprang up from the ground like a quick cheetah. The speed was so fast that everyone around him, including Gao Xiang and Li Yuanqi, didn't respond. When Feilong made a backward move, a cold feeling was already on his throat.

"Wait..." Feilong's face suddenly showed a trace of fear, but he still insisted on laughing, "do you think that you will win? I don't believe that you really dare to kill me. Come on, try it!"

It seems that this guy looks like a pig on the surface. In fact, he is not a straw bag. Xiao Shili smiles a little and holds the folding knife with his hand. Feilong feels more cool on his neck. It seems that he penetrates into his body through his skin. At the same time, he feels hot and humid. He flows down his neck. Finally, he feels pain.

"Wait, wait..." although he still didn't believe that the other party would kill himself, his fear instinct made him cry out in panic, "something to say... Something to say..."

"Yes, I don't dare to kill you, but I'm afraid that my hand will shake and cut your trachea and vocal cords. I can't control the result." Xiao Shili snorted, "but you don't have to worry about your thick meat."

The feeling of skin cutting is more and more intense. Feilong's heart trembles. This guy is a madman!

"I... I recognize counsellor, I recognize counsellor..." his tone finally softened.

"How to recognize counsels?"

"In the future, in the school, the yield of the protection fee of the three classes will be half of mine and half of yours."

At this time, the remaining nine people who had been knocked down had already got up from the ground. Gao Xiang and Li Yuanqi came to Xiao Shili's side. The former was still on fire, slapping Feilong's head, "what the hell do you say? Again, I didn't hear you

"No... no, Li Ge Qi, I am three..."

"I grass, you don't cry when you don't see the coffin, do you?" Gao Xiang reached out and wanted to fight again.

Xiao Shili suddenly received the knife, "OK, you can go."

Feilong looks at the man in front of him in shock, reaches out his hand and wipes his neck. Gao Xiang and Li Yuanqi look at Xiao Shili with incomprehensible eyes. But since it's the elder brother's order, they dare not say anything.

Gao Xiang shined on Fat Dragon's butt and said, "do you hear me? I want you to get out of here!"

Feilong looked back at Xiao Shili deeply, then left the roof with a group of people in a hurry.

Under the night wind, there were only sticks, steel pipes and scattered blood on the roof. Xiao Shili lit a cigarette and looked up at the night sky. Suddenly, he leaned and fell on his knees.

"Brother Li!"

"Brother Li!"

Gao Xiang and Xiao Shili were startled. Li Yuanqi rolled up his trouser legs and saw that there was a big swelling around his knee. The bulge was full of dark red blood stasis. It looked very scary.

Xiao Shili has been supporting hard since just now. If Gao Xiang and his wife pay attention, they will find that Xiao Shili's right leg is shaking slightly when he forces Feilong with a knife. Now he can't carry it.

"Brother Li, this is not good. We have to go to the hospital quickly!" Gao Xiang couldn't help saying that, so he quickly took Xiao Shi off his back and went downstairs.

"It's OK, minor injury, just go to the clinic nearby." Said the man on his back.

After a few steps down, Gao Xiang asked, "brother Li, I don't understand one thing. In that case, there is still room for Feilong to give in. Why do you let him go so easily?"

"It's not good for both sides to push one side to a dead end. Liu Qinglong is a dog that can only bite people. If we stop him today, it doesn't mean he won't fight back in the future. It's also a means to achieve his goal to leave some leeway within the acceptable limits of both sides." Xiao Shili explained with a slightly weak voice.

"Then how do you know that he will promise us what we offer today and will not bite us again in the future?"

Xiao Shili sneered, "because he knew I would kill him."

When the party came to the corner of the stairs, Li Yuanqi suddenly cried.

"Hey, hey, you... Are you ok?" When Gao Xiang heard the sound of sniffling, he looked back in a daze, which was far from the image of a cold faced killer in his impression just now.

"I finally did it, I finally did it..." Li Yuanqi murmured, "I finally fought and stabbed people. From today on, I will never be bullied again..."

He kept repeating this sentence, and the doubts in Xiao Shili's heart were finally solved. It turned out that from just now on, he had been supporting himself with the obsession in his heart. Too strong obsession made him forget his nature, so he could be so crazy on the rooftop. However, as soon as the environment calmed down, his high load heart broke down and burst the dike.

"Don't worry." Xiao Shili put the lit cigarette into each other's mouth, "from today on, Li Yuanqi will not be bullied by anyone."

Li Yuanqi was stunned for a while, then took a hard breath, choked and coughed, and a group of people laughed loudly.

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